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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. I actually borrowed bone structure/xml from Zynxx's mini skirts collection, as a quick & dirty method of adding SMP for this test version. For the public upload variant, I am setting up my own bones/weights/xml. But generally yes, skirt behavior depends on bone and constraint properties in the xml. For the bra ruffle, process is generally same: add anchor bones to breasts/body, hang dynamic bones off those anchors, paint weights on the ruffle, define behavior xml...
  2. Work it through. Replace your modified .nif with original one, make sure it works. With both original and your edited one opened side by side, repeat your changes in the original. Do not copy-paste. You say you just changed some textures, right?
  3. For some totally unbelievable Blender skills, check out Youtube channel 'Flycat'. And this guy has a pretty good series of tutorials to et one started.
  4. Yeah, Blender is free, but learning curve pretty steep. Of note: the outfit D SMP skirt is a bit too 'bouncy', will need to tone it down a bit...
  5. Heels needed to be done in Blender. But now are properly done, and are separate items, raising the actor up rather than shortening legs. Can't really see movement in screenshots, but outfit D skirt is SMP. Prepping a mod page takes some time, so for now you can get it here to test-drive. I opted to have individual mesh files/Bodyslides for each color variant rather than use texture sets. Which means each variant can be built to its own body type. For outfit D, there are both SMP and non-SMP Bodyslides. Non-SMP version skirt has a bit of leg clipping - will need to adjust weights a bit. Items can be obtained via Console or AddItem/QUI Crafted on tanning rack/improved on workbench. All are glass-equivalent light armor. In a small barrel by the entrance inside Whiterun Guard House next to city gate.
  6. As mentioned, I took the 7B original and used UNP High conversion template... though that is just the starting point. A just needed minor adjustments here and there, cause it is very form-fitting and simple. B is tricky as it requires weight work for dangly bits and a fair amount of slider editing. Came out well but still need to get its shoes finished. C is similar to A - form fitting, should be easy. Only problem is its 'fake' heels. Did not look at D yet, but it should be fairly straightforward. Uniboob reference on the top, and for the bottom, best option would be add SMP. No shoes to worry about either...
  7. The 'A' version is actually quite easy - took about 30 min. The real clincher are the B and C versions that got integrated heels... which are not 'real' heels. They shorten the leg,, making the character look kinda squat. So the idea is to separate the shoe out, and make it an actual heel. Also, the 'B' outfit will require some custom slider work.
  8. In order for everything to fit, all the add-on clothing items need to be built in BodySlide to the same preset as the main clothing (Body-slot) item.
  9. Head parts in the actor head mesh file under actors/character/facegendata/facegeom must exactly match the parts defined in actor record. If they don't, you get black face. Also if any head part references a .tri, it must be the /tri corresponding to part in the head mesh. A mismatch is almost guaranteed CTD. I.e. if 'face' head part references a vanilla head .tri on an HP head mesh. Most useful tool: More informative console. You click an NPC, it gives you, among other things, their base ID as well as which .esp defines the actor initially and which .esp has top load priority. I.e. Lydia (000A2C8E base ID) has black face. I check which .esp has highest priority on her. I see that it is Bijin Warmaidens.esp Go out of the game, check my mod manager, specifically file conflicts for Bijin Warmaidens. I see that for meshes/actors/character/facegendata/facegeom/Skyrim.esm/000A2C8E.nif, priority goes to LamaKreis Women of Skyrim. To resolve this, my options are: 1. Change priority rule on the head mesh file - along with its facetint texture counterpart - if I want Bijin version. 2. Add a rule to make Women of Skyrim load after Bijin. - If I want WoS version, or 3. Go to Bijin Warmaidens in SSEEdit and delete 000A2C8E entry in its NPC section. But suppose I load some mod, i.e. 'Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia' And for all its functionality to work, it has to have load priority. But I want to retain her WoS looks. I can: Make WoS a master for IFD-Lydia. Go into Actor record A2C8E in IFD-Lydia, and change it to use same head parts as WoS Lydia - as well as weight and body skin. (Another option would be to make a patch .esp that has both WoS and IFD-Lydia as masters and it copies Lydia Actor form from IFD, but uses head parts and skin from WoS.)
  10. CBBE is an improved body shape, no 'strip everyone' mod. NPCs around you still wear their proscribed outfits. You can change how these outfits look with replacer mods (i.e. Remodeled Armor, CBBE Minidresses etc) And yeah there are mods that let you manipulate NPC outfits.
  11. Not a trivial thing to do... The SSE UNP conversion is fairly sloppy - especially set B. At least the original Oldrim mod author says "Please use this MOD freely." Which I guess means making a 3BA conversion is OK. Ironically, it is not the Oldrim CBBE version, but rather the 7B version that should give best results as it is quite close to 'UNP-High to CBBE' conversion template. I guess I could take a stab at it, but no promises.
  12. 1. More Informative Console Read description about how to navigate the info in it. 2. In game, go to 3rd person, open console, click self, use extra info window to examine all the effects on you. Should not be too hard to pinpoint the problem one.
  13. From modding perspective, 1.6.640 is considered AE. From Steam perspective, 'AE' is just a bunch of creation club mods added to base 1.6.640 game. At this point, about 99.99% mods run perfectly fine on AE. Only things that do not are essentially abandoned .dll SKSE plugins. For many of those, there are alternatives. Any new mod development, new features, improvements etc - it is all being developed for the latest version. And there are already some nice mods that require some of the new content included in 1.6.+ Unless there are some absolutely critical to you mods that only work in 1.5.97 - and no viable alternative - there is zero reason to go back.
  14. tcl toggles no-clip mode. I would rather try tfc (toggle free cam)
  15. It is not at Dawnguard itself. It is along the road SE of Riften, within sight of the gate that supposedly marks border of Skyrim. The NPC is just an 'easy' levelled encounter, not connected to any quest or script.
  16. Yeah whole bunch of garbage properties there. A few notes: 1. Script name. Leaving a name like TIF__060C2487 is asking for trouble. The way CK does things, it is entirely possible you already got a TIF__060C2487.psc/pex from either one of your own or some other mod. Add something to it. I.e. TIF_m1_060C2487.psc 2. No idea how all those properties ended up in there, ( could be result of script name conflict) but anything not used should be removed. The ONLY property you really should have in that script is: Key Property AAADockKey Auto3. If you want to kill the actor who says the dialogue line this script is attached to, you need, instead of Marious.Kill(): akSpeaker.Kill()And make sure that script fragment is set to invoke at the end of dialog line. Or, potentially: In the properties: Actor Property PlayerRef AutoIn the fragment : akSpeaker.Kill(PlayerRef)And once script is cleaned up, renamed and compiled, make sure to click Properties button and verify the properties are filled in correctly.
  17. Yeah, that Janessa mod does include that script file - but according to credits, mod creator thanks: DarkFox for the resurrect script So, chances are, that guy borrowed the script from some other mod. Unless you actually have Janessa installed. In which case that mod has a bug cause bandits are supposed to resurrect only in a specific dungeon. Consider going to your mod manager staging directories, and doing a search for '_ResurrectBandit*'
  18. Nipples overly large and on underside of breasts generally means you are using CBBE skin textures on a UNP body. You sure you picked right options when installing Serana re-imagined? Also, in her 'Misc Files' there is a : Serana Re-imagined UNP Fix: If you have distorted textures with the UNP version, install this and let it overw4rite the main file.
  19. Copy-paste here your entire TIF__060C24B7.psc No way to tell why is it failing on 38th line when you provide only 2 lines out of 38+
  20. I generally find that duplication is not the best option if working on something symmetrical. Use a Mirror modifier instead. Have you checked the UV maps/normals etc of the edited area? Also, you might consider uploading the original and edited .nif somewhere, along with the texture being used.
  21. get More Informative Console. Be sure too read up its description details about the extra info window. When fighting humanoid opponents, i.e. bandits, open console. Click a bandit (try one before he is resurrected and one after as well, or better yet, try to catch one mid-resurrection) and go through their extra info. You can scroll extra info by hovering mouse over the arrow icon and pressing PgUp or PgDown, , and you can drill down into a category (i.e. Scripts) by hovering over it and pressing Shift. You generally want to check what package are they running, what Effects they have on and what Scripts are running on them. Scripts should probably be checked first. See if anything looks to be a likely culprit and note its FormID. That should tell you whichh mod it is from.
  22. I dunno about MO, but Vortex definitely has built-in backup feature...
  23. It is not EXACTLY Unofficial patch. It is something installed AFTER Unofficial patch. Specifically in HousePurchase quest, the dialogue option for taking the house. It is slightly different for each house, but issue is the same for all. Vanilla calls 'Fragment_0' function in the correspondin script. USSEP calls 'Fragment_1' function in same scrript. And USSEP includes the requisite TIF scripts in its .bsa. But if somehow the vanilla version of the script gets reinstated, house purchase will not work. So, you look into Data/scripts, and see if following are there: TIF__000A7B23.pex (Markarrth) TIF__000A7B28.pex (Riften) TIF__000A851F.pex (Solitude) TIF__000A7B1E.pex (Whiterun) TIF__000A7B2A.pex (Windhelm) If there are, delete them.
  24. You would need to upload your mod someplace so it can be looked at. But assuming you based your 'Elk summon' wand on say... Staff of Summon Flame Atronach. Now, game has 'EncAtronachFlame' Actor which has a defined Death item. This is a brand of flame atronach you may encounter in a dungeon. You kill it, it drops stuff. The enchantment effect on a staff is 'EnchSummonFlameAtronach', of Summon Creature' type and 'Associated Item 1' being 'SummonAtronachFlame' SummonAtronachFlame is also an actor, templated on 'EncAtronachFlame', but has a 'Summonable' flag. So I suppose you defined a 'SummonElk' actor templated to 'EncElk' . Now I suspect that this 'Summonable' flag is what prevents a creature from dropping a lootable corpse. But 'Summon Creature' effect will only allow an actor with 'Summonable' flag. One option you could try: Attach a script to your 'SummonElk' actor. In that script, define 'OnLoad()' event, which may contain something like: Actor Property EncElk Auto Event OnLoad() Self.PlaceActorAtMe(EncElk) Self.KillSilent() EndEvent
  25. Script: FXDragonMoundScript The way it works: When you arrive for the quest, the Dragon is there under the Mound. The dragon equips the 'skeleton' armor item which is slot 41 (skeleton) so it does not interfere with the actual skin at all. dragonRef.EquipItem(DragonUnderskin) Now, the regular dragon skin (SkinDragon) uses meshes/actors/dragon/character assets/dragon.nif mesh, and this mesh has 4 animation controllers, all of which affect the alpha test of the skin texture. SkinThere : All alpha values considered opaque. SkinGone: All alpha values considered transparent SkinFadeOut : Gradually increases 'transparent' alpha value from 0 to max. (skin fades away, exposing equipped skeleton) SkinFadeIn : Gradually lowers 'transparent' alpha from max to 0. (skin fades in over skeleton) So when Dragon is 'prepped' under mound: dragonRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "SkinGone" ) << this makes skin invisible, just skeleton. When dragon is being resurrected, about 4 seconds in: dragonRef.PlaySubGraphAnimation( "SkinFadeIn" ) Eight seconds later, if dragon is still alive, the skeleton item is unequipped. This is what dragon skin alpha channel looks like: Lighter areas - which are mostly body around the spine - are first to 'fade in', darker parts: wings/tail - will be last. So you either installed alternate dragon textures where author messed with alpha channel - or you put in alternate dragon mesh models which don't implement the animation controllers properly.
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