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Everything posted by Demetori

  1. Hello Tesnexus, I was wondering if there is a way to change my characters speed? I would like to make him slower, to make it more realistic. Is there a way to do this? Thank you.
  2. I remember walking out of a bar and into a street which looked a little like Banana split better cities, except there were golden cars driving around, I noted how weird this was in dream, and that there shouldn't be cars in IC or Oblivion at all. :laugh:
  3. I recommend turning off all your mods and seeing if that fixes anything, go up the list and test each one which may be causing it.
  4. Looking forward to this mod, you have my support!
  5. Hello and welcome to the forums! Hope to see you around.
  6. Perhaps I put this in the wrong section, sorry if I did. Bumping, please!
  7. Hello TesNexus, I was wondering where the location of the player voice files (example: Getting hit and him "Ahh, Gah, GUH" or him/her swinging a weapon making grunts) I don't like the sounds of the default ones and would like to change them, and I've had trouble finding them, so help is always appreciated. Thanks!
  8. I love this game, didn't take me long to finish it, but I'm got keen on starting it up again since I have to go through all the junk when you take the true ending route. Being stupid I used the glitch to open the last door without doing what was neccesary first, and I am now stuck in an endless loop of not finishing it but finishing it at the same time. Hahaha. :biggrin: I want to keep playing since it was an amazing game. Duty all the way!
  9. For me, I like to use these mods: Akatosh Mount by Saiden Storm Crowded cities by Bykwrm13 Imperial Legion Disguise Kvatch Rebuilt Loading screens by Trollf No more annoying messages by Mackeman And those that improve the look like the natural environments and all natural.
  10. I've put the spirited away soundtrack into mine and it fits so beautifully, I suggest OST's from SA like Dragon boy, nighttime coming, the House at swamp bottom, a road to somewhere, the empty resuraunt. The Fable soundtrack also works nicely in there.
  11. Hahaha, I wasn't sure when to post the birthday topic since I live in a different timezone to you, it seems. :biggrin: Well, have a good one tomorrow then, ahaha~
  12. Happy birthday to this guy, as you all know he's a great member and friend! Keanu, when you get back from partying tell us how it went! http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/7718/portalcake.jpg
  13. For monsters, you could ask permission from LHammonds and Jerros to use their werewolves from the Lost Paladins of the Divine which look amazing, they'd be really scary as shadow monsters.
  14. A must for evil characters is the imperial guard disguise mod, which can be used to switch guard uniforms all over and they wont recognise you, and your bounty will only be on the disguise you wore. And the RenGuardOverhaul is also a must! Very awesome for evil characters. The populated cities is great fun, almost endless killing sprees!
  15. That's a cool signature, I used to make them back-in-the-day. The colours work well together Keep up the good work, Your name! :biggrin:
  16. I played it a while after I started playing Oblivion, I'm now bored with the Shivering Isles and haven't found half the locations yet. I recommend finishing the MQ perhaps.
  17. Gotta love those thread tags. :biggrin: I crack up everytime I read them. Hilarious thread, was a good read. :thumbsup:
  18. Nononono.. I have that version, I'm talking about this version with the kick ass helmet Have you looked at all the downloads in the lich king armor download? Looks like Lich Kings helm - Shadow could be what you're looking for. I'm watching this thread, since that horse is awesome. :laugh:
  19. Assassins Creed 1 was repetitive, and Assassins Creed II improved that greatly, so Brotherhood is going to be amazing. I can't wait! Huge fan of the series, I love everything about it. I recommend it to everyone.
  20. Fable is terrible. Where do I begin? Assload of loading screens, few choices on class. If you're obsessive compulsive, forget about it (character scarring, aging, etc). Totally linear gameplay. Some really BAD exploits (merchanting, quest glitches, etc). Thats just stuff off the top of my head, and I haven't played that in 3 years. Ever heard of personal opinion?
  21. Yeah, there are some times where I feel like turning it off for a while, but when that happens I check out some mods which make it fun again. After playing Oblivion on a laptop lowest settings 5FPS, and then getting a new PC and can now run it on max settings, it really makes thing WAY more fun, you could play it with low settings for a while, and one day turn them all on. It'll make things seem way more interesting.
  22. Try Fable: The lost chapters, it has a great soundtrack and story that'll keep you hooked for ages. Werewolves, Bandits, Magic, archery, sword fighting etc.
  23. After using an intergraded chipset family thing on a Dell laptop, and getting only 5fps lowest settings on Oblivion just days ago let me tell you with a NVIDIA GeForce GT 240 it's such an improvement. Max settings and great fps, I can't believe it. :biggrin:
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