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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. Interesting oocurence... So in my current playthrough, I need to visit Windhelm. This character has already been there, done all the quests, got the T-shirt, etc. But it has been a while since last visit. So, open the map, fast travel to Windhelm, loadin screen, then black screen, music playing, ambience sounds, and that's it. Game frozen. Wait a minute, open Task manager on second monitor, kill the game. Start again, fast-travel to Windhelm Stables, cross the bridge, click n gates... black screen freeze. Again, coc windhelmpalaceofthekings - this works. Try to exit from palace - freeze. Try loading one of my 'mod-testing' character saves, coc windhelmorigin ... freeze. Start game, and from main menu, open console and do 'coc windhelmorigin' (completely new game) ... freeze. I try Markarth, Whiterun, Riften, Solitude - no problems there. Starting to remember what may have changed since I last been to Windhelm... I changed a mod script or two that should not affect it at all, done some outfit work - again, nothing anyone in Windhelm wears.... nothing. As game freezes and not crashes, there are no crash logs, and none of the existing logs hint at any problem. Start googling about, come across this one: So, I did not bother with compatibility stuff, but I did go into task manager and set Skyrim process priority to 'Realtime'. First, tried via coc in main menu with new game - and it loads just fine! Exit to main menu, load up my current playthrough, fast-travel to Windhem - no problem. Enter Palace of Kings, exit back to town - no issues. So now I am kinda puzzled. My PC is not exactly a potato - 11th Gen Core i7 with 64GB RAM, RTX3080Ti and 5GBps NVMe SSD. And at least 2-3 months ago, Windhelm was just fine. What may have changed?
  2. Would really need to examine both body .nifs (the _0 and _1), head .nif as well as the entries in the .esp. If NPC has a neck gap with most clothes/armor, it means wrong weight for their head. For example, I take Falk Firebeard, weight 60. I use head from 'Pride of Skyrim' mod. I load a HIMBO reference in Outfit Studio, and import Falk's head (Skyrim.esm/00013274.nif) With weight slider at 0, body is clearly too small for the head, there is a gap like this: Weight slider at 100, body is too large for head, the gap looks like this: When slider is set at NPC's correct weight of 60, head and body match perfectly: So, need to figure out the weight, and set it for the NPC...
  3. The default compiled (.pex) version of the script is contained in one of Skyrim .bsa files. So if you made changes to that script and compiled it, just go to your data\scripts, and delete DefaultPlaySoundAtLinkSCRIPT.pex there. If you want the original source code of that script, it should be in your Data/Scripts.zip
  4. Rather than engaging in a rather dangerous game of folder swapping, you can just update textures on your UUNP references. Standard location for female body textures is textures/actors/character/female, which includes the .dds, _msn.dds, _s.dds and _sk.dds for femalebody_1, femalehands_1 and femalehead Supposedly you have your CBBE textures there. You can create a 'UNP' folder under it with a set of UNP textures. Taking one specific example: my Data\CalienteTools\BodySlide\RefTemplates has 'BHUNP RefTemplates.xml', which has(among others): <Template sourcefile="SliderSets\BHUNP 3BBB Advanced.osp" set="BHUNP 3BBB Advanced Ver 3" loadAll="true">BHUNP 3BBB Advanced Ver 3</Template> So in Outfit Studio, I Load project - BHUNP 3BBB Advanced.osp - and select 'BHUNP 3BBB Advanced Ver 3' - it loads with CBBE textures (ugly) I go into properties of BaseShape, Textures, and add \UNP to each texture path. The body now has UNP textures. Save project. This pretty much needs to be done for every project listed in the UNP Ref Templates files. Once done, whenever working on a UNP-based outfit, you just need to load the reference
  5. VP also gives options to sign in with Twitter, Discord or Steam...
  6. I think I chose 'sign in with Google' way back then. Cause I checked my email, and I definitely never received a validation email from them either. But I guess for the time being, you can get it Right Here, from my Google Drive.
  7. You should not install stuff manually at this point. I suggest you get your game back to 'clean' state. Likely will need a reinstall. Launch the game once via Steam. Grab either Vortex or MO2 mod manager, start off by installing SKSE, verify the game launches properly through mod manager. Now get a mod or two installed and enabled (SkyUI and RaceMenu are good options) launch, make sure things work, go from there.
  8. I will slap together a mod during the week if I have time.... it is a bit busy now. Probably want a crown version sized for a female and elves, also maybe a few variants with/without the hood. if you think you could get in touch with the original mod owner, ii would be helpful.
  9. The discrepancy is not in the import matcher. The "FemaleEyesHumanHazelBrown" is the default head part for the Nord race. If that is what you get after importing the preset file, it means you lack the eye headpart listed in the .jslot If you open the .jslot file of the preset you are importing, and look for 'headParts', the part in question will be something like (assuming the preset indeed uses FemaleEyesHumanLake): { "formId" : 2483063342, "formIdentifier" : "TheEyesOfBeauty.esp|008A2E", "type" : 6 }, formId and type are likely will be different and are of no consequence, but the 'formIdentifier' is the important one. Make sure you have 'TheEyesOfBeauty.esp' enabled, and check via SSEEdit that it indeed has the form listed in .jslot file. For example, if you at any point converted 'TheEyesOfBeauty.esp' to a light plugin - totally doable since it only has 436 forms - none of the presets that use eyes from it will be recognized, since all formIDs wiill be different. Now about the head import part. The point about head import is that comprising meshes have been sculpted, and you want to apply those same sculpts. Which means each head part needs to be vertex-matched. The Eyes Of Beauty uses vanilla eye mesh as base, only difference being the texture, so yes, FemaleEyesHumanHazelBrown and FemaleEyesHumanLake are vertex-matched. By the way, they are NOT both green
  10. A real busty CBBE preset you might like is 'The Nordic Bombshell' - look it up. Also check this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/48629 Gotta be something that works for you. Once you get some CBBE presets that work, finding good outfits should be easy.
  11. If you looked in SSEEdit and that is what the guy's 'Naked Torso' ArmorAddon points to, that path is relative to Data/meshes. (so, Data/meshes/SC/0_Followers.... etc) If you can't find that folder (i.e. no SC under meshes) it is possible that the mod has its resources in a .bsa archive. You can still setup a BodySlide project to generate custom body files at that path. If it is for a male, you will likely need HIMBO. Now, about that neck gap. That is most likely a head/weight mismatch. If his head was exported at weight 0, that would be its neck seam size. If the NPC record itself does not have weight 0, game will render a higher weight body, causing a neck gap. Now one thing of note is that the path points to 'malebody_0.nif' It really should be malebody_1.nif. (_0 id forr weight 0, _1 is weight 100, anything in between is interpolated.) Just wondering, in that ArmorAddon record where you got that file path from - does it have 'Enabled' under Weight slider - Male? Cause looks like author just decided to make the follower always use weight 0 body. Which works naked, but still results in a neck gap for any armor clothing. In any case, in SSEEdit, under that follower mod section, got in to 'NPC', click that follower record, look for NAM7 - Weight - it should be shortly after the Skills. If it is not 0, you should set it to 0 for that guy. But that would only fix things for a new started game. If you have a game in-progress, and want to fix him: open console, click the NPC, and type 'setnpcweight 0'. His face will likely get all ugly. Give command 'disable', then 'enable'. See if the neck gap issue is now fixed.
  12. I had a similar experience when I downloaded Yamato Nadeshiko Followers mod. The NPCs are of a custom race that uses a skeleton file bundled in the mod. As a result, any 3BA clothes reliant on all the extra XPMSE bones, behaved real weird. Mind, the reason a mod NPC is set up with a custom race/skeleton is because their skeleton is NOT vanilla, but rather includes some extra bones which are needed for their custom body/ animations. So you have to be real careful before making the change. Often enough, those extra bones are already part of XPMSE, sometimes not. Usually best to open both skeletons in NifScope and compare. In case of Yamato Nadeshiko, their extra bones were in XPMSE already. The easiest way to fix this is via SSEEdit. After loading it up, expand Skyrim.esm - Race - Default Race. Scroll down to where it has ANAM - Male Skeletal Model and ANAM - Female Skeletal model. Make a note of which files these point to. Then find your character mod. Expand their Race secrtion, their custom Race record. Scroll to skeleton models and change them to be same as those for Default Race. That should take care of the skeleton. Next thing, body. If their included custom body does not have weights for all the extra XPMSE bones, it will not respond to certain animations/physics. Only generally applicable when naked, though. Best way to handle this: In your character mod, in their Racee, look for WNAM-Skin - this tells which Armor is their naked body. Find that Armor, look at it Armature section, which indicates ArmorAddons being used for torso/hands/feet. Find those in the ArmorAddon section, and note the paths and names of the files. To continue with that Yamato mod example: Their custom race listed 'MBWSYNFSkinNakeed001' as Skin That Armor form had a bunch of armatures for alternate races, but those of interest were: MBWSYNFNakedTorso001, MBWSYNFNakedFeet001, MBWSYNFNakedHands001, And the ArmorAddon forms for these respectively pointed to femalebody_1.nif, femalefeet_1.nif and femalehands_1.nif under actors\character\character assets\MBWSYNFollowersACT2\YNFBody01\ With that info, I fire up Outfit Studio, load up CBBE 3BA Body reference, and just save it as: Display name: YNF Torso Output File Name: femalebody Output Data Path: meshes\actors\character\character assets\MBWSYNFollowersACT2\YNFBody01\ Low/High Weight Output Slider Set File: YNFNakedSkin Shape Data Folder: YNFNakedSkin Shape Data File: YNF Torso.nif Same thing goes for hands and feet, just different display name/output file and shape data file. Now in BodySlide, I have the YNF Torso/Hands/Feet outfits that I can build to whichever preset I want. Once I build, these followers have proper 3BA bodies.
  13. If you are certain you got their permission before, a note about it can be put on the mod page. Now, about the design - with helmets, this is pretty clear-cut. You can make it a slot 30 (head) if it closes off the face entirely. In the picture I posted first, that is the version with black face - there is a black-textured head in there. Optional variant being the fade-in/out animated glowing eyes. Then, you can make it slot 31 (hair) for a typical open-face helm. Most helmets and hoods in Skyrim are of this type. Finally, you can make it slot 42 (Circlet), so it does not replace hair. That definitely works with 'brushed back' hairstyles, but anything that has forelocks is going to look weird.
  14. SkyUI has not been changed since October 2017. If something isn't working for you, either you got a wrong SKSE or you are running some SkyUI 'enhancing' mods, and those are the problem.
  15. I had done some work on the 'Nazgul Armor' SE port This is actually a Witch King version from 'Shadow of War' game, not the LotR movies. I never published the mod cause author put very restrictive permissions on the LE version, and I never got a response from them... Now, this one, getting it to be an open-face helmet is rather trivial, takes about 15 min - but would need to get permission from the LE mod owner...
  16. I am not sure if you are talking about a bug where a kid keeps starting a conversation with you. If yes, yeah, quite annoying. One way to fix: open console, click the child, setav variable06 0 setav variable07 0
  17. If Skyrim runs full-screen, having task manager open is no help. Either via alt-tab or ctrl alt del. Only thing that works is running 2 monitors, and have Task Manager open on secondary one.
  18. So, if I understand it correctly, in that game when you have follower(s), your inventory is just increased. In Skyrim, things are a bit more complicated in that followers can use the stuff you give them. They will equip best armor/weapons, they will use up arrows, they will drink potions and (potentially, in Survival mode) eat food. You NEED to give them stuff for them to be more effective, but you probably don't want to make your entire inventory shared. So you would still need to indicate what is available to who. Also, in Skyrim, item sizes generally don't matter, only weights. So what you can carry is limited by your weight limit. As such, there are mods that extend player carry weight, i.e.: Carry My Burdens - transfers follower unused weight capacity to player.
  19. No one single mod is gingg to give you the variety you are looking for. What you need is a mix. I like Botox for Skyrim as my base, cause frankly vanilla faces are ugly. Not a fan of Pandorable's either. I do mix in a lot of faces from Bijin collection: Warmaidens, Wives, NPCs . Then I mix others in: Women of Skyrim by LamaKreis, MBWS Housecarl replacer, Hearthfire Songbirds, About all of the GLAM replacers: Karliah, Haelga, Astrid, Rayya etc. A number of LamaKreis replacers: Serana, Delphine, Taarie, etc. Finally, I got my own mod, any NPC I want 'special treatment' for and could not find a replacer I liked, I find a suitable preset and cook something up. Care needs to be taken with load orders and priorities. Quite easy to get a black face, body seams and even crashes. Gets easier after a while...
  20. Well it is up: R18pn 08 - Lingerie Set CBBE 3BAv2 SMP
  21. I use Amazing Follower Tweaks. It is an updated (2021) version of the older AFT. More manage slots, extensive MCM, etc. Alternatives I know of: Nether's Follower Framework - not a fan of its outfit management system. Also too complex for my tastes. Extensible Follower Framework - kinda hate the UI. Personal preference though. In addition, VERY useful: My Home is Your Home - to set your followers to 'live' in player-owned homes. Some follower frameworks (i.e. NFF) include some version of this, but I prefer the way this mod does this.
  22. Yeah that one did not have SMP on top yet, just an updated bottom one. But I think the mod is almost complete now. Might upload to Nexus tomorrow.
  23. Good news is that top piece SMP is working. Bad news is that it is the only thing working. I sorta shot myself in the foot using Zynx's structure originally. His nifs are wrong structure, pulling in the entire XPMSE skeleton plus a bunch of other junk (500+ nodes). 3BA needs all relevant bones listed at scene root to do proper body physics, and I ended up with a tree instead. I now need to properly clean it up, which might take some time...
  24. Updated File - skirt redone with my own bone structure/weights/xml, and I think I got it about right. Top ruffle still to be done. I also added a red 'D' variant, and made D a wee bit glossier.
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