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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. It can be generally a combination of many things - world textures used, Weathers, lighting, ENB etc. I use Obsidian Weathers, 'Just Ice 4K' for ice textures, and Patrician ENB. Day Evening Night
  2. Consider this one. Has both skimpy and fully covered variants in various colors.
  3. The quest in question is CWFinale (0x000D1444) and it is a rather complex one. It is same quest for either side, just differently loaded aliases, and there is a TON of scripting around it. It starts when player enters the palace. First stages deal with taking out second-in-command (Galmar). When General asks you to execute Ulfric and you agree, this sets quest to stage 305, where it adds a new sword to your inventory, and sets quest to stage 300, where ExecutePrompt property of the quest is set to -1. The 'Enemy Leader' alias has CWFinaleEnemyLeaderScript attached. That script monitors for 'OnHit' event, and normally sets quest to stage 150 when it happens. However, if quest already been at stage 300, It: Revokes leader's (Ulfric) Essential and Protected flags Insta-kills the enemy leader. Then another 'OnDeath' event handler sets the quest to stage 330. So I have to ask: After you entered Palace of the Kings, and started your fight, did you manage to kill Galmar? Did you get Ulfric to say he wanted to be killed by Dragonborn? Was there a dialog with Tullius asking if you were to do it or not? Because if all those questions have answer 'yes', you might get things fixed with a command: setstage D1444 330 But if some things were missed earlier, that likely will not be enough.
  4. You can, but why? One mod can be a master to another without being an ESM. About only think it will change is that mod will now load real early - before any other .esps.
  5. What is the original mod? Frankly, it looks like part of the pauldron mesh is still there. This will likely need to be exported to Blender and separated there.
  6. I would be VERY wary of using that mod. If Ulfric's essential flag was not removed, it usually means that the civil war quest has not progressed to a stage where Ulfric is made killable. So you might force the kill, but you will still be stuck in that stage of the quest, unable to finish the war...
  7. There are tons of mods that are problematic, outdated, etc, and their authors are not banned, just no longer active or don't care to fix the mod. Also tons of mods that work 100% working but have not been touched in years. And I am sure there are good/useful mods by users who were at some point banned.
  8. Your akSource is an Actor cast to ObjectReference. Why would you expect MagicEffect functions to be applicable?
  9. In console: player.showinventory Use PgUp to scroll as needed. Locate items in question, note their FormIDs. If FormID starts with FE, look for a light mod with same index as first 5 digits of FormID. I.e. FormID FE1E480F - look for mod index FE(1E4) If not, look for regular mod with same index as first 2 digits of FormID. I.e FormiID 4B037B6F - look for mod index 4B.
  10. One thing you can do is install a follower managing mod (AFT, NFF etc), which should give you an idea who your follower is and where they are. Then you can exit without saving and uninstall that mod if you don't want it.
  11. Heh, check out Fort Knox... https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/63771
  12. To begin with, you need to get your CK fixed. Depending on which version you run, There might be several mods to apply. Start here, and follow its instructions in description. Way fewer crashes, way faster performance. Might also want to check this: Some good tools: NetBeans - I use it for all my script editing. With .psc files associated with NetBeans, can open them direct froom CK. From Gameplay Menu, I prefer to use 'Papyrus Script Manager'. It got excellent filtering option, you can double-click a script to edit it (opens in NetBeans for me), or you can right-click to choose Compile. GrepWin - when looking for samples of specific function use, nothing beats grepping through your scripts directory. Champolion - pex decompiler for when other mod authors do not include source code. SnakeTail - once you enable Papyrus logging, tailing your active log is immensely useful. But you kinda want a dual monitor setup for that.
  13. Step 1. More Informative Console. Step 2. Open console, click NPC. It will tell which .esp plugin is responsible.
  14. Actually turned out to be easy fix. Updated Version
  15. You said you attempted importing the head previously, so I take it you already copied 0001C196.nif over to chargen. Should be the only file you need. The general process is: you make head parts playable so they become available for selection in racemenu. When you are in racemenu, the head is assembled from parts picked via mentioned sliders. (Face Part/Eye Color/Hair/Brow Type). When you import a head, racemenu matches your currently selected parts against the mesh parts in the imported head .nif. I.e. if you picked face part 'BrelynaHeadHP' and imported head .nif has a 'BrelynaHeadHP' mesh block, it should show up green in the import matcher, and apply the sculpt. Getting the head parts riight is generally the easy part. A much bigger challenge is the tint mask. Racemenu takes the skin tone as base, plus any tintmasks from 'Colors', 'Face Paint' and 'Makeup' tabs that have a non-0 alpha, and bakes all of those into a single texture file (For Brelyna, it would be textures\actors\character\facegendata\facetint\skyrim.esm\0001C196.dds) Looking at the head, she got at least 5 overlays: cheekbone blush, freckles, purple lipstick, purple winged upper lid liner, black winged lower lid liner. Far as reworkiing an NPC... I usually start by finding a preset that I like, make that my starting point, and work it until I get the wanted look. After that, it is fairly simple - duplicate the needed head parts, edit the head mesh file for proper part naming, maybe tweak the tintmask a bit, done.
  16. Try this out Took about an hour... There is a Suspicious Note on a table at Riverwood Trader... check it out. The spells are in Illusion category. MuteNPC will change NPC VoiceType to a silent one. UnmuteNPC will restore NPC's original VoiceType. Be REAL careful with this stuff, however. Quite a few dialogue options, including those that progress important quests, are dependent on voice type. For example, if you mute a potential follower, they will no longer have the 'follow me' dialog option. If you mute a current follower, they will no longer bug you with "I'm right behind you", but neither will they have trade items or dismiss options until you unmute them.
  17. Lol, thank me when it actually works. Oh, you will also probably want to install Bijin skin. (Or use Unique Character if you don't want that as your default NPC skin. For that, you want textures from Data\textures\actors\character\Bijin Warmaidens 00\) Personally, I am not that fond of Bijin's Brelyna... So I reworked her a bit...
  18. First, you need to make her heads parts usable. Open SSEEdit, find Bijin Warmaidens.esp (Assumiing you installed the AIO version) or BW Brelyna.esp, and go into her head parts. Say, BrelynaHeadHP. You may notice that in its Record Flags, it has 'Non-Playable'. Edit that, and remove that flag. You wanna do the same for the rest of her head parts: Hair, Hairline, Brows, Eyes. Then in Non-Player Character section, find Brelyna's record. You are looking for QNAM - Texture Lighting. Be sure to write down values for red/green/blue from the Bijin Warmeidens.esp column. That's the skin tint, looks like it will be 140/188/200 The hair RGB values are 32/28/28. Next, you wanna scoot over to Bijin Warmaidens nexus page,m and check out their Credits in the description. You pretty much want all the makeup items there. (Ethereal Elven Overhaul, Seductive Lips, Better Makeup, XCE warpaint and dirt etc) Generally, the more various makeup packs you got, the better. Now, you go into game, and do showracemenu in console. Change to a female Dark Elf, Now, in 'Head' tab, Face Part - look for 'BrelynaHeadHP' under 'Bijin Warmaidens.esp'. Eyes Tab - Eye Color slider - fiind BrellynaEyesHP. Same goes for Brows Tab - Brow Type, and in Hair tab - Hair slider. Once you picked all these head parts, go to Sculpt, Import Head, and NOW you import that 0001C196.nif head. At this point, you should be getting darn close. Next, you do skin tint and hair color. It can be a touch tricky, since color picker is HSL, not RGB. Here is how you work it. Sliders are: Hue, Saturation, Lightness, Alpha. You take Saturation and Alpha all way right, Hue and Lightness all way left. Say, skin tint RGB is 140/188/200. Highest is blue at 200. Lowest is red at 140. Move lightness slider right till red is 200. Start moving hue slider right till blue is 200. Now move saturation left till lowest (red) is 140. Finally tweak hue slider till green is 188. From here, you need to go into Makeup tab and start playing with various overlays and colors till you get to a satisfactory result.
  19. 1. You change the slot in the Armor form of the mask. 2. You open the ArmorAddon form referenced by the Mask Armor form, and you change the slot there as well. 3. Now looks like mesh files for it are Data\meshes\NewerMind43\DarkEnvoy\Mask_0.nif and Mask_1.nif Open Outfit Studio, File-Import-From NIF - browse to and open Mask_0.nif In upper-right click the 'Mask' mesh, above it select 'Partitions' tab. In dropdown next to 'Type', select 47 instead of 49, click Apply. File-Export-To NIF, click to overwrite Mask_0.nif. Now, do exactly the same for Mask_1.nif.
  20. It generally does not matter. But you will need to edit mesh file in NifScope or Outfit Studio to change its partition.
  21. WoodCount and NailCount are NOT properties, they are local variables. A property (defined using word Property) is essentially a member of a class, and can be accessed by other scripts, or they can serve to 'hook' your script to specific game objects. And indeed Properties are always defined outside of any function. A variable (defined without a word Property) is just that. These variables are accessible only to your script's internals. They can be global, in which case they will persist as long as this script instance exists, or they can be local. A local variable is scoped to a logical block where it is defined. Loading properties: you should never trust CK to fill your properties. After a script has been compiled, you should click its 'Properties' button and make sure properties are loaded correctly. I mean, if you define 'MiscObject Property Firewood01 Auto', then yeah, if you got the name exactly right, CK will likely auto-fill it. But lets say you create a more advanced script, usable in multiple cases, and you may define: MiscObject Property NeededMaterial01 Auto Int Property NeededQuantity01 Auto etc. CK would have no idea how to autofill those. But you can attach this script to multiple references, and on one, fill these properties with 'Firewood01' and 15, and on other, with, say, 'SteelIngot' and 3
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