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Everything posted by Natterforme
Fallout countdown timer appears on official site
Natterforme replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #25771794. #25773209, #25777049, #25777159, #25780994, #25783964, #25785324 are all replies on the same post. I think its a little early to start the PC vs consoles trash talk. That horse has been beaten to death a million times over on the internet and serves no purpose here. :ets wait and see what this announcement actually is before we make assumptions of the future of Fallout. -Natterforme -
Fallout countdown timer appears on official site
Natterforme replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
So what is gonna happen in 12 hours? And if something is happening so soon why have a count down timer anyway? Or did I miss something? -Natterforme -
File bug reporting system and image uploading updates
Natterforme replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Good work Dark0ne, glad to see these updates to the bug reporting system for mods. Im sure I can make use of this. -Natterforme -
Drawing a line under recent events and moving on
Natterforme replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I find it interesting that the blog posts that discussed this whole event as it unfolded have received many times more comments than the blog post to move on from the event and put it behind us. -Natterforme -
Steam and Bethesda remove paid modding from Skyrim Workshop
Natterforme replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Can we just close this discussion thread already? Everything of importance has already been said and the dead horse has been beaten enough, still birth though it may be. All we can do now is wait. Wait for Valve to address legitimate concerns, wait for Bethesda to sort through its stacks of hate mail, and wait for a second and better planned roll out of this system to be announced. And for those of you who think that this is the end of paid mods I can assure you that it is not. I thought we were better than this. -Natterforme -
Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow
Natterforme replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #24578789. #24579599 is also a reply to the same post. Im pretty sure that Valve and bethesda have signed some sort of exclusivity agreement to prevent site like the Nexus from offering a better deal. -Natterforme -
Valve/Bethesda announce paid modding for Skyrim, more games to follow
Natterforme replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Watch this^^. -Natterforme -
In response to post #24171439. how about this scenario- Instead of paying for mods on an individual level, why not instead have Steam host ads on participating mod authors pages (opt in only). A % of the money generated from that revenue stream can be given to the mod author per x1000s unique downloads count. Mod users can download the content for free but sit through ads, the mod author makes a little $$$, and Steam makes some $$$ ( okay more like $$$$$$$$) but you get the idea. The reason this sort of deal works with the hat system for other games on steam is because those changes are cosmetic and dont change the gameplay of a multiplayer experience. In a single player game the potential is expanded because you dont have to worry about overall balance and fairness. It could be similar to the youtube model, has the potential to be fair, and would be harder to manipulate and cheat the system. It would also be familiar in that context, and could be gradually increased and tweaked overtime to provide the best results. -Natterforme
We have long since recognized that problems concerning lack of food such as hunger, starvation, famine, and malnutrition are caused (in part) not by a lack of the supply of food but issues regarding its distribution. Perhaps a similar mindset can be applied to solving the issues of wealth disparity and compensation? -Natterforme
Im aware of this, however I was wondering if anyone could help direct me in the proper direction to go about that solution.^^ -Natterforme
Recent playtesting of Lord of the Dead combined with Perkus Maximus has shown some incompatibilities. If you load LotD before Perma, the Perma conjuration tree will overwrite the additions added by LotD. If you load LotD after Perma, it adds the additions made by LotD to the conjuration tree but replaces the changes made by perma with the vanilla conjuration perk tree. I am pretty sure that is possible to have both Perma and LotD together, since LotD has a SKYRE compatible version. Any thoughts/comments? -Natterforme
In response to post #23613924. #23632044, #23644849, #23647209, #23647479, #23781994, #23792089 are all replies on the same post. @Lisnpuppy- The day a company bans mods for their games on non approved sites (ie ones that are not their own) is the day that 15 new sites pop up to provide that content. Banning something on the internet is the surest way to get people to want to have it. And if no sites sprouted up to fill that void, modders and the community would probably get creative and use a dropbox/mediafire/torrent/other system to spread and share mods if such a scenario were to occur. A similar situation occured back in 2010 with manga. OneManga, a website for reading manga online, was so popular it was (I think) ~#75 in the top viewed websites list at the time. Manga artists and their publishers tried to crack down on that sort of behavior and threatened to sue OneManga and other sites that were posting that content illegally on their sites. At the end of it, OneManga got the axe ( pretty much no one uses it anymore) but the purpose of cracking the whip was not achieved. Numerous sites sprouted up to provide that content and a simple google search can direct you to any of that content you wish to consume. Let this be a lesson to the Nexus community. While large sites like the Nexus might be at risk, the ability of a company to control their content once it is online is very difficult. These sort of actions cant prevent someone from torrenting their mods or (more simply) putting their mod on google drive and posting the share link in a buried twitter post or blog. -Natterforme
I wonder what this sort of system would do to updated mods. If you release a mod and then update the mod an hour later because major bugs were brought to you attention, do people who paid to download the mod have to pay again to download the updated version? Or would the one time payment grant access to all future use of that mod? Its these sort of problems that add money to the mix would generate. -Natterforme
In response to post #23598784. #23599049, #23599254 are all replies on the same post. The reason that the download curve is so bad on the SW has much to do with the poor search functionality. Since it is very difficult to find mods that you dont know the exact name of, finding anything that is not on the first page or so is too much of a hassle. The SW fills a niche for gamers who want to mod their game without any real effort or understanding of what they are doing. They dont want to deal with things like load order, archive invalidation, unofficial patches, merged patches, bashed patches, or skyproc patches. Its a great way for new modders who want to get their feet wet but they dont realize that they are in the kiddie pool and that they can have the ocean with just a little bit of education. -Natterforme
In response to post #23599019. #23599134 is also a reply to the same post. In relation to stolen mods on the SW, dont ever talk about how the mod is stolen in the comments section of that page. There are two things that need to be done in that instace: 1. Report the item using the report tool. ( it sucks that you can not report more than once or be more specific as to why the item is being reported.) 2. Go to the Bethsoft forum and contact GStaff. They will respond to your message within the week and remove the offending mod. Though this does not ban the user outright and as far as I am aware does not incur a penalty on the users account. -Natterforme
I dont think I would upload any of my mods to the SW under a curated systems(short of some of my fellow mod authors making redonkulous amounts of money). As Arthmoor has pointed out, the Workshop still has several points of contention that make it a less than ideal service platform for mods. In addition to being unable to upload esm files, the Workshop has very bad search functionality and a pointless user rating systems that the Nexus ditched years ago now. When you bundle this all up with Steams F rating in customer service, the ability of mod authors to remove your comments and effectively censer criticism, mod theft, and the 25/75% cut distribution favoring Steam (in addition to everything else I cant think of atm) I cant see why any of it would be worth the headache. As Dark0ne pointed out, this could just be testing for Beth's next game which they are going to put on the platform (lets be honest with ourselves, if its not FO4 then Beth is nuts and Ill eat my hat). If a curation system for skyrim mods does work out, then Bethesda has a couple of months to iron out the kinks with Valve to make the FO4 SW not completely suck. -Natterforme
Bethesda the studio has never and will never release more than one game in a year. They would never make the sequels to their two main franchises compete each other for sales. -Natterforme
In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169, #22677289, #22683744, #22696394, #22703729 are all replies on the same post. @Arthmoor- What are the chances that Fallout 4 will be x64 bit? Is it unlikely for that to be the case since its gonna be on the CK and that was designed on a x32bit architecture? Or are the engines more flexible when dealing with that sort of change in the structure? Will there be the hard 255 .esp limit that skyrim had? Or are there still hopes for a x64 bit PC version that can take advantage of higher specs? -Natterforme
In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169, #22677289, #22683744 are all replies on the same post. @Camonna Tong- Yeah I can see your point there. Since we know FO:4 is gonna be on the CK, the quick turn around could be because they dont need to do too much to it in terms of updates to the engine, like they did for Skyrim after oblivion and FO:3. The only reason Im hesitant to say a 2015 release is because Skyrims patch 1.9 came out in March of 2013, which was less than two years ago. Even if you consider that official patches were done by a skeleton crew and the rest of the team had moved on to Fallout 4, it still shows that official support of Skyrim continued until at least 2013. Even if Fallout 4 came out in first quarter 2016 that just doesnt feel like enough time. Unless Bethesda handed it off to Obsidian of course. Maybe they could make it shine in just 2 1/2 years, idk. The biggest change that could be in the works that would set Fallout 4 apart in a big way would be x64 bit support. I know we whine about consoles being lowest common denominator but this generation does finally support x64 bit natively so that shows some promise. Skyrims x32 bit system is arguably its biggest limiter on what we modders can do for it. And thank you! -Natterforme
In response to post #22626059. #22628034, #22636819, #22645084, #22660454, #22668584, #22669169 are all replies on the same post. @Camonna Tong- I cant possibly see why Fallout 4 would get a 2015 release date, if it were revealed in June. Thats just not enough time, even if they started back in 2013, which they didnt. Also, an entire conference just for one game? That doesnt make sense to me, unless they are really working the hype train. I think it might be 3-4 titles like at other conferences: Fallout 4 teaser with a 2016 expectation (meaning christmas 2016), possibly a Dishonored sequel, maybe something about Doom 4, and an ESO update/expansion/state of the union (yeah I know zenimax has the handle on that one). I personally would like to hear something about a Demons Forge sequel, as I liked that one alot, even if it wasnt all that good. I dont want to hear anything about a TES: 6 game. A lot of things need to happen before I can get excited about another elderscrolls game.^^ -Natterforme
In response to post #21508324. #21519829, #21519924, #21520684, #21524904, #21530079, #21530884, #21543299, #21548204, #21549074, #21558274 are all replies on the same post. I wanted to ask why NMM takes a long time to load. I know its a beta but it takes a considerable amount of time (~10s+) even with a modern machine. Compared to MO, which only takes about 3-4s I wanted to know what specifically is loading in NMM that causes it to take such a long period. On a separate note, I am glad to hear that profiles and virtual data folders are to be implemented. This is a primary reason why I am currently using MO atm. That and the ability to set up multiple executables and mod tools from within MO to save on desktop space is very convenient. -Natterforme