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Everything posted by HellsMaster

  1. i cant afford the new elite slim :D i am talking about the old elite. It cost 250 pounds here Also my screen got the standard VGA port and the long white one. Edit: @Evilneko, i got crappy stats, i cant seem to run Assassins creed on my native resolution and need to play on minimum
  2. Yes LH that was me you told him, i was surprised. And about nifskope, can i just open a model in max 10 and save it as nif then go in the CS and add it to the weapon list?
  3. BBB doesnt seem to work on BBB armors, only on the HGEC BBB vanilla replacer leather armor. All other BBB that i try doesnt work, any idea why? I will post the load order asap
  4. That it will, and no probs with obge, you wont run it on SSAO tho :D
  5. Prepare to make your PC suffer a real bad lag storm i suggest: OBGEv2 with SSAO Shaders, Screen Effects Quarls Optimized Texture Pack Open Better Citties
  6. So i am a pc gamer, but the problem is the new games ask more and more and i cant afford to buy upgrades each time, so i was thinking of buying an xbox 360 elite. My question is, can i plug in the xbox into my pc and play on my screen? OR can i buy a HDMI to VGA cable for the screen (21 inch 1080p non HDMI)? BUT... is there anyway to plug the 360 into my pc and place on my pc screen?
  7. @erik, it doesnt help @Op, could you possibly go into Run (Start Menu, bottom right) and type dxdiag, then can you save the text file an dupload it here on the attachement so i may know your specifications?
  8. just wanted to know of anybody could gime a savegame of their characters? ;D a good one that is? cute and shmexy?
  9. Me (as is me, myself, moi. beinf french :) )
  10. i am not impressed, what they try to achieve on ps3, pc has already achieved.. my suggestion is to sell your ps3 and buy computer, enjoy realy gaming.. enjoy the games as they are supposed to be enjoed and played, not with a pad!
  11. what about this ^^ http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll69/darksaboteur/spazkid13v3.png
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