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Everything posted by tomomi1922

  1. I tried several: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5804 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1037 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2014 https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2154 I click on mod manager download and the chrome tab only flashes for a moment and nothing happens. This only started recently Oh, I thought you said the button is not there. Did you restart computer? (kinda prude, but most people may leave their computers running for days and weeks, with Sleep in between). In MO2, just associate again, and if that doesn't work, close MO2, restart computer, reopen. MO2 took a couple tries for me to get it to work properly too.
  2. This may be unrelated to main topic, but when in doubt about a link, use an iOS device to check out the link. That would be an iphone or ipad. iOS has such rigid security that it would be impossible for app to sideload anything onto the device without your physical permission (you have to press something to confirm install of an app). And even after installation, you would have to go to Settings to "Trust" the company of the app installed. THEN you have to click on that app for it to run. THEN for accessing any of your information, photos, address book, camera, GPS location, etc... iOS will have to prompt you for permission. Just make sure your device is not jail broken. So if a link comes up with such warning. Pull out your phone to check it out.
  3. You have to do it yourself. I suppose you already figured out to tap in the forum's database and sync with your main user's database. If I create a new account on forum or main site, it can be used both places. Database structure shouldn't be hard to read. The harder part would be how to figure out your forum's software login persistent state, aka login session. The goal is when a user logs into either site, the site would log this user into both sites. Google uses cookies to achieve a login session to allow one login to all their sites. Google is regulated and has security mandate. I don't think Nexus does, so that free you guys up some strict regulations. Your login session would be a lot simpler than Google's. What you do not want is to re-write the forum's codes, it would be a pain when forum's update comes out. Neglecting update would open up security holes. So it is best to just either extend or add codes enough to pass the login session. Update would require minimal rewrite. A few years back I was looking into this (for my very small site). It seems doable, but since it was my hobby (not work related) so I did not put it high on my to-do list. And it is quite some work for 1 person to do. However, as a company, you may be able to reach out to the software creator for some knowledge and resource. I used to come across a few sites in the past that I highly suspect they succeeded in integrating a forum into their sites. When I see them again, I will post links here.
  4. Let me know if you remove all mods to test. One problem can be alternate start too. What you can do is to give yourself money via console, and hire a carriage to go everywhere to test. Or you can just COC
  5. Keep in mind that TES5Edit is a tool developed by someone outside Bethesda. Same as LOOT and other tools we use. In fact, it is safe to say only CK is from Bethesda. It is not to say the creators of these mods are bad. But they do not know all the in and out of the game, and frankly they aren't paid a salary to sit 10 hours a day working for Bethesda. So it is unwise to clean Skyrim files at all. I think it is safer to patch them. This is why we have USSEP.
  6. First advice, get Mod Manager 2. It is a must tool for serious modders. NMM is quite garbage comparing to this. Don't know about Vortex.
  7. Your PC can handle Skyrim. You even have a faster video card than I do. I only have 1070. Although why your RAM is on the low side. It is standard to have 16Gb now, 32Gb preferred. But this has NOTHING to do with your CTD. If your computer is too weak to handle a game, you will start to notice the very low frame rate and very laggy to move around, totally unplayable. Since you barely have any mod, it is easy to remove all your mods to test. Remove things by 1 by from the list and try this area. But this is only for testing, I do not recommend uninstalling Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp once you have it installed. Evberything else seems ok to uninstall. Take Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp off for now. It doesn't add anything to your current game play, just aesthetic. When the game is stable, put it back in if you feel like. Here is what I worry: It may not be one mod that causes something to CTD you, but something you did up to this point causes a corruption within your game that causes CTD. This can happen. If so, to test this, why don't you load in a very early save with all these mods, and try to venture to this spot and see if you still CTD? I mean as early as you just started the game.
  8. Which mod are you trying to download? I think it is the fault of the actual mod not giving you a link on the website. MO2 has no way to mess with your web browser.
  9. SUMMARY: (to save you time from having to read everything) It is a consensus of the thread that it is not quick save, but quick loading IS a big problem. Save however you like, but when you need to load from a save, do yourself a favor and quit to Main Menu before trying to load. Or else, residues from previous game will creep into the newly loaded game and cause troubles. Make it a habit, LOAD FROM MAIN MENU, don't be lazy! ___________________________________ Drawing from this post https://steamcommunity.com/app/489830/discussions/0/154641879464460056/ The author seemed to advocate that quick save does not handle continuity of running scripts properly, leading to problems. In fact, some others even chimed in and said they would stop the character from moving or doing anything before they hit save, just to be on the safe side. Is this paranoia worth listening to? The reason I am reading this is because some of my saves cannot be resaved: Load up, run around, and guarantee to CTD on save. I happen to notice a lot of these are from Quick save files. Maybe coincident?
  10. Especially with Skyrim and Sims where there are millions of mods, finding mods can be a huge pain sometimes. The Download site has a search feature but only with very primitive functionality, works with very simple search string (even mispelling can throw off the result). Building a good algorithm is not easy, I understand. You guys need a forum section for "Where Can I Find" so to let members ask to find certain things and others who happen to know where to get them. Human knowledge still outshines machine algorithm, not to mention you guys do not have the resource to create such foundation (or maybe you are working on it, I don't know). But when I am looking for a mod that "give me this specific feature at this very specific location for this very specific quest" ... guess how I am going to find it? Some nice soul out there on forum will point out "maybe you should try this mod, or in combination with that mod, and work around as such...." Frankly, even Google search would fail without the correct keywords. Humans don't need keywords. Having a dedicated "Where Can I Find?" section would greatly help people find what they need, without spamming other forums and diluting the focus of that particular forum. A real-world use case: 2 months back I was desperately looking for an outfit manager for Skyrim SE. Google search yielded nothing. And just as I gave up, I found out SkyUI already has such a feature built-in. Yet they did not mention such feature in their own description. I think that if there is a dedicated WCIF forum, I would find this a lot faster. And whenever someone asks about an outfit manager, I would gladly tell them SkyUI is the answer even though the mod itself doesn't even say so.
  11. I think I am not the first to suggest this, but why does Nexus separate Forums and Mod Download sites? I mean it makes sense if Nexus is maintained by hobbyists who need to use a proprietary software to run a forum, and another software to run the download site. I have done those before (mostly forums). But don't you guys have a professional staff who get paid salary to work on the site, NMM, and the new Vortex manager? It would make sense to stop this segregation. And more over, the access for comments from both Download and Forum (and different ways to reply) make things extremely confusing. I am often kicked out of the forum site and required to re-login, with captcha. Small annoyance, I can live with that.
  12. Which game are you referring to? This is true about Block power. But think about it, for your own privacy and personal comfort, you can block anyone you dislike without a reason (or without presenting a reason). You can block me just because I wrote something you dislike and wish never to read anything from me again. All social media platforms have this feature. For this site, it is a bit harsh if you just merely wrote something and the mod authors would wrongly mistook you as a troll (or something he/she doesn't like) and block you. It feels horrible. But then, you can always create a new account and download their mods if you choose to. They can't stop you from downloading anything of theirs unless they take the download down. So seriously, the only thing you are hurt is your ego, which you should learn to toughen up (not suggesting you aren't tough). I don't have the energy to upload and maintain my mods. Due to my life and career, sometimes I can disappear from Nexus for months on end. But from time to time I always want to give constructive criticisms and suggestions. Most authors appreciated that, some brushed me off, and literately 2 people took me as rude. Stubborn and self-centered people can be like this, this is life. Someone who do not fully understand certain things, yet uploaded as mods for others to download. The mods have a lot of weaknesses and they offered a super lengthy instruction to circumvent the issues (they call it "super easy" 20 steps) when there are ways to eliminate such issues altogether, only if they knew.... but no matter, anyone spoke up would get blocked. Later on, I found out they got so many "rude complaints" that they had to lock the download down. Sometimes, we just can't cure stupidity. In regard to nudity, nudity of teen, and over-sexualization, you have to understand that nobody is forcing you to download any of these mods. You do not like them, you can even block them. Supply and demand of the market still apply here. Everyone is entitled to upload mods. if nobody downloads, it means there is no demand (or bad advertising). If many people download, there seems to be demand for such types of mods. Would nude mods enable criminal activities? Would shooting games enable mass shooters? Everyone is adult (or should be). They are responsible for their own actions. If a nude mod can get someone to commit a crime, then there is a whole lot more to worry about that person than a nude mod. If Steve sees a nude mod and has an urge to kidnap some young women and do unimaginable things with, I am sure he will end up doing those crimes when he runs across a porn video, or see something in real life that would trigger his urge. The lack of nude mods would not save Steve. In regard to profanity, and in comparison with nudity and extreme violence, why allow one but not the other? I think you are missing the point. You have to look at general behaviors, not content. Nexus seems to be a for profit company (judging from their recent hiring ad), they would not allow bad behaviors to ruin their reputation and drive away users. How else do they make money? And nothing ruins a site faster than profanity ridden posts of users blasting each other in flame wars that amount to nothing. The nudity and extreme violence here are content, not tools to blast each other. If you find certain mods disturbing, you can report the mods and let admins handle them. In fact, you can use profanity as content too. But so far nobody has made a mod featuring profanity that becomes well known. So again, supply and demand!
  13. Without sounding rude and belittling the OP, but someone should put a gigantic warning about the learning curve, that "you must graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Skyrim modding major" to be qualified using Nexus mods. Because without such commitment and knowledge, or with a friend/loved one who is willing to do all the work, modding Skyrim is a super pain. Ok, back to the topic! What BAT file? ENB should have no relation to any of this, but still is a possible cause for CTD, but very unlikely. How about trying to launch the game without SKSE64? Run the game via Skyrim Launcher. If it is SKSE64's problem, then starting this way should at least get to main menu. And there is a message that warns about SKSE not starting. Because I highly suspect this is not SKSE64's fault at all. Just noticed: - Joy of Perspective.esp is loaded UNDER JoP - Immersive Armors Patch.esp. Does your mod manager complain about missing masters?
  14. For SKSE64 you NEED to install it manually. Mod managers cannot (rather, do not want to) deal with anything outside Data folder. And SKSE64 has half of its files outside Data folder. Who do not recommend manually install SKSE64? In fact, if you HAVE to ask this question, I recommend NOT using mod managers installing SKSE64. Both SKSE64 and ENB are not mods, do not try to install them like mods.
  15. This only means either one or both of them are not installed correctly. I mean ENB and SKSE64. Btw they are not related at all.
  16. Avoid? as in using 4k or 1k?
  17. I just tried Legendary difficulty. Sheesh, I am a veteran gamer, I can handle it. But... It's not hard. It's just taking FOREVER. Everything is a damage sponge. It is all there is when I looked up, it is only Damage Dealt and Damage taken. Sad. I remember back in Mass Effect, easy mode is just aim and shoot, but hard modes require knowledge of damage types. Who resist what, and weak to what, mess that up, and we will fight until we run out of ammo and die, while barely scratching the enemies. I think same with Dragon Age. I felt good playing at the hardest mode in Dragon Age. So what does everyone play on? I go back to Expert. Reasonable to me, at my current level 23. Enemies are not push-over, but not taking 2-3 damage per hit.
  18. Going to Follow this post. Hopefully I can find it again when I need it. All the Yes clicking and waiting for Facegen really kill my mood for CK, I am glad you understand :)
  19. Lol true that, with a gamepad, how do they even aim or play FPS? Skyrim auto aim system is supposed to be good. The concept must be a predecessor of VATS. But unlike VATS, Skyrim just lets the projectiles fly without checking for result. VATS literately guides the shot. Autoaim is horrible because the game literately decides the target and the flight path for you, without checking the flight path. There were times I kept shooting at someone, and arrows kept hitting that wall column partially covers the target. For such simple sniping shot of an immovable target, it got to be aggravating.
  20. Still learning the CK, I have been following tutorial video but it seems some of the videos are old and not matching up with current CK. And CK isn't working as well for me (at least too slow and CTD often). Do you have experience with modding light sources that you can tell which one they are in TES5Edit?
  21. I am using AFT and Recorder extensively. Well, not extensive on AFT ... but I have it, its running. I am not using much of its functions yet. No issue. aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons is an SSE mod yet?
  22. Do you CTD when you open map? Or what were you doing? Can you reproduce the exact area (or even spot) and what you do (in combat stance, open map, talk to an NPC), etc... ?
  23. I am not feeling well right now so I did not go through your load order thoroughly. But here are a few things that stood out: - Convenient Horse seems abandoned, with a lot of problems. Many people wrote up comments about problems and author didn't respond at all, no fix. But I do not recommend you to simply uninstall this mod. The author warned and recommended NOT to uninstall, therefore didn't even provide an instruction. So your current save is married to it (without a possible divorce). Currently, I use Immersive Horse. If you feel like adventurous, uninstall CH, load the game, make a new save without any horse mod, then install Immersive Horse. Immersive Horse seems stable and the author is around. - CinematicFireFX.esp is also problematic now, expecially paired with Embers. Disable it (but keep the texture and mesh) - beltfastenedquivers.esp is problematic. Consider disabling it. Does beltfastenedquivers.esp work for you at all? If you want belt fastened quivers, download XPMSSE. To be safe, use version 4.2.0. It has option for Belt fastened quiver in the iFOMOD nstallation. I don't recommend the latest version because it is still quite glitchy imo. But 4.2.0 is absolutely stable. - Racemenu and ShowRacemenu Alternative??? I don't use either mod so I don't know how safe to uninstall. But uninstall ShowRacemenu alternative please. - Veydosebrom - Grasses and Groundcover.esp and Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp You need to uninstall one. Good thing is it is safe to install/uninstall either one mid game. And Flora Overhaul? This one provides its own grass and will not play nice with grass mod. All of these may NOT be causing your current problem. So doing all the above I said may not save you. However, if not now, it will be later. You can't ignore problems and pray to the Skyrim god you will be spared. It's like throwing a lit match into your car's fuel tank and wish nothing will happen. Also, if you deal with CTD, STOP PLAYING. You can't fix later. I mean, feel free to play. But chances are your progress will be lost. Because if you CTD at a spot consistently, going around it will not make the problem go away. You get a bleeding at the back of your butt, ignore it, you won't see it anyway, fix it later. But ignoring probably leads to infection, and if you don't treat until much later, it may be too late. Infection may spread, may kill you. Or it is a symptom of some serious disease, had you visited a doctor sooner. So deal with this CTD right now, because all your progress from this point may be going to waste.
  24. This is what everyone should be doing. In fact, it is not hard to create a Vanilla save even we didn't create one in the past. We can recreate the Vanilla Data folder. The easiest way is to rename Data to Data1 (or anything). Ask Steam to check file integrity, in which it will redownload Data folder for you. Or you can just manually re-create Data folder by copying all Vanilla files over (given you know which one they are). And with MO2, you can simply run the game outside MO2. ENB doesn't bother your save because no data from ENB will be written in your save. Skyrim doesn't even know your ENB exists. But having a save at Helgen doesn't mean a whole lot. Game progression comes with many stages, imagine you are at level 80, if you lose that save, and have to go back to Helgen level 1, how would you feel? Recreating your level 80 with console command is possible, but not fun. Replacing all those items you didn't yet earn feels like you are losing the personal touch. For example: I don't particularly like the Dawnbreaker. But one day I did the quest and got rewarded that weapon, nice surprise! (Because I totally forgot which quest gave Dawnbreaker). So Dawnbreaker means something for my character and myself: that late night I was trying to finish the quest and I kept dying, or someone kept messing something up, or something painful I had to go through (both game and RL) to earn that thing. Again, not going against everything you said above, but all these are not even enough. Here are a few things I ran into that was rather game breaking: - Looping OSA script, papyrus bloated to 2Gb log file, so glad someone found a fix, I didn't have to go back to old save. - I use Quick Light, and one day the lantern stopped emitting light. It's not a Load Order thing, because old save worked. I tried cleaning with ReSave, uninstall and reinstall Quicklight, no avail. I went back 2 days of progress, would have to redo 3-4 dungeons (have yet to do). - fxRandomDust script ... someone found a fix, thank god no going back to old save. - Better Vampires glitched out, I found a fix. So glad author changed it after I reported. But I had to go back 1-2 days of progress because I don't trust a glitched out vampire. - XPMSSE glitched out, something to do with weapon scaling script ... random CTD + CTD on save. I followed a fix, not sure if it is fixed. - Game still CTD on save yesterday. I couldn't find a reason, going back to old save (5 hours lost) .... it is quite stable .... All of these are problems that don't immediately pop up in my face. So certain mods feel deceptively perfect ... will cause troubles that I will find much later on. OSA has this eye looping script that causes log file to bloat to some 2Gb-3Gb (imagine a text file at 3Gb, that is like the amount of text US library of Congress combined). The only thing is to keep saving a lot with a long list of save files. Each file is around 5-8Mb, at this day and age, can be nothing. But still, the worst thing can happen is random CTD. Because things like black face I can live on. Some of my vampires still have black faces, but since I barely meet them, I don't care anymore.
  25. Porting Oldrim to SSE, items wise, can be fairly straight forward. Some items can be just reopen and save in CK. And then of course you need to Optimize the NIF. But something as extensive as Dual Seath... no. If you have to ask this question, then no! It's going to be a huge learning curve. The mod is everything but simple. However, there is already a dual seath mod on SSE. It was uploaded a few days ago.
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