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Everything posted by stealtrecon

  1. Hey Buddha, we should get together sometime to work on a mod since we didn't finish "The League."
  2. I say you should push for legal action. His parents can learn a lesson too. They should be raising him better, thus they are to blame just as much as the script kiddy.
  3. Hey guys, looks like you have been very busy the past few days. If its alright with you I'd like to assist. Not much is really happening on my team right now, everyone appears to be on holiday, yay...
  4. Try messaging them. This past week has been a bit of a holiday for me and I've just been more lazy than I should have. I need to get running again outside too.
  5. I must say I am impressed that you've managed to load that many mods at one time. Maybe the game is being swamped with data and causing an error with the problem you specified. I can't really say what the problem is, but perhaps it could even be a problem with the core files of the game.
  6. o.o That sounds pretty odd, yet funny at the same time. It sounds like Elsarian knows how to deal with this problem though.
  7. You do know you can scale items right in the cs do you not? Unless you plan on making brand new meshes or textures for these valuable gems then I suggest you simply double click on the item in the construction set and scale it up or down, depending on what you are trying to do. I'm not sure I can really help much though. I can do retextures to some extent and I am beginning to understand how to model in blender. Ill check in on this post soon, if you need any help just ask.
  8. I was just browsing some photos about steampunk and I'm sure many of you have seen this picture but I thought I would post it anyways. http://www.scificool.com/images/2009/03/steampunk-spider.jpg I thought that the steampunk spider looked pretty cool. I like this because it somewhat reminds me of the centaurians from Morrowind, if that is what they are called. Anywho, I just felt like suggesting it as a possible custom creature for steampunk.
  9. I'll make a suggestion for file sharing. I use a 4shared account. Its free and gives you lots of space, just make a shared account for your team. I hope this tad bit of information helps.
  10. I like the sound of the mod. Its similar to my idea of an Oblivion development mod where it brings more of a real life sense to the game rather than just focusing around the main quest. I'll participate gladly. I'm not much use in the way of scripting or modeling but I can help with construction set, voice acting or writing.
  11. Sorry for the late reply. You can't close post on your own, a moderator has to do that and they will not do that for these topics. You can just say post closed or topic resolved :D
  12. Yes, a scripter would be nice. We would appreciate any assistance, but if we do not then I'll take the liberty of learning how to script for oblivion. Whether I will be successful or not I do not know, so perhaps a true scripter should join us hm?
  13. Yes, it shall be interesting. I'm learning more and more about our project and it seems to have big plans.
  14. Providing that you would approve we would like to welcome you and your project into Streamline Studios modding team. Things will run much more smoothly with our organized website and forums.
  15. Thanks, we will be sure to give you credit for your models.
  16. Understood. We will not use your meshes. We will create replacements of our own.
  17. This project picked up with a little of attention from good ole stealt mwahahahaha.
  18. TheBuddha, yay another of my team has joined Nicks project!
  19. Haha, funny Nick. Multiplayer notepad. But yeah, I can help you with dungeons.
  20. They can be confusing, but they are easy to learn to make. Whats IRC by the way?
  21. Aye Aye Captain Myrmaad! I simply want to continue watching the steampunk team make a great mod which is coming along great guys. And corithian, I love the cover you made, you are very good at all of the modeling.
  22. Wow, thats a lot of time for one person. I basically know how to use the construction set. I voice act and write on the side. I'm more of a world builder/dungeon coordinator. I suppose if you need any help with small buildings or locations I can help with that. Do you have msn messenger?
  23. This project is now property of Streamline Studios and sole rights belong to TehBuddha. We need scripters, modelers, texturers and modders of any trade. For more info please post here or visit our site which can be found in my signature.
  24. As you wish. Shadow Softworks has been removed indefinately from our intro.
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