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Everything posted by saadus

  1. Enjoy the time you have left with the people you love the most. Make those special times even more special. Always keep in mind that, no matter how bad things get, you have a loving family waiting for you the moment you get back. I have not served in the Armed Forces, but I do have family members that have. Good luck, and come back safe.
  2. I simply can't hold my mouth shut. I am going to be a dad in June! =) Planning on getting married soon after. Wish me luck! (Advice will be helpful. Slightly terrified of the prospect, to be honest!)
  3. Yes....yes....YES! I been looking for a Neverwinter Nights 2 Modding Website but I could never find it. Now.....I am ready about to lose 36 hours of my life just browsing. Thanks you, Dark0ne.
  4. I am going to be a Dad!
  5. Life isn't worth living, unless it is lived for someone else. Albert Einstein
  6. Thanks for the list. Now I know where I can get started at =)
  7. It is truly sad how many idiots there truly are on the Nexus that insist on having their viewpoint forced on everyone. Respect each others opinions, stop the insults, AND MOVE ON. I started reading these posts to see what I could possibly fix when CK comes out. It started as the thread should but now, after 6 pages, ends up being a giant spat between a few people. Respect each others opinion, dont cram yours down other peoples throat. Now, we know the problems, can we discuss fixing them?
  8. Skyrim is out and all we have to do is wait for modding tools. However, if you are willing, I still need voices so that we are not delayed. If you want to help, please sign up for a character and we can get started! I am looking forward to creating this mod with all of you. :thumbsup:
  9. Hello. First things first, lets get introductions out of the way. I am Saadus, founder of Eccentric. Eccentric is a rather small modding group that has several projects in mind. As most of you know, our only project completed is 28 Days and a bit 4 - ZOMBIES. However, even as we work on the 28 Days mod, we also are making a stand-alone TC mod called Home of Darkness. With so little team members, we are unable to complete progress fast enough. With Skyrim arriving right over the horizon, more of our mods will have to be made, including Friend or Foe: Kingdoms of War and Inuyasha Mod. We can only do so much by ourselves. We need modelers. We need texturist. We need scripters. And we definitely need animators. Even if you are new to the modding world, you can still join. If you wish to be part of this, to be part of something big, something grand, something marvelous, then please, message me either through the Nexus Messaging System or my website. Eccentric Website
  10. What? It would add a lot of role play value. Why on Earth would I save the world for a bunch of strangers? I don't even LIKE people. Now with a kid. I must defeat the dragons in order to protect my child =P It helps add story to it. As I said earlier, Bethesda should concentrate more on fixing bugs and other problems, tweak the physics before release. But honestly, when the Skysim mod comes out, who won't download it? I know I will be downloading right away.
  11. Doesn't have to be like Fable, which managed to solve the baby aging problem by having the kids pop out at the age of 5? 6? Pretty young, but old enough to walk, talk, and make a fuss for allowance. However, it should be a mod instead of in Vanilla, because, as said earlier, that time can and should be used to fix bugs in the game. As for nudity......MOD NOT VANILLA. They want to make it rating M not AO.
  12. I will make everyone nonessential and kill everyone in the game =)
  13. Extremely happy =)
  14. I am merely pointing out the fact that I don't see a City Guard paying huge amounts of coin, going through the Black Sacrament, and then sicing an assassin on some1.
  15. If you are a good character, Dark Brotherhood assassins (unless you already joined), bounty hunters, and the like will come after you. If you are evil, then Guards, soldiers, and bounty hunters will come after you. (No Good Guy hires the Dark Brotherhood)
  16. On the optimest side of things, he could purposely be trying not to get us all hyped up because they are working on vampirism to make it newer. The moment they are sure vampirism is MUCH better, they will then release it in full =). (P.S. Yes, I realize that this is wishful thinking)
  17. Vampire, depending on the type of lore. I loved the Legacy of Kain vampires. No sun, no water, awesome evolutionary powers. ;) However, if both is possible.... *kills all of Skyrim* Speaking of which, what are the werewolves abilities as well? What will be their weaknesses and downsides? And will we be able to infect others with our disease and create followers? It would be awesome to create my own clan of vampire/werewolf hybrids =)
  18. I leave for 200 years and you can't keep an empire together?! *smacks High Chancellor Octa*
  19. Agreed, frackle, agreed. I don't go to Gamestop. Do they have cheaper prices there?
  20. I started a petition, but if I have too, I will be forced to buy Steam just to help out the modding community. Another reason for waiting is so that all the bugs are found, squashed, and new things added that were forgotten during release.
  21. I hope Magicka becomes rather rare also. When everyone in the game can do it, it loses its uniqueness. (Beggers in Oblivion can cast magick, now how special do you feel now?)
  22. I...hate....Steam... I think I will wait for prices to settle before I think of getting Skyrim.
  23. My theme music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKhoqtRAi2M
  24. Exactly, so now is the perfect time to discuss what we want. I want children to be able to fight for one thing. To be able to wield weapons (badly or good). The player's children can become followers, and the player can teach him/her skills.
  25. Well, children have been confirmed for other NPC's right?
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