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Status Updates posted by Ultrajet

  1. And a Happy Birthday to you too my friend !
    1. Druuler


      *grumble, grumble* Thanks... *grumble, grumble*
  2. Damn dude, any of my cool friends still here? Wasteland Renegades part 4 is out today, I used to make them for you guys! :'(
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ultrajet


      5746 Oh my lord, a sign of life on my profile? haha thanks so much for watching! Yeah I think I have gotten better with the editing, would be cool to keep making more but the tiny audience I had before is dead lol

      How have you been? :)

    3. VisseNekku5746


      Well I'm a live one. :D So that's something.

      Actually I'm doing great at the moment. Just moved into a bigger apartment last month and now it actually has started to look like home. ^^ So I'm quite happy about that.

      How about you? Have to say, it was really nice to see you uploading.

    4. SariDecember


      I loved it! You havent lost your siganture style humor! Rhys and the extinguisher and that Lighthouse incident killed me! XD
  3. What's up mai boi!?
    1. Druuler


      Not much, really.
  4. I uploaded Wasteland Renegades 3 yesterday. I know it's been years and probably no one remembers but I thought I'd publish what I have before I upload part 4 using FO4... Let me know what you think?
  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DRUU!!! Cool kids club of november! lol You took your fb down again, jeez! Anyway hope your day turns out great! I'll be on skype all day! :D
    1. Druuler


      Thanks. FB is just deactivated, not deleted. And I spent the day playing Gears of War, with no Skype and my cell phone turned off. I am just not in the greatest of places mentally right now. *shrugs*
  6. Thank you!! I logged in here the other day and coulda sworn your bday was after mine! Darn!!! Hope you had an awesome bday though girlie~ We're so cool huh, november crowd~ :P
    1. satanslilhelper


      The only uncool thing is thinking about the fact that it's approximately nine months after Valentines day...

      But yes, Scorpios rule!

      Thanks hun!

    2. Ultrajet


      I never thought of that, that's kinda gross lol
  7. I know hardly anyone cares about this but I have been making lots of progress with my 3rd Fallout video and I will be working on it through the weekend. Looks like I'll have it ready next Saturday the 14th. :)
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      Why on earth don't I still get notifications from you!? Would have missed it if you were on time :p


      This is great news, your videos have been such great fun

    3. Ultrajet


      Ah idk why, I'm sorry. Sit tight this next one is looking better than the last, I promise. But looks like Christmas stuff is going to get in the way, maybe it wont be ready on saturday. I am really pushing to finish it because I will be on a road trip for new years and will be gone another whole week.
    4. VisseNekku5746


      Well honestly nobody's expecting anything to happen during the holidays. :) It is the time to relax and have fun. And eat, of course.
  8. Thought of you with the Fallout 4 reveal hype. I dunno if you've been following it but they mention Desmond Lockheart several times. Here's to hoping you get to see him in the next game! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pJLwd0osKpnp6kEogWh6KAZZiM0Rh-odwWCDc3VEMVE/preview?pli=1&sle=true
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ultrajet


      Oh my goodness I am so so sorry. I posted that when it was still a possibility. Late today they admitted it was just a hoax, wish I had never got your hopes up :(
    3. Odile


      I'll kill a man
    4. Ultrajet


      Ain't that a kick in the head?
  9. Have any of you been riding the Fallout 4 announcement hype train? Unsure if http://thesurvivor2299.com/ is real or not but today a German Website listed Fallout 4 for 2014 release. Have a look, they took down this article but people got an image of it: http://i.imgur.com/BAHoYPG.jpg
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. AliasTheory


      Also for the Survivor2299 -- I know the piece and have the sheet music to that "Sad Violin" piece. I used to play it a lot, but I got bored with it. But dang, the owner of the site came out, huh?
    3. Ultrajet


      I'll write it down and look it up for sure. I disliked Borderlands, I know everyone loves it but I just couldn't get into it. Hah that is such a long freakin combo, are you able to do something like that? Bah I didn't watch that video as soon as I found out it was a hoax I just never checked back on it.
    4. Ultrajet


      Sucks but looks like you were right, it was too elaborate for an advertising campaign. I'm going to just be patient with FO4 announcement hopefully they are only taking their time to make an awesome game. Though I doubt it will ever be as good as FO3.
  10. Just a short clip I'm using in my new video, wondering if there is anyone still interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yQxyYq-XiM
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ultrajet


      That's great! To be perfectly honest I have so many funny ideas but when it comes time to work on them I reaaally don't want to. I've mustered up 4 short clips so about two minute's worth :P


      5746- I was pretty sure we were friends, I've added you again :$

    3. VisseNekku5746


      Can't ask you to exceed your own pace :P If it makes you feel any better, you're not the only one who's a bit delayed.


      Aaand friend request accepted. Noticed some more overlooked requests on the list from years back :/ Whoops.

    4. Ultrajet


      It's one of those things where I have to stop making excuses and do it. I know I will make at least one more Wasteland Renegades, I would like to eventually make videos for other games.
  11. Hey mister, just sending greetings! Hope you're well :D
    1. AliasTheory


      Hey, haven't seen you in a while. Hope you are doing well these days.

      Nice to see a profile picture change in who knows how long on your part.

  12. I lost my F3 pc disc so I can't play/make more videos. Will have to buy my 4th copy of the game. Anyone still around here?
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Druuler


      Lol, UJ's videos are a scream! XD
    3. Ultrajet


      Thanks Druu I'll be sure to get that :)

      I forgot how hard and time consuming it is to set everything up for one lousy scene that lasts for 5 seconds. And I've got so many ideas too ; ;

    4. Ultrajet


      1hr and a half to put together only sound that lasts 30 seconds. Finding it hard to stay motivated :$
  13. Ty! Happy birthday to you also! I'm just an hour and a half late, sorry. Hope you had fun :)
  14. Same with me. Things could be better but what can you do? I miss chatting with ya bud!
  15. Hello friend, how are you? :)
  16. Get back to work ya slacker!
  17. Buying sony vegas movie studio, starting up more random videos.
    1. Druuler


      Well, that should prove interesting :)
    2. Ultrajet


      I'm ready to begin working on it already. I am taking requests, if any! :D
  18. Well I haven't been here in a while! So I thought I'd just drool by here. You're missed, btw..
  19. Having many issues with accepting friend requests, I click accept and nothing happens. >,<
  20. Thanks for watching my video and commenting on my screenie! *squeal* :]
  21. Why peek and not say hello AT? *POKE* How r you doing? ^^
  22. Hey dude idk if you have seen my video yet-buuut I added a very small clip for you since you requested it. I think you will recognize it when you see it.

    Also *shameless advertisement* can I get an endorsement on this? Once I get 14 thumbs it will help me get more views, ty! http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=27450

  23. Hey thanks for your comment man, I really appreciate it. Looks like my time on my video was well spent ^-^
  24. Ty for your comment on my video~

    Comments like those make my time spent on it so worth it =]

  25. Ty for your comments on my screens and video bethie ^-^ <333
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