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Everything posted by marharth
So you are okay with politicians being bribed to pursue the interests of huge corporations instead of the interests of majority of the USA?
Wasted military spending in the USA? That is such a huge surprise.
This is my issue with it as well. Should of been randomly generated. I think there is a map maker coming out though.
Haven't posted in a while, but I want to bring up one of my previous points. What does the empire even gain from being in Skyrim? There aren't that many resources in Skyrim that couldn't be collected elsewhere. I would argue it hurts the empire to stay in Skyrim due to the number of troops and resources they have to put there.
How are you supposed to ban lobbyists? The people who would make the law to ban them are bought by them.
What? So how does that make him racist?
They didn't want to go into another war because the huge support for Isolationism after WW1. The country was negatively effected by the war and people did not want to fight in another war. It took a short time for the US to start sending supplies because they wanted to stay fully neutral. In fact multiple pieces of legislation were passed to try to keep the US entirely neutral. Loopholes were found to start sending supplies, and there was a defense system created so Britains ships could sail to the US without much resistance. The US fought in WW1 as allies to Britain, and before that they were certainly not enemies.
What did Obama do that was racist?
Don't even start that. The British were Americas allies before WW2. Hate to break it to you but America is not the savior of the world. Churchill was hugely important in WW2 since Churchill refused to surrender, which Hitler did not expect. Hitler made a mistake and rage bombed London since Churchill refused to surrender. Churchill greatly improved the morale of his country due to his speeches and the overall way he dealt with the bombing and the war. Not only did he help with the general social issues of the war, he made it impossible for Nazi Germany to land on Britain's shore due to superior air and sea strategy. The Soviet Union under Stalin was also a huge help in WW2. Hitler attempting to invade Russia as early as he did was one of his biggest mistakes along with attempting to attack Britain. The Soviet Union was winning against Nazi Germany on the eastern front at the time America entered the war, and Britain was standing strong. America supplied nations with war goods and helped a lot during Operation Overlord. That does not mean they "saved their arses." Take note that the reason Japan even allied with Germany was due to the goods America was giving out to China. Japan was fighting against China at the time and America was helping China. Japan wouldn't of even allied with Germany if America did not help China. That might of been more of a issue though, but I am still pointing that out. America helped yes, but they only helped. America did not win the war, and in my opinion was not even the strongest force in the war. Either way is not what this topic is for. I suggest you open a new thread if you want to debate on that.
So how do you know that everyone in gitmo is a "illegal armed combatant?" Why do you trust a government report on it over the multiple photos and other evidence that has shown the opposite? Also what is the difference between a prisoner of war and a "illegal combatant?" Also "I have always confined myself to the application of policy (with the tools provided) once that Rubicon is crossed and left moral justification to those that ordered it." Am I misunderstanding that? I really can't believe you said that.
I'll start from the beginning: Obama has set the unemployment rate is the USA the lowest number it has ever been in history, more people are dyeing from hunger and living on the streets thanks to him. He's removing money form the USDOD and military to fund pointless things like banks and companies who don't even have an effect on America. The military is going broke thanks to him. And how many companies has he helped file bankruptcy? A lot. He continues to raise taxes and spend our tax money on HIS pleasures. Parties, dinners, stuff that HE benefits from and no one else. He raised our debt limit when we should be LOWERING it. He's sold us to China, so we're probably having laws passed that were from the Chinese. He keeps spending money we can't pay off in the first place, continuing our debt crisis. Obama dumps gasoline on the fire that America is already suffering from. McCain would've been so much better as a president, better yet, let's put BUSH in the oval office again, at least he TRIED to fix the country. And let's look at his wife too. Michelle Obama, our first lady, someone who shouldn't have much of an effect on our lives, but better yet, she's been bigger than a- OK, with my mind set straight, I'll just continue to the reasons why she is terrible too. Our first lady is RACIST. Please, look up things like that on google and you'll find 100's of pages why. She doesn't understand why Americans fuss over a "damn flag." Our flag has stood up during the worst of wars, and it's a symbol of our freedom, but she doesn't care. She tried to take the USA flag off of the White House once, and yes, that WOULD be horrible. That flag should ALWAYS be hanging there. She believes America itself to be obese and fat, when only HALF the population is fat. I only weigh 175 lbs or so, but that's mainly because I need to be in shape at all times. Who cares how fat we are? If America wishes to be one the fattest countries on Earth, let it be that way, quit bugging us about it. Okay ill number this from start to finish. 1. Great depression. That is all. 2. Yes he funds banks and companies. So does every other modern president, and so would anyone you would elect. 3. How is the military going broke when the US has a bigger military spending then every other country combined? 4. He doesn't spend tax money on personal things. He spent tax money on a few diplomatic trips, which Fox News called vacations. 5. Obama didn't start the debt problem and certainly didn't start the China thing. 6. Tax rates are extremely low. Some of the lowest in US history. 7. You are supposed to spend money in bad economic times. 8. Not sure what you mean by the gasoline thing. 9. Americans are not a race. It is a nationality. That would be considered unpatriotic, not racist. It is fact that child obesity is a problem in the country. Don't see why you think its a problem to try to fix that. Also what is this about the flag? When did she say that?
Canada is more liberal then the US. Doesn't make much sense to move to a more liberal country to avoid a liberal president. What exactly did Obama do that makes him the worst president?
Gingrich and Paul don't stand a chance. There is nothing that anyone could do that would make them win.
But you trust the most criminal group to provide charity by demanding healtcare from the Government? What?
I think Obama is probably going to win. It is really just down to Romney and Obama though as said.
I made a topic about this a while ago. I don't really trust a lot of charities.
It isn't listed under the specific powers of the federal government such as to provide and maintain a Navy. This is clearly define while general welfare is nowhere define. Yes it is listed under the powers of the federal government. Considering it is in the part of the Constitution that is about defining the powers of congress.
But there its used in the context of states and not persons, and its not mentioned anymore among the specific powers of the government to do this and that. Otherwise, redistribution of goods from one group to another isn't the general wealth. How is it used in the context of states? It does not mention states at all. It gives the power to congress. It says general welfare of the United States. That means the country as a whole. Not just the general welfare for the federal government and not just the general welfare for certain states.
Wait thane can live? I can't find a video anywhere for that.
That quote was from the direct start of article 1, section 8. Not the preamble. It says congress has the power to collect taxes to pay debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the country. You are correct that if a power is not given to the federal government, it is the power of the state. In this case however, the power was given to the federal government.
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;" Congress has the power to pass ANY law that is for the general good of the country. The above is why US judges have ruled medicare, social security, and other social programs constitutional.
What Marxist policies? Marxism does not equal communism. It is a political theory. You can be a Marxist and hate communism. Marxism is the idea that governments start in a basic form of communism, go into a form of open trade such as capitalism, then change into a more advanced form of communism. Not nearly the same thing as being a communist. Who is good then? Who is actually a good person running right now? Or even anyone who was running? I said that he didn't have to post his birth certificate publicly. I did not say he didn't need to prove his birth. I said... "The president requires to have a birth certificate to prove his birth. That doesn't mean he his required to put it on public display because a bunch of nutjobs think he is a illegal immigrant." I did not say he didn't need to prove his birth. I said he didn't need to post all of his information publicly online. No other president has ever had to do that.
Err... what? There isn't a single debate I can find that is directly about the wars, if there is one it is certainly not recent enough to bump. Not my issue that a bunch of people go off topic in other posts.
As MB said, burden of proof is on you. By office I meant president, shouldn't of said that. Obama is bad yes. What you are missing is that everyone else is also bad. Something is horribly wrong with everyone on the right currently running to beat Obama as well.
So I am going to assume most people don't support the wars and never did. Kind of wondering though since I haven't seen many posts here about it. It doesn't seem to be discussed much.