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Everything posted by ObLars

  1. As the title and description states, my newly made companion is a nutjob when it comes to leaving corpses alone. Anyone got a clue why? I did have the corpse check flag checked from start, but it turned out to be quite the pain when i needed him actively in combat. Someone got a clue?
  2. Excellent. :-) The answer i was looking for. BUT i did find a guide a few hours ago, which step by step thought me how to do both of my formentioned questions. :)
  3. Hey :-) I just picked up the TES CS kit, its the first time i use it. Im pretty much trying to create a useless NPC, to test what this baby can do, for starters.. I made a NPC, just a plain character with a class, some stat points and some pants. I altared his AI so that he walks around, apparently "Wandering". Strolling the Waterfront for apples and what not :-P Anyway.. To the question. Im trying to apply some dialogue with him. At this point the only chat function he's got is the "Rumour" option. I am wondering how i could add more dialogue to this thief like NPC. I can't really understand the Dialogue "Menu" on the CS. I'd love some Guide, maybe some step by step pointers. Also, if i were to "Accompany" this character, how would the script look like? Yours Truly, OB!
  4. Well, im thinking of picking up Oblivion again, and im more of a merchant than a hero, so i'd like to make money, investments and forth. So im wondering if anyone could give me a Step by Step guide, or atleast a few tips on the shaping of a store. I'd like it to be a store with plenty of choice. :-) I do know how to do the basics, create new NPC's , Build the store, but there are some things i'v forgotten, like the AI , routes etc. :-)
  5. And if i write the name of my own spell into the script, that spell will be on the character?
  6. Hm, how would that affect my Game/Player?
  7. Hey people. I know there is alot of threads and questions from me :unsure: But im just looking to learn as much as i can! :) Could anybody help me with some new spell im making? Im making my ranger a summon spell in the TES CS, but i can't seem to figure out how my character can get this spell.. How can i add a custom made spell to my character? :)
  8. What would i need to completly make my own set of armour? I know my way around TES CS and Wrye Bashed. :) I also got Photoshop CS5 if that helps..
  9. Still need some help with my previous post!
  10. Still need some help with my previous post!
  11. I dont know if you know anything about this.. But i tried to multiply the amount of creatures you can summon. All the other tweaks i did works out just fine. But the summon more creatures dont work, it seems :S Got a clue?
  12. <3 I wish i could give you another kudo point. You saved my modding career right there! lol :biggrin: no problem always willing to help, happy modding :thumbsup: Now i can finally start modding for real, the old TES Construction set wont do it for me anymore :laugh: Let the tweaking begin! :D
  13. <3 I wish i could give you another kudo point. You saved my modding career right there!
  14. Your welcome and yeah as of now Wrye Bash requires only those programs until a major overhaul or something takes place in the future. ahh, thank you lots! :) I got it running and everything! ;) One little thing tho, where the *** is my bashed patch file? o_O
  15. Wrye Python contains installers for everything required to use the current version of Wrye Bash * Python 2.5 (Python language/libraries) * PyWin32 2.12 (MS Windows extensions) * ComTypes 0.5.2 (MS Windows extensions) * PIL 1.1.6 (Image Handling) * Psyco 1.6 (Peformance Enhancement) * wxPython (GUI) You will still need to download and install Wrye Bash itself afterwords, this is simply the required programs only. The Wrye Bash install itself is pretty straight foward once all support programs have been installed. :thumbsup: Loved it! :) With current version you mean 287? :) And thanks! Kudos for this!
  16. I now need some more help.. I can't seem to install it the right way. Could anyone please take the time to link me to all the things i need for it to work, aswell as give me a brief install briefing? I think i installed it wrong the first time. :( And now i click the Wrye bashed Launcher, and nothing happends.. I really need this folks, so please. I'll give you Kudos for this!
  17. So i can only edit the Bashed patch with the wrye bash? Not my own? Thanks alot anyways! :)
  18. I'm no expert by far when it comes to Wrye Bash, but from I gather it's just a tool of tools. It combines several programs into one semi-user-friendly interface. I'll give you the gist of how I use Wrye Bash, as inexperienced as I am with it... I'm assuming you've done this, but just in case, it doesn't hurt to tell - When you open it up, move to Mods tab. Right click "File" and choose Sort By>>Load Order. Makes everything simpler in my opinion. - Next, run Boss (Fourth Option from the Left at the very bottom of Wrye Bash. This auto-sorts your load order to a generally acceptable sequence. I've had no problems with my load order since I've started using Boss. - Then highlight everything in your Mods list, right click, and select Mark Mergable - Right click Bashed Patch, 0.esp, Rebuild, and select the options you want. This next bit confuses me a little, but I generally check everything that has Source Mods/Files in it. You probably also want to make sure you check Merge Patches and Leveled Lists. Wrye Bash is primarily used to reduce mod conflicts and make the mods run a bit smoother. Like I said, this is just what I've gathered from reading a few tutorials and readmes. Still a bit overwhelming to me. If you want to edit your own esps, you would have to download the Construction Set (or whatever Bethesda calls it for Oblivion. I'm used to the GECK from Fallout - Same thing really). Hopefully I was able to help a little~! Thats the answers i was looking for! Thanks! :D
  19. Could anyone explain how it works? I downloaded Wrye Bash 287? I think. I got to the point where i could edit the bashed.esp file. But none of my edits really put to place, nothing was different ingame.. What could it be? And also. How can i edit my own esp's, not just the bashed esp. Thanks :)
  20. How does the coding for the lever work?
  21. I also need help getting the changes i make work. I rebuilt the patch so that i can summon more than 1 creature. Ran a test, could just summon one. Whats the problem? :S
  22. I just need an insight in using scrips, the most common codes etc. Pretty much need to know what my characters can do with scripts. :thumbsup:
  23. I still need help using the Wrye Bash! How can i edit my own ESP files?
  24. Bump. Im using Wrye Bashed and CS ^^
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