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Everything posted by Lunanella

  1. I peek in here only to see that:

    1. I don't have you in my friends list (how's that even possible?);

    2. I never gave you a Kudos (excuse me?);

    3. I've never commented in your page.

    Did all three at once now!

  2. That's right. Don't get me started on her whip. ;) Lol!
  3. No, this one's nice. =/
  4. Oh, noes. Did you actually get to solve Arkham City's riddles? They drive me insane, they do. I just like the Catwoman parts. <3
  5. I don't believe I've ever said how cute your avatar is.



  6. Very cool new avatar, d.
  7. Awww! Pretend I am giving you a breathtaking bear hug. ^^
  8. Hehehe, sowwy.

    I don't like my birthdays... I wish I could've been a kid forever.

  9. Yooohooo. Want to be an official tester of my unofficial ENB settings? =D
  10. You're welcome! =)

    Want to see more of your screenshots coming up, ol' man. =P

  11. OH MY, yesterday was your bday?!


  12. I'm getting better, thanks! Still ill, but it seems my body's getting used to it... I don't have headaches for sometime now. =)
  13. Thanks, sweetie! I need to get back to my old pace, though.
  14. Hi! Dropping by to say hello. Hope you're fine. =)
  15. It's currently 21:04 o' clock, down here.

    Have a good night of sleep, Sol.

  16. Sol told me that's ok to send you the textures, so I'll send you the link.
  17. Oh, ok. Yes, that's what I was wondering. I'll send it to him, then.

    I've been OK, getting better. You? Fine, I hope.

  18. Thanks for the comments on my images! =D Kudos for you.
  19. Hihi! Long time no see! How've you been?
  20. Thanks for the comments on my images, they are very kind! Kudos for you. =)
  21. That is very sweet of you.

    The textures aren't mine: they're other face textures around Nexus that got blended into one, by solsikke737. I just changed the lip texture a bit. What are fully mine: the eye textures.

    If she's ok with sending it, I can send you my version. =)

  22. Your screenshots are very cool! Kudos on the way.
  23. Before the site update, the images would appear in the description without a problem. Flickr's ones still do, at least for me. Perhaps if an account there was created just to gather screenshots like these? Or better: a group?
  24. Updated the description. Thanks for the code!
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