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Everything posted by Lutine

  1. The Whiterun gem merchant choked on his steak lunch. "You're buying my inventory?" he asked, incredulously as he peered over the counter at the chest Nephenee and Mark brought. "90,000 septims. I daresay a respectable merchant like you would have the stock?" The merchant quickly did the math in his head, and nodded. "With such a large sum, we'll have to finalize this officially," he said, cautiously. "So be it," agreed Nephenee. OOC: Aaand, I gotta run. :/
  2. "...89,998...89,999, 90,000 gold!" exclaimed Mark, as he finished counting the gold contents of the chest. The dining room table of the house had been cleared away to count the massive chest. "And that's not to mention the jewelry in there," commented Barrius, rubbing his shoulder. He was still slightly injured. "What, did they steal the royal crown jewels or something?" joked Nephenee. "Anyway, this is a serious pile of gold right here. The jewelry itself is probably worth another 25,000 septims. Hell, a ship up here in Skyrim would run sixty thousand septims." Her eyes sparkled at the potential for money, but she immediately put on her merchant face. "But that won't do. We should invest in the gem market. The return would be high." Benjamin smiled. "Well, you're the merchant. I'm personally more interested in winning the war."
  3. OOC: Just read over the crapton of stuff that was posted since I last did. Prophet, where are you right now?
  4. OOC: Car accident!? Good god, your life is ten times more interesting than mine. Glad nobody was seriously hurt, though.
  5. "Shall we go to the inn?" said Nephenee, as they passed the city gates. "Ah, no," said Benjamin, with a smile. "My family has some property here. It may be dusty, but it's certainly better than an inn." Dismounting from his horse, he led them through the city to the house. It was a modest size, but still had a small stable and room for five people. Benjamin fiddled a bit with the front door key before opening the lock. "Mm. Very dusty, indeed," he said, coughing as a cloud of dust rushed outward.
  6. Benjamin and his company trudged into Whiterun, exhausted from their excursion two days ago. They had indeed found the bandit camp --A small fort-- which was apparently the home of the most feared bandits in the region. With their raiding party dead, taking the fort was easy pickings. Now, Mark was carrying a large chest on his horse into the city, full of looted gold.
  7. Happy Chinese New Year!
  8. Benjamin dismounted from his horse and rummaged through what he believed was the bandit leader's corpse. "Interesting. Look here, Nephenee," he said. "Hmm?" she responded, turning around. She and Mark, who had returned from hiding, were tending to Barrius. "Looks like this was a coordinated hit," said the knight, showing a note to Nephenee. "They mistook us for a merchant caravan heading this way." The merchant stood up. "Really now? Maybe we can stand to make money from this. Let's look for their camp as soon as Barrius wakes up."
  9. Yes, yes we could. Gabriella's has some Nephenee sets, which of course I adore, but more would also be nice. Do you happen to have a link for that? :P I know SPB has some Fire Emblem stuff, but unreleased. I also know that Eirika's outfit was on the Nexus at some point in the past, but is long gone.
  10. We could really do with some more Fire Emblem armor.
  11. Two bandits charged Benjamin on foot. Reflexively, he threw his lance at them, skewering both. Damn, he thought. He would have to recover it later. He unsheathed his new sword, and hacked at the next bandit attacking him, freezing the man into a statue instantly. Benjamin sighed, catching his breath. "I think that's the last of them."
  12. Big fan of Fire Emblem. And iced coffee. And bubble tea. Can't forget about that. Whenever I'm in Chinatown or Flushing, I try to get a good drink. :dance:
  13. Didn't you guys steal their money and source code? http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums//public/style_emoticons/default/doubt.gif
  14. I agree with SubjectProphet. Although your character is good, the premise of the roleplay is not. In here, with only a few roleplayers as is, creating a roleplay that nobody has interest in is not the best to do. It's like a store stocking sarsaparilla when people demand cola.
  15. "Nice weather today," said Nephenee, nonchalantly. The group had become so bored during their travel that the conversation had been reduced to talk about the weather. "Mhm," replied Benjamin. "It could be worse, thou-" Benjamin cut off his sentence, yelling "GET DOWN!" as he raised his shield. A volley of arrows flew from the forest to the left of them. Several arrows glanced off of Benjamin's new shield, and Reiko deflected several of them with a quick ward spell. Benjamin turned to see Barrius fly off his horse as an arrow hit him in the shoulder. Several moments later, a group of bandits charged from the forest, yelling battle cries. "To arms!!" yelled Benjamin, as he speared a bandit with his silver lance. Reiko cast a fire spell at a nearby bandit before cutting his head off with a clean swipe from her sword. No matter how it looked, the bandit attack seemed like an ill informed one. Though they were outnumbered three to one, ill armed men attacking cavalry was not the brightest idea in the book. Nephenee maneuvered her horse through the battle, covering for Barrius, who was knocked cold from the ambush. Noticing a bandit archer trying to take a point blank shot at Barrius, she quickly pulled out the old iron dagger from her saddle and threw it at the man. He died almost instantly as it lodged itself in his throat.
  16. After midday, they left Riften on the main road. The path would likely take them through to Whiterun, and the trade there was fairly good as well. OOC: Gotta run for a bit. I'll be back in an hour.
  17. Nephenee sighed. "I suppose we could rest in a nicer city. Do we have everything ready?" "Reiko's got some business with a bookseller here, so we'll leave midday," said Benjamin.
  18. Nephenee yawned as she made her way down the Bee and Bard's stairs. Benjamin and the others were already awake, but Mark seemed to be sleeping on the table, drooling. She stretched her arms, yawning again. "It's really good to finally sleep in a bed," she said. "Can't disagree with that," said Barrius. Benjamin nodded. "Anyway, as I was saying, we should leave today on the account of good weather." "Whattt, already?" complained Nephenee. "Well, we've got nothing to do here. There's several cities along the way to the camp." As a trader, several large trading hubs was not something worth giving up. And being fairly new to the region, Nephenee had to make more connections in various cities to stay afloat.
  19. Good thing my last project was due today. Great timing! :biggrin:
  20. OOC: Aargh, pretty pissed right now. I ended losing a lot of archived data in the form of a private notepad feature disappearing from that upgrade. A couple years worth, I think. :facepalm: IC: Benjamin and Nephenee rode through the marketplace after splitting up with Barrius and Reiko to search for any surviving souls. Most of the merchants that had survived had already fled by now, and all that remained were the people injured fleeing or the dead. Within the minute, a few guards also arrived to help pull out the injured. Chanting a quick prayer to a man that had been trampled to death, Benjamin mounted himself back onto his horse and left silently, pondering over the past half-hour's events. After a few minutes, he decided it was better not to think about it. "Quite a day, hmm?" he commented to Nephenee. "I still don't like how you charge into the most random things without regard for your life. You're not as bad as Barrius, I'll give you that, but..." The merchant paused to pop a dried plum into her mouth. "There's really no harm in a tactical analysis or whatever those tacticians call their tactics," she continued. "Oh, but what did surveying those bandits near Whitman farm do? You nearly got an arrow in your knee for that." The merchant flicked an agitated glare at the knight. "You know full well that it was your shiny steel armor that gave us away to that sniper, Ben." He raised his hands in defeat. "All right, you got me. I'll try to be more careful," he said, sticking his tongue out.
  21. Glad to see a fix is on the way. :thumbsup:
  22. I'm all for SOPA strikes, but for sites like Wiki when you need them are offline, it's a massive loss.
  23. Wait, what do you mean by your character is steaming?
  24. OOC: Have fun with that. Myself, I'll go rage on another forum I frequent because they really botched a forum upgrade. :P "Sounds like a decent idea. Just keep the sword under wraps," he said, nudging his horse 360 degrees to leave. "Right, let's look for survivors or injured around here."
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