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Everything posted by ObLars
Hello. So recently i came from a rather long hiatus from Skyrim, and i want to add a mod for myself, but i can't for the life of me find the resources i need to write a script i need. I need a script that is used when i throw a spell, and i want the spell to add and equip an item to an actor (npc) , aswell as force them into a faction. How can this be done? Are there any guides out there that ive overlooked? Thanks in advance :-)
Hello. Im working on something i found to be quite genious, but i can't really reveal it yet. I do however, (sadly) need help to make it a reality. :pirate: Is there any way to make an item spawn another item on drop. I would like to make an item drop on the ground, creating a static/activator object when it lands. Any ideas?
Hello. I need to figure out what it is that keeps track of the "Bunnies Slaughtered". I need to add a new "stat tab" in the general stats tab. Anyone got an idea? I want to amount of Deer/Elk i've killed to show up in the General Stats. Any ideas?
Hello. :happy: Recently i've been working on a Fort mod. Where you kill the dwellers and take the castle as your home. Which features is a must-have for this kind of mod?
Hello. :laugh: So, i've made a new island, but right now i can't for the life of me figure out how to make a working ferryman. Would anyone be kind enough to give me a small tutorial on how to do this?
How would i go about clearing a location for good?
ObLars replied to ObLars's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What i've been trying to do is to disable them through a script. But the CK does not acknowledge the Disable() function somehow.. I might just do as you first mentioned, go in and place actors instead of spawn points. I don't know though. Thanks for the response. :biggrin: -
Hello. I need to know how i could go about clearing a spesific location for good. I don't want this spesific location to ever respawn it's creatures/enemies. How can i do this? I should probably point out that im trying to do so through a script.. :psyduck:
I guess not. What conditions do i need, and where? :psyduck:
Hello. Im quite new with the whole modding scene, and i can't for the life of me figure out how the Quest Markers work. I got a quest where i need to kill a spesific person, but i would like a quest marker to show above his head. He's a target in my quest, an Alias. With the "Quest Object" ticked. Anyone know what i've done wrong?
Hello. Where would i put a "Myquest.Setstage (10)" in here? ScriptName defaultActivateSelf extends objectReference {Default script that simply activates itself when player enters trigger} import game import debug bool property doOnce = TRUE auto {Fire only once? Default: TRUE} bool property disableWhenDone = FALSE auto {Disable after activating? Default: FALSE} bool property playerOnly = TRUE auto {Only Player Triggers? Default: TRUE} bool property playerAndAlliesOnly = False Auto {Only player or Allies/Followers/Summons trigger? Overrides playerOnly if that's true as well. Default: TRUE} int property minLevel auto {Optional: If set, player must be >= minLevel to activate this} Faction property PlayerFaction Auto Faction property CurrentFollowerFaction Auto Package property Follow Auto Package property FollowerPackageTemplate Auto ;************************************ auto State waiting Event onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef) Actor actorRef = triggerRef as Actor ; check whether we care if the player is activating if(actorRef == game.getPlayer() || (playerAndAlliesOnly && IsPlayerAlly(triggerRef)) || (playerOnly == False && playerAndAlliesOnly == False)) ; also check level (if we even care about that) if(minLevel == 0 || game.getPlayer().getLevel() >= minLevel) if doOnce == TRUE gotoState("allDone") endif if disableWhenDone Self.Disable() EndIf ; per the description of this script, pass self as the activating ref activate(self) endif endif endEvent endState bool Function IsPlayerAlly(ObjectReference triggerObj) Actor triggerAct = (triggerObj as Actor) ;Short-circuit this if this isn't an Actor at all, or if it's hostile to the player. if (triggerAct == None || triggerAct.GetFactionReaction(GetPlayer()) == 1) return False EndIf ;Is this a summon or one of the various types of player followers? return ((triggerAct.IsCommandedActor()) || \ (triggerAct.GetRelationshipRank(GetPlayer()) > 0) || \ (triggerAct.IsInFaction(CurrentFollowerFaction)) || \ (triggerAct.IsPlayerTeammate()) || \ (triggerAct.GetCurrentPackage().GetTemplate() == Follow) || \ (triggerAct.GetCurrentPackage().GetTemplate() == FollowerPackageTemplate)) EndFunction ;************************************ State allDone ;do nothing endState ;************************************
How do i set up a trigger once i enter a cell?
ObLars replied to ObLars's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I couldn't get that to work, but like i said. Im quite the newb :/ Thanks a lot though. :thumbsup: -
Hello! :biggrin: So i need help setting up a trigger. What im trying to do is to start a quest once i enter this specific cell (CrackedTuskKeep01). But i can't for the life of me figure out how triggers work. I might add that im quite the beginner with the Creation Kit, or any Kit, for that matter. So what im asking/requesting help with, is a tutorial, or a helping hand in the right direction to accomplish this. I guess i would need a script of sorts, how would this look? Any help would be very appriciated, thank you. :psyduck:
Hello! I want a quest to start once i enter a specific cell. How can i do this?
How this this work? Is it "Event OnDeath(Reference" ?
Hello. Im making a quest where i need to kill 8 different NPC's. I've set up a new script etc. But i need to know which functions i could use. Right now it's "Event OnDeath(Actor killer)" But that one makes the quest proceed once i've killed one of the bandits, whilst i need something to work for 8 npc's. Anyone know which function would work better? Any help would be appriciated :)
Hello. So im working on a little something and i don't know quite where to start. My goal is to show a message once the desired place is cleared from bandits. How could i do this through a script? I've also made a quest with 2 stages. Uncleared, and Cleared. Any help would be greatly appriciated. :biggrin:
Lol'd. Yeah that would be op. Not the countless god mods etc. :psyduck:
It's probably done through a script which is attached to Mjoll then?
It's done through a script, if im not wrong. You can, i.e add a torch scone to the HQ, and make it initially disabled, and enable it in the TG quest script. Enable.SconeREF I think, atleast. :tongue:
I don't know what causes it. But i do know that in Oblivion, or fallout etc if you made a mod, having it be ESP instead of ESM, some textures would mess up.
But even when i'm carrying a torch in my inventory i can't place it.:( But i'll try to wait a bit. When you place a scone, a torch should spawn in the scone when you start up the game. But at times it's slow, and the cell needs to reset to acknowledge the changes made, or something..
Sometimes when you place torch scones it takes quite some time before they "spawn". So try to leave the dungeon for some time, then go back. :pirate:
Thank you so much! That was the missing piece. I didn't keyword the NPC right. :psyduck:
Thank you really much for the fast response. :thumbsup: The thing is though, i didn't touch anything else than add the NPC to the FavorJobsMineOreFaction. So i must be missing something.. :(
Hello. So i recently found out that i could get one of my new NPC's to buy ores from me, as a "job". It seems the only thing i have to do is add him to the correct faction, which i have. And he will speak the line, but not to my face. He'll just say it without entering conversation. Anyone know how this works?