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Status Updates posted by Lunanella

  1. Oooh, I like your new avatar. What a Nordic fellow! :)
    1. Jorundr


      Hehe, thank you Luna! :) There might be a reason why I feel so at home in Skyrim. ;)
  2. Hehehe! Nope, it's not me. It's a painting. ^^ Thanks for the kudos, back at you.
  3. Hehehehe! Obrigada. Deu um trabalhinho e algumas dores de cabeça até eu chegar ao ponto de não me importar mais e decidir fazer o upload do mod. ^^
  4. Happy Halloween, Jel... Oh wait.
  5. Gostei bastante de suas screenshots. Kudos!

    Aliás, te adicionei à minha lista de amigos pra que eu possa manter 'track' de seus 'uploads'. Espero que não se importe! É sempre bom encontrar alguém pertence à terrinha por aqui, hahaha. :P

  6. In my avatar you can't see it, but I had my hair exactly like yours... hahahaha.
  7. Your avatar is priceless!
  8. Thanks a lot for the 500th endorsement on The Wilds' page! Kudos to you. :)
  9. *noms* Ups, I did it again. xD
  10. Hi, Hoofy!

    I'm fine, just a little tired due to University, but c'est la vie. What about you? I hope you're fine, buddy. ^^

  11. Howdy!

    How are you, Jells? I haven't been much active here lately (nor on Flickr), but that doesn't mean I didn't miss you, my Dalí-buddy. ^^

    Did you genuinely and oh-in-all-honesty enjoy your post-poned holiday? Details, details!

    And, by the way, thanks for the... Sunflowers? My favorites. :) *bear hug*

  12. Thanks for adding me as a friend! :)
  13. LOL! I don't drink coffee nor coke, I can't imagine how much of a freakER I'd sound.
  14. Ooooh, the last time I drank Redbull I gave a hard time to my friends, lol! I'm already quite active, but damn... There I really was electrified.
  15. I guess it's just the lack of sleep, for both of us, and the lack of will to actually sleep, lol!
  16. I love how we're talking both here and through pm at the same time. Lol!
  18. Wut??... Uhhh... zZZZzzZZ
  19. I'm really typing the wrong letters... I meant "now" instead of "not"...
  20. Okay, not it's showing here! All I needed to do was to SPAM your page with F5. :D
  21. Hm, weird. Your photo changes when I'm on my phone, but now when I'm on the PC. Hmmmmm, you sneaky-witch-thief!
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