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Everything posted by Lutine

  1. Oblivion. The quality of Skyrim's quests were subpar compared to Oblivion's quests. Most of Skyrim's quests were generic kill X bandit or obtain X item.
  2. I just went through the Nexus sites again. The ones that were fully working are now messed up as well. The background images are there, but regular images are gone. It's as if termite came and started randomly eating the code.
  3. Most laptops have the graphics chip integrated into the motherboard around 95% of the time. If that's case, it's time for a new laptop. The 5% that do have upgradable chips are proprietary and have insignificant upgrades, so again, getting a new laptop is a better option.
  4. Probably, if it's just going to be a clothes mod. It's something I'd like to see as well. :pirate:
  5. I believe there's a temporary workaround for that. I think you arrange the items, save, then leave and come back(Or vice versa, I can't remember), and items should stay in their place.
  6. Same here. All the Nexus sites that I frequent are unaffected, probably because I have the backgrounds cached, but the Nexus sites that I rarely frequent have all their images missing. Hope this gets fixed soon.
  7. Given the time frame between Oblivion and Skyrim, TES 6 would be out in 2016-2017. Hopefully by then, graphics and general technology would make it possible for The Elder Scrolls: Tamriel! :dance:
  8. Going with: Aces of the Deep (DOS) Sim City (Windows 3.0) Sim Tower (Windows) And more recently(21st century): Sim City 4 (PC) Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones (GBA)
  9. I like the idea of this mod. It would be really handy to have as a hotkey on the keyboard so it's at the press of a button when you need it.
  10. Thanks to both of you. Didn't think about the "junk" folder. :facepalm: Prensa - Thanks for the tip, but I was already using that. I was just having a difficult time with searching for the correct file names. :P
  11. Hi there. I'm planning on doing a food overhaul mod(Mainly with new textures, adding new products via a level list), but I need help finding the original meshes and textures from the Meshes.bsa and textures.bsa. Looking for them one by one is tedious as I don't know what I'm looking for. I'm mainly looking the textures and respective meshesfor the carton snacks(IE. Fancy Lady Cakes, Blamco Mac & Cheese, Gum Drops). Since they don't use the exact names in the filenames, I'm having a hell of a time finding them. :wallbash: Help please?
  12. Thanks, the Wiki article was really helpful in moving objects in and out of a mesh. However, my personally edited mesh still seems to be a dud.
  13. Also means more revenue for the Nexus. :thumbsup:
  14. I just finished reading it. It's pretty helpful, but I'm still unsure on how to fix the invisibility issue and the rigging.
  15. The only modification I made to the mesh was separate a group of objects, delete one of the objects, and merge them back into a group. I didn't change the texture. Sounds like rigging may be the problem, then. How would I fix that?
  16. How would I fix this? Would resolving this be done via Nifscope or the CS?
  17. I went into blender and physically separated a mesh's objects(specifically, a two-cloth skirt in a full body mesh), and deleted one object, the cloth. I didn't touch anything else. If I go ingame with that mesh, I get nada. Nothing. It's invisible. If I open up nifskope, take the original mesh, remove the lower part, and replace it with my modified skirt, only the skirt shows up invisible in game. I'm at my wits end trying to figure this out, and I know it's got to be something simple.
  18. I say, lets just cut our legs off...win! :devil: Legless knights on horses... I like it!
  19. What kind of resistance can we put up, though? If they know we're planning a rebellion, they'll put an arrow in all our knees! :psyduck:
  20. Perhaps it could be user-done via the settings in the user control panel for premium members so there is little to no work for the staff. Making it a one-off thing or an annual option would reduce the chance of abuse, as well.
  21. I PM'd Dark0ne several days ago regarding name changes. Understandably, he hasn't replied yet as he's likely very busy. After I messaged him I did some research(Which I admit I should have done first), and found the staff does not perform name changes, in user settings nor in the ACP. I can see the reasons behind this(IE, creating more work for the staff). However, I have a suggestion for name changes that I believe may have some potential. If name changes were to be made into a paid service, either as part of the Premium Member package or as a separate entity, the staff would not have too much of an extra load and more donations to boot. Hopefully, such a thing would be cross compatible with the Invisionboard software and the actual Nexus sites. What do you guys think?
  22. Well, once the author is banned, the staff has to manually remove it themselves. I'd imagine it would be different. This is all conjecture though, I'm not too savvy with the new Nexus yet either.
  23. As far as I know, the staff doesn't delete the mods of banned authors. Perhaps he requested his mods to be taken offline after he was banned? I've seen authors do that in the past.
  24. Nicely written! I love a good story, especially when well written. Hope you make another installment.
  25. That does sound suitable epic. I second the request. I'd do it myself, but I'm not good with scripting so he'd only be a vanilla companion. That would be a disservice to his awesomeness.
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