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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. Last time I had to do it, after installing Vortex, and creating Skyrim SE profile, it suggested installing SKSE. So I got the proper version of SKSE from skse.silverlock.org, and Vortex pretty much did everything for me. It put SKSE icon on my Vortex dashboard for SSE. Then, the game can be launched by clicking the SKSEicon on dashboard, or just clicking the launch icon on the game tile in upper left.
  2. You are making no sense. Location of an NPC has nothing to do with their head parts. How EXACTLY did you accomplish "moving those NPCs to a different location". As in, describe the process step by step.
  3. Mods with dialogue.... I would not touch at all. Mods that serve as masters for other mods - I would leave those alone as well. Mods that add new NPCs... doable, but you will need to do some file renaming under facegendata directories. Mods that rely on things like SPID to distribute stuff - you would need to edit their distro files and REALLY be knowing what you are doing. Mods that provide various head parts (hair, eyes, brows etc), if you compact them, any presets created against non-compact version will no longer work.
  4. Check Remodeled Armors SSE Imperial Light/Medium/Heavy:
  5. It is really about your methodology. I prefer to put files directly under SSE structure when working, but in subdirectories clearly for my mod. And include mod descriptor in any scripts. However, in Vortex, you can setup your mod in its staging area and work there, just deploy before testing. P.S. One thing I would like to see in Vortex is a kind of a file database browser. Where I could essentially open game's folder in a special window, and browse its subdirectories, and it would write next to each file it is a vanilla or is added by a mod. With some color coding for vanilla, single mod-owned, or conflicted between multiple mods. Right now, if I want to find out which mod owns a particular file in the structure, I have to rename the file, and then deploy mods, at which point Vortex gives me a warning about the file that got changed.
  6. Clues: 1. BHUNP has CBPC among its requirements. Means you are supposed to install CBPC first. So BHUNP should be 'after' CBPC 2. Check the conflicting files - most likely, they are configuration (.ini) files for CBPC, to behave more in line with BHUNP. Or, it could be the collision meshes. (.nif) Again, you want to use ones for BHUNP. So yeah, BHUNP goes after.
  7. I prefer Vortex as well... that said, I don't think MO2 is as 'primitive' as you claim....
  8. Nexus mod manager (NMM) is no longer really an option. The 'official' mod manager for Nexus is Vortex, which is what I prefer. There is a number of guides on setting things up. But generally it is SKSE first, and then whatever else you need.
  9. Err, Borgakh RefID is 5B688, not 58688. And yes, when submitting and id in console, leading zeros can be skipped.
  10. So you say, if you type in console ''prid 5b688", it does not recognize the RefID? And then "moveto player" does not work? Some mod must be overloading the cell she starts in. (Interior: MorKhazgurLaraksLonghouse) Load up SSEEDIT, expand Skyrim.esm - Cell - Block 7 - Sub-Block 3 - 5B5DD (MorKhazgurLaraksLonghouse) - Temporary - 5B688 (BorgakhREF) and see what overloads it.
  11. The problem is likely a reserved alias. If one quest loads a reference into alias as "reserved", no other quest can load same reference into uts alias unless alias has "allow reserved" property. And a quest can't start if it can't load all of its aliases. So the solution would be to find which quest is holding on to that alias...
  12. Here, however is something I made (attached: SetNPCWeight.7z) I made it cause for some reason, when I use 'setnpcweight' command on High Poly Head NPCs, it instantly crashes my game. This mod requires UIExtensions The spell book is on a barrel next to Delphine's room in Sleeping Giant Inn in Riverwood, but you can also just use console. In your mod manager, check in which slot this mod installs (one of the 'FE') Say, if this mod is FE(0B7), in the game, you just do: player.addspell fe0b7800 When you cast this spell on an NPC, it pops a text entry window, you enter desired weight, NPC fades away and then comes back at new weight. SetNPCWeight.7z
  13. You really got this messed up. First picture, console clearly states that Karliah record is now coming from Bijin mod. Except head mesh is clearly mismatched, so you are getting a facegenned head. You really should not be touching your mods, just leave them as they are. Second picture, yeah, that's Nether's and look fine. Nether's also states that it includes a script that will fix the NPC weight in order to remove the neck gap. Third pic, that's a clearly 0 weight head on a 32 weight body. Not sure what that patch is for. Fourth pic, after setnpcweight command, that is expected - you are currently getting a facegen head. And you likely don't have the hair and eyes mods used by LK's, which is why she is bald, with default brown eyes. At that point , after you used setnpcweight 0 command and she turned ugly, what you need to do is open your console again, click Karliah, and type: disable she will disappear, then type: enable And she should reappear looking her normal self and without the neck gap
  14. Ok, looking at mods in question: Vanilla Karliah is weight 0. Nether's is 32. And LK's is again 0. So if you started the game with Nether's, you will be set at 32. And with LK, you need to use 'setnpcweight 0' I would be wary, though - it looks like Nether's makes a lot of changes to Karliah's skill set, while LK's is just a visual replacer, and will clobber the changes from Nether.
  15. Yes, Nexus forbids linking to certain sites... like the one you mention in your first post.
  16. First, If NPC looks they way they are supposed to and not with a black ugly face, your load order is fine. The neck gap is caused by mod changing a baked-in NPC weight mid-game. Do this: start game and at main menu, open console and use commands: coc elsweyr player.placeatme 1b07f Which will place in a tiny test cell and summon Karliah. Check that she has no neck gap now. If she does, something is wrong with the mod itself. In your save, you open console, click on NPC, and do comands: setnpcweight 20 (or whatever target weight) disable enable.
  17. Are you crashing instantly upon entering the trade UI? Where is your mouse cursor at the time? You click on the dialogue option of what they got an your cursor stays in that same spot as trade window opens? Can you try,, the moment you click the dialogue, move mouse cursor to top or bottom of screen? Cause if you are crashing upon entering only SOME merchant trade windows, you potentially have a corrupt mesh or texture of some item(s) that they offer. And upon entering the trade window, your mouse cursor is on one of those items. If you rapidly moved cursor to top upon clicking diualogue, and game did not crash, try mousing over items offered. And see if game crashes upon mousing over something specific. Also, try this: launch game, and from main menu, open console and type in 'coc riverwood'. You will spawn outside Riverwood with a brand new game. Try going to Lucan's shop and trading with him. See if you still crash.
  18. Yes, the tintmask looks good already, you just need to place and name it properly, as I detail above. And yeah, with this base color, she is going to look rather pale. And I would also recommend to check the head mesh .nif, just in case, to make sure it points at correct tintmask in the head textures. Like here, I check Data\Meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom\Skyrim.esm\0001C197.nif:
  19. You need the overlays mod (SFO or Koralina or whatever) installed only in order to generate the tintmask in Racemenu. You do not need to locate/copy/include any of the overlay textures. Those are just masks, anyway. You go into Racemenu, and on tabs like Colors and Makeup, you pick the overlays you want. I will generally first click a color picker for an overlay, set its alpha to 100 and its lightness to 0 so it is solid black. Then I hit T to choose a texture for this overlay. Once I find what I like , I can adjust its color and alpha accordingly. Once you got the looks you want (I recommend saving it as a preset at this point), you go into Sculpt, and export the head. When you do that, racemenu will generate the head mesh and a tintmask texture. And this tintmask texture is going to have the base skin tone color, and it will have all the selected overlays at their color and transparency, baked in. Specifically, for my Faralda exersize above, this is her tintmask, before and after. As you can see, it now freckles baked in, along with blush and eye makeup.
  20. Yeah, and I am using freckles from Skin Feature Overlays SE - same thing.
  21. Define "crashing game"? Crashing when you enter the shop and see the merchant? Crashing when talking to one? Crashing when you enter the trading UI? Crashing while going through their inventory?
  22. Another option, if you are handy with image editors, is to edit the tintmask texture directly. Locate the tintmask of the NPC in question under textures\actors\chatracter\facegendata\facetint, add a solid color layer, locate the freckles texture you want and use it as mask for that layer.
  23. Case in point - I use Taevyr Nyr preset (Thalmor variant) with some changes as Faralda replacer in my setup. So I go to Racemenu, load my Faralda preset and add some freckles. Then I go to Sculpt tab, F5, and export the head as 'Faralda_freckled'. Now, in my Data\SKSE\Plugins\Chargen\, I have Faralda_freckled.dds Faralda is a vanilla NPC with BaseID 0001C197, so I go to Data\Textures\Actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\Skyrim.esm\, I rename 0001C197.dds to 0001C197_backup.dds. Then I copy over Faralda_freckled.dds, and rename it to 0001C197.dds And here is Faralda, before and after:
  24. This is how you do it, if you just want to change the look of the skin (i.e. add freckles) Get the follower looking the way you want in Racemenu. Freckles and all. Oh, if you change the main skin tone, make sure to write down the RGB values for it. In the 'Sculpt' tab, use F5 to Export head. Lets say you export it under name "follower1". After you export the head, go to Data\SKSE\Plugins\Chargen, there will be files "follower1.nif" and "follower1.dds". The .dds file is the one you need. You need to know the name of the .esp plugin file for this follower. Let's say it is "MyFollower.esp". Go to Data\textures\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceTint\MyFollower.esp\ Assuming this mod contains only one NPC, there will be just a single texture file in there, named as BaseID of the follower. (i.e. 00000D64.dds) Copy the file from step 3 into this directory, rename original file as ,say, 00000D64_backup.dds, and rename the new file as 00000D64.dds Note: if you use Vortex, it will complain the file has changed next time you deploy. Tell it to keep the new version of file. If you use MO2, you will likely need to do the above mentioned file replacement in your follower mod's staging directory. Follower BaseID: If you open your follower plugin in CK, and look at the Actor record of the follower, it will have a FormID something like '02000D64' . Or maybe '0300A34B'. Regardless, you just need to replace the first two digits with 0s, so it becomes like 00000D64 or 0000A34B. Leading 0's are important. If you changed the skin tone of the NPC, then you need to open that NPC record in CK, go to 'Character Gen Parts' tab, and under 'Face Tinting Color' section, enter the RGB values of the new skin tone. Otherwise you will have a body/head color mismatch.
  25. AddItem first got broken at AE update. (1.6.*), I switched to QUI. QUI got broken (for me) at 1.6.1130 update. I have since been using Simple Mod Item Spawner . It is fully Papyrus based - no .dll. One thing I somewhat miss from AddItem is ability to search by specific item name across all mods.
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