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Everything posted by Lunanella

  1. As this was the first time I tried using this Studio mod, I had quite a bit of fun. This fact somewhat got noticeable in my screenshots, heh. I took several because I didn't know which would look good on the artwork. Also, if they're completely un-workable, tell me soon! Please. I'll be away for some time, starting from tomorrow, and I'd like to let everything ready before I leave. Grab the screenshots here. Looking forward to seeing the result! :happy:
  2. Thanks, d! I'll make sure to add Valdis' images there.
  3. Ooooh, this is shiny! :teehee: Make sure to add Valdis to the list! She's so very eager to join in. I'll send the links to the screenshots within a few moments.
  4. Thank you! It's an old one, though.
  5. You have so very good images. Kudos.
  6. Thanks for your hilarious images, you have a very good type of humor. Kudos!
  7. Added as a friend! =D
  8. Hello!

    I've really had a good time whilst seeing all your screenshots. You surely deserve a Kudos and a friend request. =)

  9. Hola. I've added you as a friend, hope you don't mind. Also, Kudos for your nice comments in my images. =D
  10. Wait... I thought we were friends already. =|

    Of course I don't mind!

  11. Your screenshots are so very good! You, mister, deserves a Kudos. =)
  12. Different or not, it looks very cute. You're welcome. =)
  13. Now I'm off to play a bit more of mirykS. Perhaps I'll even write something about Valdis... anaphiel's story today was just magnificent. I can't wait to read yours either!
  14. They look a bit like Shar-peis! And any Shar-pei is cute, imho.
  15. Thanks! I love yours, though.
  16. Heheheheh! Hope you like it. =)
  17. Very cute new avatar, Sol.
  18. Fail. Big time. Anyway, they're the most recent screenshots uploaded in my Flickr.
  19. Ohai. Valdis' pet walrus is here and here. Now she has a happeh. *blows raspberries*
  20. Ohai, mister! =D
  21. Hahaha, no problem. That's why I'm here for: to be a babbler and add everyone I like.
  22. I have you in Flickr as a friend, that's why I thought I had you here. Well, everything's OK now. =)
  23. Lol, you have double-friended me!
  25. Goddess... Forgive the misspelling. I am quite shocked. =P
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