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Everything posted by Cipherthe3vil

  1. Runtime Error! Program:C:... R6025 -Pure Virtual Function Call. Wtf is this? Also, It seems like, quite randomly sometimes, cells don't work. I can't get the tutorial cave to function like at all, so I can't do the main quest. But sometimes it seriously bugs and all the buildings south of that road south of Whiterun disappear except the doors. I still can't walk anywhere near that area with the giant or I crash, among other places like the road stretch between the guardian stones and Riverwood, just past the wolves/before the wolves depending on which way you're going, closer to the stones. Or just randomly anywhere if I try to travel naturally without COC'ing or Fast Traveling --,..,-- Preventing me from actually trying to roleplay nicely. But that much is fine I suppose, I don't think I've ~EVER~ been able to travel normally. S****y computer... But seriously, I can live with the cell crap, and I've had to live with random travel crashing forever, but what the hells is that error?
  2. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=10813
  3. LOL. I hightly doubt it when the Dragonborn has an annual income in the billions. ( I know I easily make make a million in a week :psyduck: ) Now that is over complicating it, but it would be fun. :thumbsup:
  4. Ah. I think I see. It looks like she's just using multiple images, which are linked as Lutine beat me to demonstrating. Like this, right? (Asking if this is what you are trying to do). http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i382/Cipherthe3vil/thingmehthing.png With the image linking to the page the image is on? (Or any page). [url="http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i382/Cipherthe3vil/thingmehthing.png"][img=http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i382/Cipherthe3vil/thingmehthing.png][/url] As Lutine already showed ( I just included an image XD )
  5. Um... Just post the URL? Thats what I do and it turns out perfectly fine. Such as... http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819592051987/C01DAFE427C205202E62E79080E7852B8C3019A4/ (Dovahbear VS Dragon). If that is not what you mean I don't understand the question :psyduck:
  6. Hah. Found'em too. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819591972670/C9D9D44202EF813197C219A0BD3FD537D8AD6FBE/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819591973724/2CACEBC1842091CFB211B652DD70A204AF21CE78/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819591975217/75BBB200EFAC4F0DA2EB50C7D25D676436E4482E/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819591978623/2218CCDDC6261CCFE55B4A7D0B5AD01B4856D0F2/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819591977194/23588F6FF6335ABA29879DEBB601CFAC40307C21/ http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819591976204/2DD4D580B4DF2962DBCDC4C289EE854C58379F10/ Edit: forgot one: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055443239/screenshot/938124819592109114
  7. Will and have. Myself included. Everything about marriage in Skyrim repulsed me except for the fact that it was at least, and I mean least, there. Wear an amulet and now you can suddenly get married to someone? An amulet? What about the many people out there who don't fall for that silly nord "wear an amulet and start shagging" crap? Skyrim is supposed to be large, yet everyone must go to the temple of mara in gods-forbid Riften home of the thieves guild? That isn't to point out how hugely impersonal the marriage is, which that touches on. But yes. It is hugely impersonal. And apparently everyone makes the same children in only two flavors; male or female. So surly the reason YOU can't get a child is because you don't know the secret password all the cool people know to have one shipped to you from Kids R Us. (Or perhaps Kids Exchange? XD) in one of their two models. They don't ship to any other race but Nord, but if your a Dark Elf you might be able to bribe them. (The dark elf child who looks just like any other NORD kid.) That drow mod did good on the kids, it actually looked like a younger drow instead of a clown/lump of flesh colored clay. I'd love love love, #1, a mod that expanded the marriage system to be more in depth (Preferably very in depth). It is a Roleplaying game after all. Why can't we ever roleplay love without being in some cheap lame and completely 2d japanese romance game?
  8. It was to my understanding that the Headless Horseman went from Rorikstead to the circle area of undead. But I just found him in the Reach... Can he appear elsewhere? I've seen him six times now. The first five he was always following his normal set path. But I just found him wandering the Reach :psyduck: ? Does he have new parameters with that latest update or something?
  9. I've done that before XD No. Rift has always caused me CTDs. Always. Even during the first 20 or so hours of play in which I had no mods at all. I do like the autumn look to the Rift, but the constant CTD's seriously puts me off, and drops the Rift down below all the other holds.
  10. I was wondering if someone could create an area with a likeness to the Shivering Isles, and call it the the Madgod's Realm instead of Shivering Isles. Everything is different except for the theme and the likeness. Since YOU became Sheogorath and recreated it as you pleased, As the Champion of Cyrodil or whatever. Then, your on break. Disable the quest involving Sheogorath (Or recreate it as you wish or somethinG). Add a few crazy spells (One that uses the Player.Pushactoraway #### 1337 command perhaps, as well as rainbows, cheese, and sweetrolls). Give the outfit Sheogorath wears (With a female version.) And BAM. call yourself Sheogorath and pretend your character from Oblivion is now in Skyrim fighting dragons (or not) because you feel like it. Edit: With this mod it would be fantastic to include remade Artifacts. Such as: Gambolpuddy http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Gambolpuddy#Gambolpuddy Fork of Horripilation. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Fork_of_Horripilation Spear of Bitter Mercy http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Spear_of_Bitter_Mercy Staff of the Everscamp http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Staff_of_the_Everscamp Staff of Sheogorath http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Shivering:Staff_of_Sheogorath And Sheogorath's regalia.
  11. Add beam effects too. Laser beams. Like the beams from Midas Magic.
  12. Whats your favorite Hold. Your Favorite area of Skyrim. On the same note, what is your LEAST favorite Hold? I figure its about time I make a thread that wasn't cussing or otherwise crude in language. (ie; stupid, fking, ect. Sorry I get like that sometimes ^_^;) There may already be a thread for this, but I didn't find one in my quick look through. My favorite Hold is the Reach. Because there is lots of Forsworn twits to kill and I think its the most beautiful area, with lots of greenies and towering mountains abound. My least favorite Hold is the Rift. Because it always makes me CTD and I think its rather boring (Probably because I've never been able to fully explore it. The only thing of interest I know is that nudist/spa camp in the hotsprings (I can explore the Hotsprings alright. Its more to the east that gives me problems, but dipping into the Hotsprings is fine.)). I always have to use COC or Fast travel to navigate Rift, because I can't walk from point A to point B without freezing or CTD'ing. Always. Sometimes I CTD just trying to get from Riften Stables to Goldenglow Estate for example. The Reach is definitely my favorite. Lots of waterfalls, rivers, mountains, and greenery. I don't know any reason to hate it.
  13. If so then why the hell do mudcrabs still take away a whole eighth of my health when I'm level144? (This is a serious question, not just a little rage.) The question is I suppose, are there mods that are supposed to do this? I can kill a Skeleton in a single hit when shapeshifted into a Sabercat, but then it takes a billion frigging hits to kill the Draugr Scourge three feet away from the six skeletons. I can kill said mudcrabs in two or one hits, but then they still deal 1/8th my health with every single hit, when they're nothing but darned mudcrabs! :psyduck:
  14. The last two look good. the first one looks rather childish I think... I like this one the best. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mEl0jQ2_Dvg/Tmn-0mlir3I/AAAAAAAAAyE/MxkIbhEHY3U/s1600/Batman_Medieval.jpg this one kinda reminds me of Dragonbone armor that has been remodeled. http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/277/9/4/medieval_man_bat_armor_by_azmal-d4bs2pa.jpg Either way, don't forget a female set! *grumbles* I hate male exclusive armors... then I can't use them... That is, if this request is ever fulfilled. I think like 1/100 requests seem to get fulfilled while 1/10 or so get acknowledged at all...
  15. Running around as Dovah Bear would be fun. +1
  16. I had a silly thought... What if Moira was not a Hagraven, but just a Witch (As I think she was since I hear if you go to Witchmist before there will just be a Witch there instead of the hagraven Moira.) So... I thought someone could make it so Moira was a Witch. Preferably an actually good looking witch that you don't have to kill. You can choose to not take back the wedding band and *cough* "Consummate" the love (Make (a marriage or relationship) complete by having sexual intercourse). No actual connection to a sex mod or anything is needed. That can be done separately by the player. But perhaps just black screen (loading screen perhaps) and the player is by the bed with Moira, and perhaps pretty the house up a bit. Still dark and witchy, but not as... gory/morbid/savage as it is. and then bam! Your married! to a Witch! Without having to go through Mara. It would be wonderful if you could also make it so when you get married to her you join the Witch faction, so Witches and Hagravens wont attack you without provocation. Super duper extra bonus points if it is Voice Acted! I don't care how crappy it is, its just nice to have voice, professional super-voice over or not like in Interesting NPCs (Some of those voice overs are even better then the real game's actual voices). Just something.
  17. When does this "second body" show up? Anyone know? Come to think of it I think I read something somewhere about being able to stop Calixto from killing someone, which seemed impossible for Susanna, so perhaps I can save this second body... Arivanya. I found her dead as UESP Wiki said, but there were no guards. no crowed. No nothing. The quest wont kick-start again...
  18. Confronting the court mage didn't say anything related to the quest :/ :psyduck: No, I don't think I've ever seen a second murder. Would I? The quest completed... And if it retriggers even after completion then I've still never seen a second murder, and I've got quite a lot of hours on Skyrim since its my only game...
  19. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198055443239/screenshot/938124819578099705 I'm hesitant to go any farther then that. >.< Why is it making me say that, when I have the evidence against Calixto.... *double face palm*. *Elevator music*. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/938124819578125408/E1FF5A4B19CC63A70437C797EB16AEF7271116A0/ Yep. Endgame. Once again, Calixto goes free. Freaking dang it! This has to be the sixth time I've done this quest and it never lets me go after Calixto. :wallbash: I've wanted to kill Calixto ever since that time I RP'd a character that loved Susanna the Wicked before I realized that she was the victim of Calixto, then he murdered my lover... But never have I been able to kill him... He always gets away and the court mage gets the punishment. *dies inside* Well, thanks anyway Dante. Its just not meant to be TT~TT *Walks off into the sunset slumped and defeated*. I'll have to console him nonessential and kill him anyway if I can...
  20. The retarded quest wont let me go after the real killer! I have all three of the journal items, I KNOW its Calixto now both OOC knowledge AND IC knowledge now! But the stupid game wont let me go after him! It keeps wanting me to go after the darned Court mage instead! WTF do I need to do to put this bloody quest back on track!?!?? Also, the stupid thing never lets me "get assistance from Jorleif". The quest marker is just constantly there without any means to complete that task. This has happened since I first ever played this quest when I first got skyrim... Even after two deletes and reinstalls...
  21. I was playing with Master Shape Changer mod and one of my first thoughts went back to that mod I saw a while back that added Cats to skyrim. I would absolutely love for someone to make a mod that lets you shapechange into one of those casts (Preferably a black one, or options for whoever wants to change into say... a white or spotted one or something.) Can someone do it? I've never seen those cats run before... so I don't really know how it would work. I just know it'd be adorable ~<3
  22. I still quite love the Neverending Story. Shame it ended... even it it still lives on off on its own somewhere... I should watch it again.... :turned:
  23. In real life, people have survived falls of thousand+ feet. Yet the Dovahkiin dies by falling like 6 feet. (realistically it looks about 12. But still, there are people who fall 12 feet as easily as if it was a small ledge). Either way, Falling damage is as annoying as an oversized/waaay to big cock (Sure it'll give you plenty of meat, but that's way too much to live with outside of using its meat. or riding. That looks big enough to ride like a horse :rolleyes: ) A mod of some sort to make it impossible for falling damage to kill you while still dealing damage would be great. (Hell, plenty of games don't have falling damage at all).
  24. I was wondering if it was possible to make all the Apachi Sky Hair options as wearable Wigs in the game that replace your current hair when equipped. You can then equip a Dye to alter the color. Showracemenu breaks any immersion, and it fks up my character (Whenever I enter it, it resets quite a few options and I need to try to remake it all). It'd also be dandy if altering/wearing wigs and dyes could do things like prevent guards from recognizing you for past crimes unless you get up in their face or get detected for a different crime you just committed in that wig. But really, I just want to change hairstyles and colors without messing with Showracemenu.
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