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Everything posted by HellsMaster

  1. well the your name touch is because it was for sale on an online game :) so i showed case it! i got 1.5M out of it!
  2. thanks for the critiques! love em!
  3. This is prolly one of my best! Just comment and tell me what i could have done better! http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9940/86witchersig.gif
  4. what i meant is, they used to have great project out there, but most of them just died. There was some great mods that died.. my point being is that you told us what you are doing and you are here ACTUALLY doing it and giving us feedback and even giving us a release date. Surely your a credit to the modding society!
  5. mhh well, firstly, have you tried adding a custom npc ingame using CS? if yes then the answer is self explenatory. Firstly it take a whole bunch of steps plus the CS tendency to CTD is adds to the trouble.
  6. well i cant believe that you are ACTUALLY doing it.. if you see what i mean
  7. keep me updated for the colors and style ok? if needs be ill play his mod to take 1080p screenies
  8. I read the whole thread.. so ok.. i see what kind of witch your going at. Unfortunatly not many people like to make ragged clothes for mad witches characters.. but there are 2 recomandation i can make: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=26432 And Revenous elegance http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=33823 Add some puple-ish hue to that hag of yours with glowing eyes and kaboom no?
  9. Have you ever played Dungeon Siege II ? Or Neverwinter Nights? or Hellgate London? or LOTR the two towers for gba? If you have you then you will understand my request... In details: In some rpg, there are specialized item, unique items, rare items, mega rare items, legendary items ect, so when you are of to kill stuff to get even better weapons and you find (for exemple) a "Legendary Longsword of Burning" with the name in purple. That is my request, can anybody make a mod (or replace the vanilla oblivions) that add color to the names of the sword and armor depending on their status? Also rename the sword and armor so it aint the old boring Enchanted Sword of Lighting? For exemple: on the ground, you find the weapon of your fallen enemy, you hover your cursor over it and see ZMOG YES a "Legendary Ebony Mace of Icicle". Call me crazy :3 So it would go like this: Enchanted Items = Blue Name = Enchanted Silver Sword Rare items items = Blue-green Name = Elrac's Fur Armor Legendary Items = YELLOW name = Bow of Thousand Souls Unique Items = Purple = The Shield of Shenji Anybody up to the task?
  10. tinsy rectifaction, better bouncing breast
  11. There is Vvardenfall Imports which got hundreds of Morrowinds Armor! You might also like Cryos Mods. Silgrads Tower The Forgotten Gardens is a morrowind basec fully voiced acted mod too
  12. Just here to offer my services to translate from english to french or the other way around. You can use my service to translate read me's, walkthroughs and mods in general! Just PM me or post here, or both! :D
  13. are you using an outdated browser? upgrading helps.
  14. I uploaded an avatar pack some days ago, and it disapeared, i mean it really did! Its as if it was never there. I didnt recieve any warning about me breaking a rule so i suppose it was a bug in the Matrix ( i spoke with LHammond) So its kinda lika a bug report and a request to know if my file is still there or completly gone.
  15. i got the feeling that this mod is gona go sky high in the endorsments! Your stuff is really amazing goranga, seriously!
  16. player.setcrimegold 0 it works for the change you need to leave the city you are in wait some time ( cant remember how much) and go back to the city and voila
  17. Well.. what can i say. I finished shivering isle and became MadGod. i left shivering isle and for some reason there is this golden saint following me everywhere. i used all kinda of spell to make her disapear. I was stalking a target.. i was about to pounce on him when suddenly i am dead.. i am like wtf? it was the golden saint.. she had somehow gotten back to me and killed me while i was sneaking grr.
  18. nopees the real code is player.payfine NOTE that it removes any stolen item
  19. My character The Shadow Priest http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2162966-1282153864.jpg http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2162966-1282132036.jpg http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2162966-1282071386.jpg
  20. My character The Shadow Priest http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2162966-1282153864.jpg http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2162966-1282132036.jpg http://tesnexus.com/imageshare/images/2162966-1282071386.jpg
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