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Everything posted by Rooker75

  1. The older Beth games can all disable gore in their ini files. This is for Fallout 3, but since it will be the same old game engine with a new coat of wax, it will probably work fine: http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_8.html Foul language probably can't be helped though. Invest in a comfortable pair of headphones.
  2. I'm really disgusted with Nvidia's behavior with Gameworks, to the point that I honestly don't want to buy another of their cards. Even if it means spending hundreds more to get an AMD card that plays games as well as a lesser Nvidia card with proprietary optimizations, I'm seriously considering doing just that. I'm not sure I can blame Bethesda (or CD Projekt or other devs) for cooperating (collaborating?), though I wish one of the major studios would stand up to them and tell them where to stick their Gameworks terms. I read somewhere last week that Nvidia are planning to force people to create an account with them and give over all sorts of personal info in order to install optimized driver updates. They really have gone off the deep end in the pool of greed. Since Beth insists on once again recycling Gamebryo, there will probably be plenty of performance gains to be had through Fallout.ini tweaking. You know they'll optimize it for the Xbox anyway, so there should be plenty of room to tweak settings for PCs without losing quality. I play Skyrim without too much trouble on a PC that doesn't even meet the minimum reqs, but it took considerable tweaking to manage it. That doesn't help with other games though. Nvidia's behavior really is abhorrent.
  3. I haven't noticed it myself since the day after my first post. Been working fine. Kind of feel like the guy whose car makes a funny noise but won't do it for the mechanic.
  4. That's a little complicated. My butt is parked in a chair in central Georgia, USA, but all my internet comes from a satellite, which bounces the packets off a data center god only knows where. The main Network Operations Center is in Germantown, Maryland, but they load balance with smaller NOCs all over the USA. Google and other sites that attempt to pick a local location for me always seem to think I'm in Texas, Kansas, Arizona or some other place thousands of miles away from where I'm actually sitting.
  5. Yeah, that's what I mean. Web acceleration uses proxy servers. Disabling that does work for me when it starts happening. We're probably on different satellites and modems. Mine's an older HN9000 using the Spaceway satellite..
  6. I assume admins can see my IP address when I post. If knowing the IP addresses I'm using helps, the 1st post was while using the proxy service. This post is with the proxy service turned off.
  7. I've been having connection issues to the Nexus the last few days. The connection keeps stalling, then getting reset before anything loads. It's the mod pages for (as far as I can tell) all the games, although the actual message board seems to be fine. I have satellite internet, which is extremely laggy due to the need for packets to go back and forth to orbit. Hughesnet speeds that up a bit by using proxy servers. If disable the proxy service in my modem, I can load the Nexus sites fine, but they're not loading with the proxy activated. And it seems to come and go, sometimes they load, sometimes they don't. This may be entirely my ISPs fault, since they did just have two long outages this month and they've never been the most competent, but if you've done something new to the servers or the cdn in the last week, it may be causing an issue for me.
  8. I don't use ENB or any lighting mods. I am using Climates of Tamriel, but I think this is a vanilla weather type.
  9. There is a particular weather type that annoys me greatly and I'd like to disable it. Is there a way ingame -- a console command or something -- to identify the editor ID of the weather in the current cell so I can track it down in the CK? Specifically, it's that super bright, super clear weather that makes it impossible to see in snowy/icy areas. Even if I use the console to force another weather type, it keeps switching back to it after a few seconds.
  10. So this seems kinda bad If you've had Steam offline for a while, you might want to check that your account is still under your own control. If you've never enabled Steam Guard or two-factor auth, this would be the time.
  11. "Most people don't know, but our very own Skyrim DLC has zero DRM. We shipped Oblivion with no DRM because we didn't like how it affected the game." Bull. Skyrim requires Steam. So does Oblivion, if you buy the GotY. If you buy the disc, it has cd checking DRM. New Vegas also requires Steam. I'm happy you haven't joined the race to create the most obnoxious forms of DRM ever made the way Ubisoft, Rockstar and EA all have, but don't lie to us Bethesda. You do ship games with DRM.
  12. The sky isn't falling on the modding community just because now you can officially make money doing it. Look at the app store on your phone and look at all the fantastic free (totally free, not just ad-supported) apps that are as good or better than the ones you have to pay for. We make and use mods for these games because we love them. Modding was born when it wasn't entirely legal to mod games, it will survive the stage where a profit can be had from doing it.
  13. Well, you ever get that working, I'll download it and go make some popcorn.
  14. Has a fix ever been made or discovered for Vilkas, Farkas, and Aela acting like guards? I have a bounty in another hold and it's triggering their pursuit behavior and I can't figure out how to make them knock it off. I intend to keep the bounty active and will not be clearing it. I used the console to remove them from the guard faction, which seems like that alone would have fixed the problem. I reset their AI, did an EVP, killed and resurrected them and still they come running every time. It's been four years, surely someone has figured out how to fix this?
  15. A lot of problem reports on its talk page but I'll play around with it. Thx
  16. I'm back to Skyrim after about 2 years. I'm wondering if there are any mods or tweaks to fix a few aggravating issues that I see are still there after the latest Beth patch. Combat: Has anyone found a way to hotkey weapons to the left hand so I can dual wield without constantly opening the fav menu? (ok, found a mod for this one) Or how to make it select best arrows after the current type runs out instead of switching to the worst? Werewolves: Did anyone ever figure out how to make 1st person usable when in beast mode? (Same question for vampire lords too, I guess) Or how to fix the attack button not registering the fact that I'm pressing so it actually attacks?
  17. Bingo, that's just what it was. Skytweak and Realistic Ragdolls both had overriding ini settings. I didn't even know you could override the game's ini settings like that. Thanks muchly.
  18. I've got some camera tweaks in my skyrim.ini, but the game won't use them until I open the console and use the refini command. When I do that, the tweaks work fine. Next time I restart the game after exiting, I have to do refini again. Is something broken here or did I forget a step?
  19. Well, I guess I don't need to add it as a non-Steam game after all. It just got here and what's the first thing I see when I open the box? "This is a Steam game." Good work on the bait & switch there, Amazon / Hitbox Gaming. I'd be pretty annoyed right now if I hadn't already planned to use the overlay anyway. If I'd wanted the Steam version, I'd have bought it on Steam.
  20. I have a terrible PC, so that doesn't sound like something I'd use anyway. I'll choose the overlay over that. Being able to read a wiki without tabbing out or exiting it is way too convenient. Hopefully Beth figures out the witchcraft of letting a game alt-tab to desktop without it crashing before they finish Fallout 4.
  21. On that page, under the info for Steam users section, what is the MGE thing it's talking about? "You need to disable the Steam Overlay for MGE to work." I'm not planning to get the Steam version, but I was going to add it to the library as a non-steam game anyway so I could use the overlay. It's the one thing about Steam I don't despise.
  22. Thx for the link, Holla. I'll bookmark it. Yeah, I've read about the action failing thing at the uesp wiki and it sounds like a terrible mechanic. I'm not even going to bother with the vanilla leveling if it's like Oblivion. I was thinking of using this: http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/23676/?. It sounds nearly identical to what I use for Oblivion. From what I can tell, enemies don't level with the player like in Oblivion, right? So it's okay to level up without making myself weaker in comparison the way it is in Oblivion? That'll be a welcome change. Also, there's an unarmored skill, but it requires you to be wearing armor before it takes effect? WTF Bethesda? I can see I'll need to mod the hell out of this game.
  23. I'll be playing Morrowind for the first time soon. I'm very familiar with Oblivion and Skyrim, but I know basically nothing about Morrowind. I have heard a few times that there are some terrible mechanics that make it frustrating. What kind of facepalm-worthy things can I expect? /edit: Also, I haven't bought it yet. Is there any reason why I wouldn't want to buy the GotY from Amazon? It's cheaper than the Steam version (and I don't like Valve and hate spending money with them). I do intend to mod it, so I won't tolerate a DRM-encrypted version like you'd get from Impulse or Direct2Drive.
  24. Well there we go. Thanks. I swear, the CS is just similar enough to the GECK/CK that what's different will drive you nuts.
  25. I want to make a cubic activator so I can run a script when NPCs walk into it and I can't seem to figure out how to create one in the CS. In the Fallout GECKs you just click a toolbar button and there it is. Is this not possible in the CS or is it called something else or... ?
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