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Everything posted by scorrp10

  1. That's the problem. They should not be there. Proper original files are in 'Skyrim - Meshes1.bsa' archive. And if you have actual data\meshes\weapons\nightingale\nightingalebow.nif file, it was put there by *some* mod. Delete or move it. Same for nightingalebow.hkx if you have it. See if the problem is fixed.
  2. In your SSE folder, do you have Data\meshes\weapons\nightingale folder and does it contain any files?
  3. I believe I already replied to you in this thread with a much easier way of giving NPC an SMP hair. To first answer your actual question. You see, when you design the head in Racemenu, and select various hairs, brows, and such - this is when it is important for those head parts forms to point at valid model .nif files. When you export a head, the meshes from those files are 'baked' into the exported head .nif. And for the purpose of rendering that head in-game, the individual head part .nifs are no longer needed. Including those 'Hair.nif' and HairHL.nif files with your mod is 100% unnecessary. That is, if you just want that hair on your follower. Then you just need to remove 'Playable' flag from any custom head parts, so they don't show up as options in Racemenu. The .tri morph files are another matter. If a head part specifies a .tri file (I.e. Hair.tri) you better make sure that file is part of your mod and the path to it is correct. Missing or wrong .tri files cause game freezes, CTDs and other bad things. Now, if you want some major pain of trying to make SMP hair work as NPC head part, I could give you some general pointers... though most likely you will spend hours and at the end it will not work. Or you can bake the wig into NPC's default skin.
  4. One thing that kinda jumps out in the log is a lot of stuff about skeleton nodes and 'NPC Appearances merged.esp'. Now it is not necessarily THAT mod. I.e I recently had CTDs supposedly originating in XPMSSE, as it was trying to adjust sword wear style on NPCs, but the actual culprit was Mu Joint Fix...
  5. This line alone scares the bejeezus out of me... Holy mish-mash... You got that location overloaded by... 14 different mods? Ouch. Modified by: Skyrim.esm -> Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp -> OCW_Obscure's_CollegeofWinterhold.esp -> AI Overhaul.esp -> Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp -> SolitudeTempleFrescoes.esp -> WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.esp -> Mod - Personalized Music.esp -> SL01AmuletsSkyrim.esp -> OCW_WACCF_FEPatch.esp -> OCW_ACE_FEPatch.esp -> OCW_STF-ESL_FEPatch.esp -> Lux.esp -> OCW_CellSettings.esp -> Lux - OCW College.esp
  6. Or just Event OnLoad() SetPlayerTeammate() EndEventSince your script extends Actor class, it natively has access to its methods. akActor is typical argument name for functions that get an Actor as parameter. I.e. if you attach a script to a piece of armor, (Script will extend ObjectReference) so that any NPC equipping it becomes player's teammate: you can define an event handler: Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) akActor.SetPlayerTeammate() EndEvent
  7. Ok, just tried it on my custom body Iona. SMP hair is a skinned mesh, you can't really use it as head part. Which means instead, you need to change the chargen head to have a 'bald' hairstyle, and make the SMP wig part of 'naked skin' Armor. 1. Defined a new ArmorAddon pointed at one of the SMP wigs .nifs 2. Added this ArmorAddon to 'IonaSkinNaked' Armor and checked '31-Hair' slot in the armor. 3. Changed Iona hair head part to 'HairFemaleRedguard03' (pretty much shaved) 4. I went into game, fired up Racemenu, loaded my Iona head preset, changed hair to HairFemaleRedguard03, exported head. 5. Here I hit a minor snag - for some reason, head would export with no eyes or brows. Ok, so I opened my existing Iona head .nif, deleted all its hair parts (hair, hairline, scalp) and copy-pasted the HairFemaleRedguard03 from the new head. 6. This part I actually did earlier, but it is important: Created a Color Form with the RGB of her hair color. Then, in SSEEdit, I set her hair color to use that Color. And that was it. She had the SMP hair in-game without having anythng actually equipped in the head slot. Putting on a hood or open helmet would replace the hair. Oh, if I wanted to make it a package-able mod, I would need to copy the wig .nif and its accompanying xml into my own mod's folders - and I would need to change the NiStringExtraData in the wig .nif to point at another location.
  8. The CC 'Curios and Relics' mod should be in your load order is you are running any AE game version (1.6.+) If you can find Welkynd stones in chests while playing Skyrim, then you should have all needed pre-reqs.
  9. That stack by itself is not an indication of error, unless it is the very last item in your log. Consider installing crash logger instead. Those crash logs can be rather cryptic, but they might point you to an error. I actuallly had CTDs recently, and upon looking at crash logs, it looked like it was an issue with XPMSSE trying to adjust weapon carry style of some NPC that came in range. So I went into XMMSSE MCM and reset all NPC weapon carry styles to default - which eliminated my CTDs almost entirely. Later I found out that the culprit was rather Mu Joint Fix. Though supposedly its update 2.0.13, released about a month ago, fixes that issue. If you use that mod, make sure you got the latest update.
  10. Yeah, most of your 'light' plugins are indeed .esp, (which is good) as can be seen from the log. At this point, I am inclined to think that some of those light plugins have problems. Suggest getting SSEEdit, loading it up, and then just right-clicking every mod in the list that has index like [FE xxx] and selecting 'Check for Errors' Will be tedious, but might actually get you somewhere....
  11. I mean the 'skse64' 'Text document - 4th from bottom, 184K size. Also, I think your problem is too many actual ..esl files. A .esl is considered a master and will typically load way high - above regular .esps. Which can lead to major issues. You want most of your plugins ESL flagged, but retain the .esp filename extension. Then, they occupy a 'light' slot, but can be anywhere in load order. To give you some idea: my (quite stable) setup. 19 .esm files 4 master-flagged .esp filles. 6 .esl files - yes, just 6. These 29 are at the top of the load order. Then I got 290 .esp files, 166 of which are regulars, and 124 are ESL flagged. Total 319 plugins. You should rename most of those .esl files to .esp...
  12. Outdated in what way? Unless it includes a .dll file, it does not matter if it is from 2017 or 2023. This one: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/8136?tab=files or https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/31049?tab=files should work just fine.
  13. That only works to a point, and only where recessed = dark and raised = light. Consider generating a normal map for a wooden chess board. Or dark stitching on light leather. Take a look at this article as well: https://katsbits.com/tutorials/textures/how-not-to-make-normal-maps-from-photos-or-images.php
  14. I suspect what you did is 'Batch Build' and just clicked 'Build' on subsequent pop-ups. I can give you a more in-depth on Batch Build and mesh conflict resolution, but at this point, easiest option is to do following: In BodySlide, click the down arrow in 'Group Filter', 'Choose Groups'. Scroll down, and check boxes on 'CT77 Complete Physics' and 'CT77 Realistic Physics', click OK. Choose whichever preset you want to use. Click 'Batch Build'. First popup should have lots of outfits listed, all of them 'CT77', and pretty sure all of them checked. Click 'Build' Next popup should present you with a bunch of choices, like this: You probably want to select 'Realistic Physics' (no boob shake in armor) in each case, click OK. It will build your Remodeled meshes. Click the 'X' in Group Filter to clear it.
  15. Highly recommended: https://wiki.beyondskyrim.org/wiki/Arcane_University:NIF_Data_Format Alpha of the normal is specular. Black means completely non-reflective, white is shiny-glossy. Here is an example of textures\architecture\riftenplazabrick01 Left is diffuse, middle is its normal's RGB, right is normal's alpha. As you can see, mortar lines on the alpha are black, brick faces are varying shades of gray. Taking a desaturate of the diffuse and pasting it into alpha is usually a good start, but you usually also want to give it an S-curve. In Blender, you can observe the effect by taking the texture's alpha output into BSDF specular input.
  16. Define "stop working". How does it look in-game? Which mod manager are you using? Do you remember which options you picked when installing remodelled armor? Generally, if an outfit starts having issues after a BodySlide rebuild, it means that you built a version your current install can't support. I.e. if you don't have XP32 skeleton installed, and build any of the 'regular' CT77 outfits, you will have issues. You can either install XP32 and its prerequisites, or you can use BodySlide to build the 'No Physics' variants of the outfits.
  17. I looked at the mod... the ONLY difference from vanilla steel armor meshes is that 'Specular Strength' in the Shader section is increased from 0.8 to 3.0. A lot of people would likely not want this, since combined with ENB, it can really blow out. Specular Strength is kinda supposed to be between 0 and 1... If that floats your boat that much, I suggest, in case you don't have those yet: For ladies: CBBE (Warning - explicit!!!) For gentlemen: HIMBO And of course, BodySlide/Outfit Studio The big thing about the first two is that they come with ready-to build BodySlide projects for all vanilla armor. Work flow: Launch Outfit Studio, Load Project, choose HIMBO - Vanilla Refits. Select HIMBO-Vanilla-Body-Steel Heavy In list of meshes, double-click the one that's the armor (in this case, SteelArmorHeavyFur), and in the properties, change Specular Strength to 3.0 Ta-da! Instant shinyfication. Once you save the project, you still need to open this outfit in BodySlide and build it to your preset of choice in order in order for it to take effect in game. One caveat: BodySlide projects are generally not created for items like helmets. But it is really easy to make one from a vanilla mesh. (So you can shinyfy those too)
  18. Looking into the CK: HousePurchase quest - HouseWhiterunBranch - top level dialogue.(A7B19) Response to 'I'd like to purchase a house' Splendid! There is house available.. (A7B31) (or A7B32 for subsequent uses, same conditions) Conditions: 1.Quest HousePurchase:: WhiterunHouseVar == 0 2.CurrentLocation == 'WhiterunLocation" 3. subject - GetInFaction - JobStewardFaction == 1 4. Player relationship rank with either Balgruf or Vignar(Stormcloaks) must be 2 or greater. HousePurchase quest (A7B33) must be running, and looks like it is started by Main Quest during chargen. Using any kind of alternate start mod may mess this up. #1 - I would load SSEEdit, and see under Skyrim.esm, see if anything (other than USSEP) is overloading: Quest A7B33 Dialog Topic A7B19 or either of its subs (A7B31/A7B32) Non-Player Character: 13BBA (Proventus) Namely, the factions. #2 - Quest check In console: startquest A7B33 Talk to steward, see if buy house option appears. If it does, some of your 'alternate start' mods is messing up the startup of this quest. #3 - Conditions check. I seriously hope it is not the location check, that would break a LOT of things. Open console, click the Jarl (NOT steward), type: getrelationshiprank player It should return at least 2. If you get 1 or less, something is messed up with prior quests that earned you your standing. Click the steward, type: getinfaction 50922 - it should return 1. If not, you got some crazy mod that removed stewards from 'JobStewardFaction'. Make a manual save, exit game, open the save you just made in Fallrim tools ReSaver. Expand Script Instances - H - looks for 'housepurchasescript', click it - the Data section (lower right) should tell you status of those variables. (WhiterunHouseVar_var should be 0)
  19. You really need to explain how does this inabilty manifest itself. Can't get quests from Jarl leading to property purchase permission? You complete the quests, but Jarl says nothing about property (and no dialogue option n steward)? Steward has 'buy house' dialogue option but when you say you want to buy, nothing happens? At one point, for me it was the #3. I chose the topic, steward congratulated me, and nothing happened. (no gold taken, no key given, dialogue option still available) Turned out: vanilla Skyrim attaches a script to that dialogue, (contained in Skyrim - Misc.bsa) calling 'Fragment_0' function. USSEP overloads that dialogue form, and its version requests to call 'Fragment_1' function. The version of script with that function resides in USSEP bsa. Some mod was including an updated version of that script, including a couple extra lines in... Fragment_0. Being a loose file, that script took priority over the USSEP version. So, invoking dialog used INFO form from USSEP, trying to call Fragment_1 in a script that did not have it. Took real time Papyyrus log monitoring to catch it. Changing function name and recompiling the script fixed the issue.
  20. I don't think NiffMerge works for SE. Personally, when decide to give an NPC a different head, I just manually duplicate the head parts forms and manually rename them in the head .nif. Seems to work quite well for me.
  21. Mind, you will have to do some trial and error. When you open a .nif in NifScope, it will occupy all of viewport regardless of zoom value. You pretty much have to see it in game to gauge the effect. Here, I assigned the above .nif (breadpuddserv.nif) as model for another item. In the shot below, upper portion is at zoom = 0.8. Lower portion is at zoom = 0.2
  22. Make sure you have High Poly Head from Vector Plexus installed. Generally, 'human' race presets are quite interchangeable (Nord, Breton, Redguard, Imperial) The preset you indicate is a Nord. In game, I go into racemenu, set sex to female and race to, say, Redguard. Then I go to presets, select 'Load' and load the '01SeranaPresetFinished.jslot' from the mod above. Then go to Sculpt, and import the 01SeranaPresetFinished.nif head mesh. At this point it changes the head part to 'KLH_FemaleHeadNord' I just go back to 'Head' section sliders and change it back to KLH_FemaleHeadRedguard. For the screenshot, I also went to the skin tone, and made it darker for a more 'Redguard' look. Now, normally, trying to use a human preset with elven race and vice versa, will produce some ugly results. But this one actually comes out pretty decent. I tweaked skin tone, eye color and ears abit, plus different hair.
  23. Not a problem with site. I get very consistent, full-speed downloads. Problem is with lack of 'Premium' banner under your name. 'Uncapped download speed' is a Premium-only feature.
  24. meshes\mealtimeyum .nif files. Get NifScope: https://github.com/niftools/nifskope/releases In settings, Make sure your Skyrim Special Edition/Data path is in the resources You want the 'Zoom' setting in the BSInvMarker block. Make smaller to reduce the preview size.
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