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Everything posted by Lunanella

  1. Hi, everybody. I wanted to participate so bad that I ended uploading a screenshot here. If you want to add it to the wallpaper collection, feel free. :happy: Also, I took the liberty to add my username to the end of the usernames list that Sol wrote. I'm a newbie when it comes to forum codes, so I have no idea how to attach an image to the post. :unsure: The image download link is here; the original file is in .PNG format.
  2. Thanks for the add.
  3. Hi there. Good seeing you here too. =)
  4. Thaiden just became a Hot File! YAY!
  5. *is flattered* :D
  6. Thank you very much for Jenassa and Thaiden, Willow. Kudos. =)
  7. Heya! I'm a bit late, but welcome. =D
  8. Thank you! It's not prettier than yours though. You have a talent in creating characters. =)
  9. It's ok. You're welcome. =)
  10. *passes by and drops kudos* =)
  11. Ohai!

    *leaves a sneaky friend request*

  12. Heya!

    I cannot reply your message, Nexus is being a little dull right now. :(

    Thanks for adding me! I look forward to your screenshots. :)

  13. Hey there.

    Would you mind if I add you to my friends list? =)

  14. *does happy dance* Heehee!
  15. Ok, then. They are WIP, there are some errors that need an urgent fix, but I'll send them to you as soon as I have all of the colors made.
  16. Lol, it's ok. I asked you if you were jealous of my pink-ish color. =P

    I'm not fan of slangs, I just use them when I'm joking with someone. You know, for the irony, teehee.

  17. About Morgan's eyes problem... do you want my custom eye textures? You can see if they're up to your tastes. If not, it's ok. :)
  18. Oh, what a nice new avatar. Very fierce.
  19. ... teehee.

    What about you?

  20. Oh, but she looks awesome right now... I can only imagine what will she be like when she's finished. ^^

    I'm into jazz, yes, and classical music. Although I love those genres, my favorite band is Coldplay. I'm into alternative rock aswell. AND into the 40's, 50's and 60's songs. To resume: I love any kind of music, as long as it doesn't damage my eardrums, ...

  21. Takk... The Pink Panther is a great show. What led me to like it is the jazz though.

    By the way, Morgan looks very nice. I can't wait to see her finished.

  22. Have a lovely weekend, S.
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