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Everything posted by saadus

  1. No, but if someone did that to my wife, prison would be the least of his worries. I wouldn't kill him, but he wouldn't be able to use his hands again. If he had killed her, then yes, HeyYou has the right to order the man's death.
  2. Forget our morals? Are you seriously saying that we should dispense with every single right-or-wrong aspect that has been taught either by another or by cruel and nice experiences? I don't know what true human nature is, and I can't hazard a guess except there isn't one. Some people are born with natural goodness, and some are born with the other brand. I will mostly argue Freewill in this matter, but that's not the point I am trying to make. How can any of us actually know what human nature is when we are so diverse, both in thought and reason? However, my conscience is clear on the matter at end. Anyone with the audacity to take an innocent life should not be given the benefit of pity or compassion. We may mourn the circumstances that lead to the murder, but we should not mourn the man himself. I would be more then happy myself to pull the trigger on anyone who threatens me, my family, or my friends. I am usually a gentle, empathetic man, but I wrath is all the more because of it. If killing a murderer is wrong, then I won't lose any sleep tonight, that I can assure you. If someone was to break into your home and threaten your loved ones, would you meekly stand aside and allow them to pillage your home, with your family cowered into a corner? Would you try to empathized with a man that is pointing a gun in your face or in your wife's face? Maybe it's your children's face, or your bother's, sister's, mother's?
  3. Morals ARE emotional. You can't have morals without emotion. Morals dictate what is right and wrong. Right and wrong are the basis of justice. Without emotion, we will be dictated by logic, which can lead to horrific conclusions. Read a Modest Proposal, perhaps the best of any satire work. It solved every problem, without emotion. Technically, it was correct. However, our emotion, our morals, told us it was wrong. That it shouldn't be done, even when logically it should.
  4. @marharth I am stating facts. The moment someone kills a child or equally heinous act, their days are numbered. If Prison doesn't kill them, someone else will for their atrocity. Then it will be emotional and drawn out. However, the State has the power to kill them with mercy. The State isn't emotion and it will be quick and painless. What's more merciful? A quick, painless end with lethal injection or being locked up with inmates that WILL make the convicted suffer for what they did? @Mattlittlej Any system headed by humans will be flawed. However, some people are locked up for life because of a crime they did not commit and are never released.
  5. Duct tape as a substitute. That will keep it in line =)
  6. Why should people. who kill children, their mothers or their fathers, be allowed to live? They took away something valuable out of this world forever, and there is no getting it back. Why should scum who take away something like that be allowed to live? In case of extreme coercion, then yes, there should be a mitigated punishment, such as life-sentence. However, for those not under any external coercion, then why on Earth would you want those people alive? I don't watch the News anymore. Every time I do, I hear about how a mother killed her children, or a man was shot to death. Do we want people like that even in our prisons? Leave a child-murderer in a prison, most likely the inmates will kill him anyway, most likely in a painful, drawn-out process. So, life in prison, which would be about two years before you finally get stabbed and watch your guts pool out around you on the floor, or we can do something quick and instantaneous, like lethal injection or a bullet to the head.
  7. New idea for murders, rapists, and so on and so forth. The best part is that it is cheap, just the cost of a .357 bullet! Line them against the wall and aim for the head. Quick and simple. Not so clean. We are a society of hypocrites. We want roads fixed (playing on example before) but when we get people to do it, its not right. Also, I would not want any criminals in the military. Given that sort of training, when they are released that could cause some pretty and destructive results.
  8. booking a vacation there now. :thumbsup: I take it I need to lock my doors at night?
  9. I used to have one, but it was banned because I supposedly lied about what school I go to because I didn't accept friends from there. If I wanted to talk to them, I could talk to them at school, you dappy machine! @ginnyfizz Sounds like something I would reply with, lmao.
  10. @Werne Where on Earth do you live so I can move there? Where I live, knowledge is very scarce and disappointing... =( Sucks to know everything and to be the only one to know everything. (Before the trolls sic me, yes, that was an exaggeration) @Syco21 He didn't call you a dumba** but only said you would be considered one if you lived there. Since you don't live there, you are not considered a...well, what was posted above. No argument, only valid points are made. And the Titanic was world history. That was during a time we thought we were God-like, that we could do anything and everything if we set our minds to it. The Titanic embodied that belief. We grew arrogant and that arrogance was our downfall. Mother Nature, God, Universe, what ever you belief in, back handed us and showed us that we are not God-like, but still have a long way to go. Now, if that doesn't convince you, let's get this topic back on it's proper tracks and not devolve into a debate or an argument. Each to their own opinion. If you want to continue the debate, PM each other and leave the general public out of it. Thanks.
  11. Considering how much our politicians think and how close the other acts came to pass, I say it will be dancing on the knife edge between passing to the President and falling down into obscurity. Then it will have to go past the President, which considering his stance on ACTA and SOPA, he will veto it. After that, its a flip of a coin. EDIT: Of course the companies would switch sides. Now they get to read all that juicy information from our computers. :facepalm: There should be a day - just one - where it is open season on Congress....
  12. @Syco21 It changed the way ship safety is handled. The Ship Safety standards you know today are because of the Titanic sinking. I call that pretty important all by itself. Also, it was considered unsinkable to the point where they said God couldn't even sink it. Naturally, they were wrong, and it was a rather humbling experience. Never since as a ship been considered unsinkable by the standard the Titanic was.
  13. Whats bad is that employers are not the only ones asking for such information. Some college professors require access to your FB and Twitter in order for you to be in class as well. And now public schools go through their students facebooks. It is a good thing I don't use Twitter or Facebook, but god *censored* it, it is still a major invasion of privacy. I know that one of my friends were kicked out of school because he was drinking out of a red cup in one of his pictures. *There was no alcohol*
  14. Whats bad is it is not just employers asking for this information.
  15. To go on from the post above, try the Silmarillion after Lord of the Rings. And, if your into it, try Timothy Zahn's Heir to the Empire trilogy for the Star Wars Saga.
  16. I think I had a minor aneurysm from reading some of those posts already. :facepalm: I used to be obsessed with the Titanic when I was eight or seven (ten years ago). Watched all sorts of doccumentaries and films over it. How can people be so ignorant of history?
  17. lol my first computer was custom built, I have no clue on any of its specs (too little to care about specifics). I remember playing Carmageddon with my dad all the time on it. First game I ever played on a PC.
  18. lol I listened to foreign language music, including Japanese, German, and some Latin =P How come those aren't listed?
  19. lmao I told my dad I wrecked his car into his motorcycles and Photoshoped a picture of it this year. Last year, I had fake piercings =P
  20. Thanks for being supportive, everyone. I can't quite express how much it means to me. Predicted due date is June 14. Simply can't wait. :biggrin:
  21. It fighting games (and I am talking about the Soul Calibur series and Mortal Kombat) it didn't mean anything to me. In fact, I played Taki more often then not (not happy with Soul Calibur V, btw) However, in an RPG, I prefer to play my own gender.
  22. This sucks, lol. I just spent $30 at Gamestop for the complete series. I could have got it for $7?! Where is my return receipt?
  23. lol she will box my ears (she did once already!) if I made her take care of him all the time (yes, its a boy :laugh: )
  24. Thanks for the advice so far. As for sleepless nights, I slept through an earthquake. I doubt if thats going to be a problem ;) Babysitters? 'fraid my soon-to-be-bride will take that role. What I am afraid of is the diapers...God, the diapers.
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