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Everything posted by Thor.

  1. random vs battle loooollllll http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EReaa6nnIbE&feature=related
  2. Don't get me started with spiders, Daddy long legs creep me out the most, once walking in the woods up a steep incline i stepped on a nest of daddy long legs and they started swarming around me and i swear i had a few crawl up my legshttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif There was hundred of them all up the hill. It was like the hill was moving alive. anyways meh in games spiders don't bother me, even in real life they don't but just that one kind creep me out the most.
  3. Thor.

    Ban for Fun

    bAns everyone for not posting in the last posters wins, yea thats right i win.
  4. Thor.


    Alien life err fossil found check it out. http://news.yahoo.com/s/digitaltrends/20110305/tc_digitaltrends/nasascientistfindsevidenceofalienlife;_ylt=As8l.if0WffmU2l9hqZdp3QjtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTNkY25nM2I5BGFzc2V0A2RpZ2l0YWx0cmVuZHMvMjAxMTAzMDUvbmFzYXNjaWVudGlzdGZpbmRzZXZpZGVuY2VvZmFsaWVubGlmZQRwb3MDMwRzZWMDeW5fbW9zdF9wb3B1bGFyBHNsawNuYXNhc2NpZW50aXM-
  5. I win. <div><br>YAY I WIN FOR GOOD!!! yea a day has gone and no one posting woot.</div>
  7. Thor.


    Ummm Doesn't that U,F.O disclosure project prove aliens exist??? Full version 2hours long. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vyVe-6YdUk
  8. Caan't wait for DukeNukem Forever and the date may 3rd.
  9. Reminds me of Aliens 2, making better worlds for better people. of course it didn't turn out to good. lol.
  10. Mod Collector here, i probably have over 500gb of mods so far, and counting.
  11. No its not, look at the sheep, they are the ones out of hand. We need you Bring back order to the lounge and destroy thee sheep population.
  12. Auslogic Disk Defrag, defrags a 750gb hd under 5mhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif Thats what i use. http://www.auslogics.com/en/software/disk-defrag/ freeware.
  13. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/elfranco/hypnotoad.gifTheCalliton's evil Plan.
  14. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/elfranco/hypnotoad.gifAll HAIL THECALLITON< BOW DOWN BEFORE HIM
  15. Alll glory to the HypnoToad, HAIL TheCalliton. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/elfranco/hypnotoad.gif
  16. ALL HAIL TheCalliton the lounge king as he controls me while throwing snow balls, Help I'm not doing it, really. NOOOO...... At super lightning speedhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/nuke.gif
  17. Thor.


    999982 ahhh stop it TheCalliton AHHHH get out :pinch:
  18. 32443432534535245 and 39 I yell. AHHHHHH
  19. LIES TheCalliton does use mind control, its his evil plot to control us all. Must post in the Last Poster wins... AHHHHHHH Helllp I, i must resist :woot:
  20. BOWS Down to the all might Calliton, HAil Calliton, what huh stop.. Get out. Blast TheCalliton has mind control. Bows down to huh noooooo... Must post at last poster wins, stop it, shakes head resist, resist.:woot:
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