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Everything posted by ObLars

  1. Yeah.. I tried showinventory, but with my lack of skills i don't really know how to use it, as i can only get a error when using ShowInventory. I got no clue why the script keeps making the Dead Actor Unsearchable.. Its pissing me off :mellow:
  2. That could be a viable option, but not what i was thinking of. Now, is there a way to prompt inventory search via the script? By adding i.e OpenTeammateContainer 1?
  3. The only problem i got is that the Script makes so that the attached animal won't let me search it when it's dead. The (search) message shows on hoover, i click activate, but it wont give me the animals container..
  4. Cause that would mean the whole point of this mod would be ruined, i want to be able to harvest them over time, for profits. Im trying to make a ranch, like a cattle farmer. Getting by-products from them over time, then kill them for the meat. And have some kind of a Respawn script or something..
  5. No idea what causes it, but again, i can't search the dead animal. :( Even with the perk. But once i remove the perk and the script, the animal acts as usual, granting the search option like always. :s
  6. Hmmmm, that might actually work :o But how would i, say.. enable it once a week. With a script i could code a timer. Thanks for the help! :P I'll be sure to test it out ;)
  7. You could just drag the bodies into a pit, or a hole in the ground :turned: What i do :P
  8. Well, yesterday i started on a little project of mine, but i can't seem to get the script to end when i want it to. Scn BighornUrinGatherBigScript Begin OnActivate If getdead == 0 Player.additem BighornUrin 3 elseif getdead != 1 endif end This script will add Bighorn urine x 3 to my inventory if i activate a bighorn when its alive, and not when its dead. Thats good and all, but the script won't let me search the dead bighorn once i kill it, since the script is, somehow still going OnActivate. (Only reasonable cause i can think of). Could someone with a tad more scripting experience then myself maybe point out the error (s) and try and help me out? TIA. :)
  9. Huh, its weird. To me it seems the end statement doesnt really end the script effect (OnActivate). So that i keep trying to activate the corpse, instead of opening the container. But thanks, again :)
  10. Sure, i could try that. But once i removed the script from the Bighorn, i could search it right away. The script is making it impossible to search the bighorn, somehow..
  11. Scn BighornUrinGatherBigScript Begin OnActivate If getdead == 0 Player.additem BighornUrin 3 endif end Even with this script it wont work. I get the Urine from it when its alive, and when its dead i still can't loot it. Which makes no sence at all to me. All i did was use a Vanilla Bighorn, change its ID and place the new ID into the world. Added the Script, and bam. None-Lootable. My guess is that the OnActivate is still active somehow.. :( Thanks for the help :) When i remove the Script, i can loot it. Hmmmm
  12. Scn BighornUrinGatherBigScript Begin OnActivate If getdead == 0 Player.additem BighornUrin 3 endif getdead != 1 end Elseif changed to Endif. And yes, i can't loot the corpse. I think it is because of the OnActivate is still active o.O Somehow
  13. The script won't work without the elseif statement :( Also, it has got a death item (DeathItemBigHorner100).
  14. Scn BighornUrinGatherBigScript If getdead == 0 Begin OnActivate Player.additem BighornUrin 3 elseif getdead != 1 endif end Maybe it should look like this? But it wont let me save it, even though its ok with the script validator. Bug?
  15. Hehe, i worked it out, somehow. Scn BighornUrinGatherBigScript Begin OnActivate If getdead == 0 Player.additem BighornUrin 3 elseif getdead != 1 endif end One problem though. Once i killed the Bighorn, i cant get any more urine, which i was aiming for. But it wont let me search the animal either. :O
  16. Okai. New Question. How could i let the script determine if the actor is dead or alive? I want to be able to activate for urine when the actor is alive, and search it when its dead. At the moment, i can activate the actor for Urine when its alive, AND dead. Kudos are in order. :) Scn BighornUrinGatherBigScript Begin OnActivate Player.additem BighornUrin 3 End
  17. Hmm, well. It's not intended to be a cheat :P I just want to be able to (In round one) To get the script to do what i want, for instance. Then i'll probobly add a timer, so that i can only drain the bighorn for 2-3 bottles a day, max. :) I know i can attach it to the bighorn itself, but since im missing that variable value i can't even save it. :( The idea behind it was to drain the bighorn for milk, as in a ranch, but since there is no Milk in vanilla New Vegas. I simply changed the ID of Dirty-Water to Bighorn Urine. And altared the stats to be more urine like. :) in this case, you know that you can attach the script to the creature, so you don't need the ref at all so if you remove that variable, it should work just fine (though i would test the script in the game, to make sure you don't get the urine from any other creature) also, i would add a check to see if the creature is alive, as it's rather hard to milk urine off a dead creature, right?? :tongue: another thought is that if you can retexture, i'm sure you can get the milk bottle to look like a full one, so you can get actual milk :) anyhow, i hope this helps you Haha, awesome. It worked :) Kudos to you, sire. Now, i might retexture the milkbottle later :P Im in the developer stage of this mod :P Thanks a lot mate. Now, you got any idea how to do the check if creature alive/dead part. Also need to figure out the Timer thing :P Thanks mate!
  18. Ahh. Then its probobly a very simple mod. Adding shadows to the fallout series is really simple. *Blush* Can't figure how i left the shadows out.
  19. Hmm, well. It's not intended to be a cheat :P I just want to be able to (In round one) To get the script to do what i want, for instance. Then i'll probobly add a timer, so that i can only drain the bighorn for 2-3 bottles a day, max. :) I know i can attach it to the bighorn itself, but since im missing that variable value i can't even save it. :( The idea behind it was to drain the bighorn for milk, as in a ranch, but since there is no Milk in vanilla New Vegas. I simply changed the ID of Dirty-Water to Bighorn Urine. And altared the stats to be more urine like. :)
  20. Ah. So i could bycross the warning message by attaching it to the Reference in the script , also known as one of the bighorns i just created? And that would yield 1 bighorn urine bottle when i E, space it? Also, geck wont let me save it, as there is something missing, i.e the value. Also, could you try and "clean" the script up? I.e add a value? (Angelface)
  21. I really don't see why it wouldn't be. Its just another settlement, or a modified Vanilla settlement. If you want answers you really need to say more about it..
  22. Scn BighornUrinGatherScript Ref MyBigHornBigRef Begin OnActivate Player.additem BighornUrin 1 End So, im pretty much a noob when it comes too Scripts, and im trying to gain one bottle of BighornUrin when i Activate MyBigHornBigRef, which is a Bighorn Reference. Dont ask me why, or what im going to use Urin for but i really need some advice for this. When i use Cipscis Script Validator i get this Warning; The local variable "MyBigHornBigRef" was never assigned a value in this script. And i got no idea what so ever what that means. Could anyone please be so kind to help me out? Kudos in order. :) Thanks
  23. Hey there. Didn't notice i got a reply :) Hm, thats one way to do it, but i was thinking something like when i activate it (E, space, whatever you use to activate things) i'd get 1 Bighorn Urin bottle. (Decided for Urin, haha). So im trying to make a script that starts on Activating the Bighorn ref i got, then additem.bighornurin 1 (Count). Idk how i should do this..
  24. Scn BighornUrinGatherScript Ref MyBigHornBigRef Begin OnActivate Player.additem BighornUrin 1 End This is what i got at the moment. And i get this warning with the script validator ; The local variable "MyBigHornBigRef" was never assigned a value in this script What am i missing? I know im probobly doing 200 things wrong, but im just trying ;)
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