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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. The "Local map" is just a generated top-down view of the cell, created from the floor textures. Minus anything flagged as 'hide from local map'. There is this: HD Local Map, but it is likely outdated, since it is a .dll
  2. Assuming it is this mod, you got the .esp name wrong. Outfit = 0x845~armors of the velothi pti - my version by xtudo.esp|DLC2RRGaldrusHlervu
  3. A 'Sound' property is filled with a Sound Marker object, not Sound Descriptor. So, if you specifically want it to play the sound from "MagMysticismSoulTrapCaptureSD" descriptor, you create a new Sound Marker form, name it however you want, and choose MagMysticismSoulTrapCaptureSD as its descriptor. Then you can populate a script Sound property with that Sound Marker.
  4. Did you try this tutorial? https://youtu.be/4q4O30xINB4?si=oqqxa6jKfvJImz6c
  5. I gave you the solution in my prior post. You attach the script fragments giving the item to player to the infos you do invisible continue FROM.
  6. Also, 'A PC capable of running Skyrim' is a rather broad definition. Skyrim is a 2011 game, and can run on VERY outdated hardware. Sure, if you want to run it in 4K, with 4-8K textures, hi-poly meshes and with ENB, you need good hardware. But you don't have to run it like that. - Schlongs of Skyrim is NOT a texture pack. - source? And why could you not obtain a 'done right' copy of the mod from that source? Also, did you clarify what 'done right' means? I mean, FG is not just animations - it adds new NPCs, and it adds 'spicy' dialogue options for a lot of NPCs, as well as guard and beggar interactions. But you can run it with scenes disabled, so when it is time for explicit action, you just get a short screen blackout. If that is what 'done right' means, I doubt that is what you are after. I very very very strongly doubt that an explicit adult mod will be allowed on XBox Live. Also, Nexus mods is focused on mods for PC, so it is unlikely you will get much XBox-related advice here.
  7. Ok, SERIOUSLY. Do you know how mods are made? Some gamer plays the game, sees some aspect of it that they don't like, and decides to change it. TO ... THEIR ... OWN ... LIKING. Be it the way how things look, how things behave, if something is too easy for them, or too difficult, or takes too long, or does not take long enough. They make a mod, and upload it - in case someone else fancies the same change. Mods reflect modders' own wants and likes and capabilities, and they are not obligated in any shape of form to make them 'accessible' for anyone else. Even so, in many cases they do, providing an MCM or a config file where things can be adjusted. Even without an MCM, it is just a mod. It is 100% your choice to add it to your game or not. And if you really want a mod but some aspects of it are not enjoyable for you, nothing prevents you from going into CK or xEdit and changing them ... TO ... YOUR ... OWN ... LIKING. Creating your own 3D models, textures, animations, forming quests, world-building and navmeshing, putting together dialogue and scenes can be darn hard and requires a lot of learning. But adjusting some modded-in skeleton difficulty should be downright trivial. In most cases, you don't even need to go mob by individual mob - just adjust level range of an encounter template.
  8. My general thought would be to place that chicken in the scene in advance, but initially disabled. Load that chicken as one of your quest aliases. When summoning, you just enable the chicken. Then you can have a script attached to that alias.
  9. Looks like you need Creation Kit Fixes. I get the same warnings in my log window, but I can add conditions to things just fine.
  10. Skyrim is not exactly a kind of game that hides its resources hidden in some proprietary non-public format. If such thing existed, it would be defined as a world cell in Skyrim.esm or maybe one of DLC esms, and was vusible in CK/xEdit. And textures for it would have existed in one of .bsa's. There are quite a few weird test cells in the game but nothing like what you describe. https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Test_Cells
  11. When you save a game, the save file comtains stuff from all plugins you had installed at the time, potentially even instances of some of their scripts running. Things you could do.... Continue playing with Mythical Ages Return to a save game before you installed that mod If mod has an MCM, maybe it has options to disable mod's features, so it can get safely removed. You could also try loading a save into Resaver (Fallrim tools) and clean out any forms/instances belonging to a given mod, save it as a different file and see if you can disable the mod and load the cleaned save.
  12. You can always just disable/enable specific plugins. The esp file is stilll going to be in data folder, but completely inert.
  13. A "mod" is a compressed archive containing various files. Which you either load direct from Nexus or drag into the 'mod drop' window in Vortex. Then it gets added to Mods list and is placed in Vortex 'download' folder. Then you can install it (to staging area) and enable - after which it actually deploys files to game folder, and if mod contains any plugins, it enables them. When you create your own plugin in CK or xEdit, it is just that - a plugin. It just sits there in your data folder. Same as any other resource files you might create for your plugin to use.
  14. You would have to describe in more detail what sort of condition you are trying to add. Are you trying to check conditional property of a quest?
  15. You can use invisible continue feature. You create a "Responses" branch topic with no player prompt, and just a selection of random NPC responses. You also create a very short "Silence" SharedInfo response with no text or sound. Then you create your request topics: Player prompt: Tell me about this thing. Response: use 'Silence' SharedInfo, on whatever conditions you need, with a script fragment of NPC giving you whatever it is they should, and in the continuing topics list, you put in only "Responses" branch, and check invisible continue.
  16. What does your Properties window for that script look like? You added properties for sound and message but did you fill them? Are you checking your Papyrus logs? (Article is about Skyrim, but logging for SSE is handled same way) I run a dual monitor setup and usually have SnakeTail showing my Papyrus.0.log on the secondary screen, so I know if things work as expected. About sound: As long as MiscItem has a 'PickUp Sound' property selected, it should play that sound when item is used, without any extra scripting. It is the same sound as one that plays when item is added to inventory. If you want some sound other than the pickup one: Actual sound forms in CK that reference specific sound files are called 'Sound Descriptors', but you can't play them via script . If you want sound accessible in a script as playable property, you need a 'Sound Marker' form pointing at the Sound Descriptor of your choice. So you define a Sound property in your script, fill it with the Sound Marker form you want, and it should play when you call its play function. Far as messages go, the 'Message' forms are mainly used when you want to add a bunch of buttons to a popup (Yes, No, Maybe) and get back which option was selected. Personally, if I just want a message in upper left, I use Debug.Notification(). And if I want a message popup with just 'Ok' button, I use Debug.MessageBox()
  17. No no no. SharedInfos are just there to facilitate "use in many places" individual response lines. In fact, conditions/flags/scripts on SharedInfo topics are 100% ignored. So, in whatever dialogue branch where you want to want NPC to randomly select one of those lines: You add first response, set its conditions, mark it Random, set it to use "Here ya go" SharedInfo You add second response, set its conditions, mark it Random, set it to use "Here you are friend" SharedInfo. etc.
  18. Only thing I can suggest (assuming using Vortex, but likely something similar exists for MO2) In Downloads section, click 'Open Folder' which should open the downloads folder. You will need 7Zip installed. Double-click each file to open. Sometimes you also need to go into its root directory. Looking at each archive structure, it is obvious which have fomod. You still have to click each file, but it should be a lot faster than reinstalling each of them.
  19. See this for explanation how it works. https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/Topic_Info You need to create a bunch of responses to a topic, and these responses can use SharedInfo lines. For any given topic, game engine goes along its list of responses, until it finds first response which conditions are satisfied. For example, lets say you have a quest where Ysolda will pay premium for any mammoth tusks you get. Then for her "Hello" Misc topic you can have following responses: These have condition that player has at least one mammoth tusk: (R) Been killing mammoths again, eh? (R) Is that a mammoth tusk in your pants or you are happy to see me? (R) Oh, I know why you are here (RE) Those tusks must weigh a lot! I am here to help. <<< if this wan was not marked 'Random End' engine would add the ones below to random selection as well. These don't have such condition: (R) Hello, nice to see you! (R) No tusks this time, eh? (R) Nice to have you visit not just for tusks.
  20. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tv_Qs7y1G4sK4YRAobZaPUGsQ5bjWfVM/view?usp=sharing This has both a potion version (called MakeMeStronger) and MiscItem version (StrangeSatchel) The Debug.Notification line in the scripts is just for confirmation and can be removed.
  21. First, you are creating a peak value modifier effect with no duration, which means it will expire instantly. The effect archetype should be script. The script you attach to effect axtends ObjectReference. It should extend ActiveMagicEffect. And event you should code for is OnEffectStart. In the script, ModActorValue call, you are adjusting a value called AVtoAdjust, not CarryWeight. Get rid of the quotes.
  22. Here is a tutorial on how to do the #1 As to #2, best advice I can give is load a mod that does what you are interested in, load it in CK and see how it does it. For Khajiit caravans, I suspect the encampment always exists, but disabled when caravan is not there. Other option, mods that let player create a camp anywhere, generally use a script to place a bunch of objects in the world (essentially like player.placeatme console command) and then another script to remove those objects when needed.
  23. You can implement your item as a potion. Just attach a script to imparted effect.
  24. Just open any of the clutter object meshes in NifScope and examine it. You might want to turn on physics display (bouncing ball icon) to show the collision mesh. First, the root node must be of type BSFadeNode There will be a BSTriShape (the mesh), but also: BSXFlags node - not certain of purpose, I just copy-paste it. INVMarker node - it determines zoom/rotation/position of object when you look at it in your inventory. Again, just copy-paste from a similar mesh. hkCollisionObject - this is what actually defines the collision of the object. In general, if you find a clutter item of similar size/shape, you can just use 'Copy Branch' - 'Paste Branch' to copy it over to your target mesh.
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