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Everything posted by Lutine

  1. "What tavern?" asked Nephenee. "I've still got a few things left to do here." "The Bee and Barb, I suppose," responded Benjamin. He paused for a moment, and pulled out a coinpurse. "Here, catch. I think you'll appreciate it." he threw the coinpurse at Nephenee, who caught it. "Ben, you really didn't-" The knight shook his head. "I know you lost almost seventy-five thousand septims on the Roland. This is the least I can do." She relented, and counted the money in the coinpurse when Benjamin left. 2,000 septims. A big sum, at least, right now. She walked back into the market, smiling.
  2. OOC: Oh hell, I overslept. Just got up. For convenience's sake, let's say Nephenee followed Eloise and Iodiria to Riften. Nephenee, who did not care for raiding an assassin's den, stabled her horse in the Riften stable and made for the merchants' safest place, the market. There was only a few hours before dawn. She was somewhat disappointed by the lack of commodities in the city's market. Along the way, she suddenly ran into a very unexpected face. "My, Benjamin! And Barrius, too!" she said, surprised. Benjamin was quite surprised. He thought she was in the camp, dozens of miles away. "Nephenee? I thought you were in an Imperial camp... But I-I'm glad you're safe." She took her hood off to reveal her face. "It's a very long story," she said, smiling. "But since you're up here in Riften, I assume you are here to fight against the Thalmor?" Benjamin grinned. "Spot on. But let's get to a tavern; it's getting late. We have a lot to talk about."
  3. As said by the topic title. For me, my first jet kill was an accidental midair collision. :psyduck: For a bizarre moment, I was playing a Karkand airmap, forgot which one, but the transport helicopter somehow became wedged in between two floors, 90 degrees to the ground. It refused to budge, and I decided to stay there the entire game on full throttle for the laughs. The best part was the cockpit was in between two floors and was unreachable by gunfire and grenades. :D It's too bad I didn't have Fraps running.
  4. Well, that's too bad. It's always sad to see a gaming company fall under. :confused:
  5. OOC: Mercer? After several minutes of wandering around, he came upon Barrius and Mark sitting on a pair of barrels. Barrius was polishing his bow handle; he probably just got his bow restrung. As a ranger-knight, the bow was just as important as the sword for him. Mark was eating an apple. "Find anything interesting?" asked Benjamin. "Got my bow restrung and a new flask to replace that piece of crap," responded the knight. "And I bought Mark an apple." "Well, alright. I'm going to find Reiko and then we can hit the sack. We're setting off first thing tomorrow morning."
  6. "Well, alright. Just avoid it in the market, please," said Benjamin, with a pained look. He didn't appreciate having to walk over a dead body while eating a sweetroll.
  7. As he searched the market, Benjamin came upon a man that had just killed a Thalmor man. "What happened here?" he asked the man. "I don't care about the Thalmor, but you're making the market look worse than it already is."
  8. OOC: Sorry to hear about your troubles, Prophet. :( IC: As he waited for the completion of his shield, Benjamin wandered the market, looking at various trinkets. He ended buying a pair of cufflinks and a few pounds of jerky. He would get a few waterskins of wine at the tavern later. Benjamin returned to the armory stall, which had just completed the painting of his shield. The fresh coat proudly displayed the order's coat of arms. Taking the shield, he thanked the man and looked for his companions.
  9. Benjamin made his way to the armory section of the market, and found a stall of decent repute. "I am looking for a kiteshield, preferably one already made." The storekeeper brought out a well-made steel kiteshield. It had a glistening steel surface, and its back was finished with fine lacquered mahogany. "How much would this shield be after painting it in the colors and coat of arms of the Order of Colovia? The color was blue and green alternating in four corners of the shield, and the coat of Arms was a ship with crossed swords in the background, with an eagle in the upper middle. The symbol would be in the upper left. The stall keeper thought for a moment. "Three hundred septims." "How about one fifty?" haggled Benjamin. "One eighty, no lower." "Fine," said Benjamin, handing the amount over. "The painting will be done within the day. Come back soon."
  10. "That is... Spectacular. Thank you," said Benjamin, accepting the blade. He placed it in its sheath and slid it into a knot on his belt. "Well, I'll be off to find a respectable shield stall. Again, many thanks."
  11. I mean, what exactly did you mess up? What happens in game? Etc.
  12. "Freeze as it cuts, I suppose," said Benjamin. "But not all the time. That would make for a very unsatisfying experience."
  13. Could you describe the problem in more detail?
  14. "A spell that can freeze a person on touch... Or, a barrier spell. Preferably, the frost spell," said Benjamin, pondering the idea.
  15. I never thought of that before. I might play that card in my next playthrough. :P
  16. "That would be greatly appreciated," said Benjamin, unwrapping the weapon from the padding that the stall keeper had put it in.
  17. It's human nature, unfortunately. Just ignore and report, and you'll be fine. :thumbsup:
  18. "This will be very helpful, thank you." Benjamin accepted the map and then turned back to the weapons stall he was browsing. He started to pocket the map, but instead handed it to his squire, telling Mark to learn to read the map. Ben turned over a few steel and silver swords. He put them down when a glistening Dwemer longsword caught his eyes. It was of the perfect quality. "How much?" he asked the stall keeper, pointing at the Dwemer sword on the wall. The stall keeper sized him up. "Seven hundred septims." "Three hundred fifty," haggled Ben. "Six hundred." "Four-fifty." "Five fifty." "Five hundred." "Done," said the stall keeper. Benjamin opened up his coinpurse and pulled out five 100-septim gold coins and handed it to the old man. The stall owner sheathed the weapon in a leather sheath and handed it over. "I'll buy your old sword for a hundred," he offered, as he handed over the weapon. Benjamin handed his steel sword over, accepting a 100-septim coin. "Nice doing business with you."
  19. Benjamin thanked Selene for the gift, and rode off into the market with his knights after throwing the coinpurse to his squire. "Right, first we need some carrots for Honda..." "Honda?" asked Reiko, perplexed. She was fairly new to the order. "Yes, my horse's name," said Benjamin. "Barrius's horse is Toyota, Mark's is Volkswagon... Wait..." He looked at Reiko. "Your horse doesn't have a name, does it? How about Ford." "Ford?" She was even more perplexed. Barrius spoke up. "He's a big fan of a pulp science fiction novel series. Those are names of mechanical horse companies, apparently." Reiko let out a silent "Ah," but still looked confused. "Ok, we now have 5,000 septims on top of our 6,300 septim travel fund. I daresay we have enough for souvenirs or some nice new gear. Knock yourselves out, guys." Benjamin tossed a small coinpurse at Barrius and another at Reiko. "I could do with a new sword, and definitely a new shield that I lost in that skirmish with the bandits near the border..." he thought aloud, nudging his horse along the tight market road.
  20. "Uhh, right. Just be sure the Temple isn't destroyed in the process..." said Benjamin, slightly aghast at the prospect. "Anyway, we'll be off for the camp after we've done some well needed shopping."
  21. He laughed. "Maybe you're right. We'll have to see in the coming months. But for now, aren't there some more prudent things to be done?"
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