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Status Updates posted by Ultrajet

  1. New Video is up! What parts did you guys like? (pls share with me ^^)
    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Ultrajet


      I'm glad u liked it BD! :)
    3. BlueDanube


      i like it a lot, cause video is one thing i don't have the patience for to make. :S
    4. Ultrajet


      I do haha, really wanna make another one. I laughed so much when I was filming that door glitch haha
  2. A little birdy told me it was your birthday! Well yesterday, I am late but wanted to say Happy Birthday anyways! Hope u had a wonderful day full of cookies! ^^
  3. Odile! Gimme some ideas for a new video~


  4. Hello I am just Druuling by!

    I see bad news on your status updates. I think I might have a tantrum now. =.=

  5. Nice new picture. I like it! Plus I love that lil hat on her<3 I need to upgrade mine too.
  6. How you doin AT? What's new? You're prolly all busy with school. I'm just getting cooked alive in this californian heat. Plus I got back into drawing since I got some neat pens.
  7. Hey David! I know you're not around here much but I wanted to show you this video I made. watch it if you have time? :)

  8. Thanks so much again! I love hearing what part people like, I might make another one. Getting some ideas from the feedback. I'm just glad people are enjoying what I made :D
  9. Wow do you really think so? I've seen it so much from working on it that I don't know if people will like it or not. Ty so much ! Glad it cheers you up :)
  10. Hey again friends. I made a Fallout video, please watch in HD and tell me what you think!
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Ultrajet


      @MrTrigun tyvm! I do enjoy hearing what parts people like so I can improve if I ever make more.


      @beth I'm back! was just very distracted with another game D= Hi!!

    3. Ithildin


      Brilliant - I haven't laughed like that in a long while! :D Love the music you chose; if you make another, I suggest this piece: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lK9tT-734dw&feature=related
    4. Ultrajet


      Thank you :] The broom fight however was a reference to FF8's opening scene. Check out this one I wanted to use too, sounds very similar to the one you showed me http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSlNHi6wgQQ

      I really need more ideas before I even attempt another video. Maybe I'll do it using FNV :P

  11. Happy 4th of July everybody! <3
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ultrajet


      Vancleef still goes there? lol That would b funny XD I want a nerf gun!! D=
    3. llamaRCA


      I have one! It's very long, and if you take off the front end it looks (the shape anyway) like the laser rifle from FO3, and yes, I confess, that's why I bought it....
    4. Ultrajet


      haha llama, you should spray paint it grey and kick it around outside so it looks more like it. I wanna see ^^
  12. Druu you on right now? I'm on yahoo, I think my upload is working!
  13. Yeah I know! Everything good here, I am up to something I can show you all when I'm done. Good for laughs.

    How are you?

  14. Aww how sweet. I know I been quiet but I been kinda busy with things here. Mostly fun stuff :)

    I might have a little surprise for you soon!

  15. Hey you are doing such a great job on your comic. Just felt like saying that.

    Last night I downloaded a new trial of sony vegas. I will try to upload to youtube after I resize the video :)

  16. Hey llama! You were my first friend here, just came by to see what's new! What's up!

    You know me I'm just trying to keep it gangsta. >:P

    *gets slapped* (never say that again)

  17. Hey llama! You were my first friend here, just came by to see what's new! What's up!

    You know me I'm just trying to keep it gangsta. >:P

    *gets slapped* (never say that again)

  18. I am indeed up to something! You will find out soon enough :P Hope you're well!!
  19. You seem bombarded with bday wishes on FB. So I'll say it here, Happy Birthday!
  20. Yes I am!! I will try her tonight whee!! *excited*
  21. Yes I am!! I will try her tonight whee!! *excited*
  22. Odile, there is absolutely no rush! Real life comes first, always. I'm screwing around with filming random clips from F3. It's entertaining, I am finding some of the funniest bits when I review the videos, I might even upload on youtube :P
  23. I've created a Deviantart account so I can upload my art. Some screenshots in there that I was unable to upload here as well. Please visit me! http://ultrajet.deviantart.com/
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. VisseNekku5746


      Lol, just noticed. Just one page amongst the others I guess. I've enjoyed it. Many talented Fallout artists there. And others
    3. Druuler


      Shiney! I'll go take a peek :)
    4. vancleef


      Oooooo! Coolio! Just popped over after browsing your gallery! Love the dark, Gothic one with the streetlamps and grave! I remember seeing that one awhile back when I was browsing your content.
  24. Hey how are the poses coming along? You still working on them? I do like them a lot, I was never into the slutty poses lol

    You playing New Vegas yet? (Sorry about double post, I have a bad internet explorer issue)

  25. Hey how are the poses coming along? You still working on them? I do like them a lot, I was never into the slutty poses lol

    You playing New Vegas yet? (Sorry about double post, I have a bad internet explorer issue)

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