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Everything posted by marharth
Why is Mod Organizer considered better than NMM?
marharth replied to marharth's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Alright thanks. -
Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but can someone explain why this is? What are the major differences?
For people who don't know there is a mod for FONV that adds like hundreds of extra dungeons and random locations to the world. I was wondering if there was something similar to this but with Oblivion. Heres the mod for reference. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/38719
are argonians reptiles or amphibians?
marharth replied to RaktoastTheSandwichTopper's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
They are not cold blooded, and do not have to live by water or even in wet climates. Argonians are actually tree people in the lore. -
Valenwood would be what I want. Giant trees and giant tree cities sound much cooler then anything else. Not to mention walking cities.
Shootings happen a lot now days and no laws get changed. So I don't think any new laws will be passed, for the better or for the worse.
If you actually thought the world was going to end you would be trying to find a bunker, not be talking about it on the internet.
Aren't certs earned mostly through XP?
You get certs for playing the game, not for paying any money. That's not pay to win. That's PLAY to win. You get far more certs and resources by paying a sub.
I always liked ME1 the best. I never understood why people liked ME2 or ME3 so much. ME3 had a pretty horrible story. Good story telling, but horrible story. ME3 was a massive disappointment. You play the last two games trying to get allies and you get a magic space gun to solve all your problems. (not really a spoiler since it is found like the first mission in the game.) ME1 has a pretty good story. It focused on showing you the world of Mass Effect and made you a part of a military force as well as a government agent with no restraints. It gave a large insight into how the ME universe worked and how the government worked. ME1 was more open world and has more dialogue options then the other games. The story was about a rouge specter and gave you the back story of the protheans and the geth. The reapers were more of a end game thing, which was interesting. Once you get in ME2 you are forced into a terrorist organization, and you can't decline and rejoin the military. ME2 tosses away the older parts of the world and focuses on collectors, which are pretty obviously reaper stuff. You go around fighting space bugs and space gangs, and it doesn't show off the world nearly as much as it did in ME1. ME3 was horrible. There is so much wrong with ME3 I can hardly even begin. You start in like the HQ of the most important people on the entire planet, which is for some reason in a skyscraper and not a bunker. Take note you blew up a entire solar system, and you are hanging out with the people who thought you were crazy for doing so instead of on trial or in jail. So reapers attack and somehow get to the moon before anyone sees them. Apparently telescopes and satellites don't exist in the future. Then Shepard is traumatized by some kid getting blown up, when he/she could of have seen their friends die, their entire crew dissolved into a DNA mess, multiple horrible Cerberus projects, a mind controlling plant thing, and so much more. A kid getting blown up should do literally nothing to someone like Shepard. Most of the game is bad honestly, so I could keep going for the entire plot. I just mentioned the first few starting areas.
You also use certs for class upgrades though. While most weapons are sidegrades, upgrading class related things is a straight up advantage. Like upgrading the medics healing is not a sidegrade, it is a direct upgrade. PS2 is a good game if you can get past the cert system and you can run it at a steady framerate.
But it takes so long to get certs that if you do not subscribe or straight up buy stuff you will be significantly worse then people who do.
Planetside 2 is far worse then tribes in terms of the business model. In tribes it took a while to unlock stuff with xp, but not too long. If you think it took a long time to unlock stuff in Tribes you will hate Planetside 2. In PS2 you can play for a few days and only have around 50 certs. You need 750 for the cheapest stuff last I checked. You need certs to unlock everything, including class upgrades, weapons, and vehicle mods. Also you need a top tier computer to run it at reasonable FPS and you can only change the options in game which are rather limited. The fov is capped at 74, which is pretty horrible for a PC game. Also can not change that in the ini file.
First off, a theory is not just a idea. That is another use for the word. What you are talking about is a scientific theory. That is a well substantiated explanation based on a large number of facts that has not had any valid evidence to dispute it. A scientific theory is valid unless otherwise proven incorrect. Scientists around the world agree with the theory of evolution by natural selection because there is no valid evidence for another theory to dispute it. Second, as Ghogiel mentioned, evolution is not just a theory. Evolution is fact. How evolution happens has theories, which is what the "theory of evolution by natural selection" is. The reason evolution is fact is due to the following. Animals clearly show as changing into new species overtime based on fossil records. Older animals have similar traits as newer ones. Animals have similar chemical and DNA structures. Humans and apes have extremely close DNA. Other species that seem similar through fossils also have extremely close DNA. All animals on earth are made up from six of the most common elements. Certain animals only appear in certain areas. Animals are native to certain areas because they evolved to live in that region. In different parts of the world even the same general type of animal can be different. There are tortoises for example that has a more extended neck then other tortoises because they evolved needing it due to the area they lived in. New species of animals have been created by selective breeding in the modern time. We have new species of dogs and plants due to this. There are organs that no longer have any use for certain animals. Humans are a good example of this. Humans have the remains of a tail bone (Coccyx), when we clearly do not have a tail. This means at one point we did have some kind of tail. A tailbone has no use for modern humans. Another thing is that we have a third eyelid that is entirely unused, that we can't even move. Wisdom teeth have no practical purpose, and there is a arch in our ears that link to older species that have spiked ears. Also goosebumps which happen since it would normally rise your fur/hair, if you had enough of that to actually rise. Which shows that humans used to have large amounts of fur/hair, enough all over to actually have it raised like a cat or something similar. As for the actual topic, I think genetic engineering is more likely then anything else mentioned.
Getting spammed with ads isn't fun. You can advertise in non invasive ways that adblock won't stop. If you have a YouTuber you like or something, then you probably should turn it off and just ignore the ads to help them out. So ads should be blocked unless you otherwise decide to unblock them for some reason.
You played Deus Ex right?
That^ I don't even know if anyone on the nexus even plays civ5. I only play civ4.
It doesn't need to be unique to be good though. I can not stand any mmo without a single server, real time combat, and open world PvP (as in, you don't go on a separate map or server for PvP, it happens in the main game world in certain areas.) Pretty much no mmo like that exists. I am not really sure how the PvP will work. Don't think it said anything about open world PvP. I find the idea of being teleported to do PvP, or having to go on a different server terrible. It feels a lot better to me to go to a location on the map to do PvP and actually fight over a changing world. Something else. One faction is supposed to be Nord/Dark Elf/Argioian. Anyone else see the obvious balance issue with that? Most people played Skyrim as a Nord, most people played Morrowind as a Dark Elf. I don't think Imperials even exist in this since it is set a while back, so that is a bit of a issue.
Think what you mean is download region right? As in the server where stuff gets downloaded from. steam library>view>settings>download and cloud>download region
K Thinking you should not show remorse for people who kill themselves due to bad parenting as well as them giving away their information = wanting weak people to die Bullying over a prolonged period can cause serious psychological problems, that said there are ways to lessen the problem, don't live your life on Facebook and use the tools the likes of Facebook and Twitter provide to block fools and remove their "contributions". That is my point. Online bullying isn't something that should be a problem and when it is a problem is is the fault of parents. Don't post a bunch of crap online and if you do post stuff block people who annoy you.
K Thinking you should not show remorse for people who kill themselves due to bad parenting as well as them giving away their information = wanting weak people to die
Oh look now its a debate on if invoking authority anonymously over the internet in a debate is valid or not. Why is that even a discussion? How can people lack that much common sense? I am going to actually be honest now. I have been trying to appeal to people here and its not working. So here is what I actually think. If you get bullied ONLINE and kill yourself over it you are weak and your parents screwed up. You deserve no remorse or respect. If you kill yourself due to something said online it is your own fault, not the fault of people on the internet. Quit going online if you get bullied online. Don't post a ton of pictures of yourself everywhere. Don't let the entire world know who you are. Quit being stupid. Most of them are teens and kids yes, but if you are a parent do not raise your kids to act like idiots on Facebook. And people who make posts saying "oh that is so sad" quit acting like you are helping anyone, you are not. Maybe people post that crap to make it seem like they care when they really don't. The same kids who put sob posts Facebook are the same ones who completely ignored the person getting "bullied." You are making it worse if anything, reinforcing the idea of suicide to people who are already vulnerable. You think making people who kill themselves appear as saints or heroes will make people considering suicide less tempted to? Unless someone has a serious mental disorder at birth, the parents messed up bad in raising their kid if they kill themselves over crap that goes on over the internet. Also to cut down most of the replies I will just put the following ahead of time. "You never experienced what its like to want to kill yourself/never had a loved one feel that way" Incorrect. Don't even try that this time. "My law/doctor/military/superseriousinternetexpert degree means that I know what I am talking about. If you believe me you are a bad person for not trusting me." No it does not. Never told anyone this before but I am actually the supreme overlord of the universe, and you have to believe me because its the internet, and no one ever tells lies on the internet. "You are just being mean/random insults" K. Truth hurts.
I think I should bring up the recent Amanda Todd thing here. If you pointed out what actually caused her to kill herself, and then said that people do not act so remorseful in the case of a serious murder where the victim is entirely innocent, should that be illegal? I noticed most of the excuse for this is that people kill themselves over online "trolling." So I thought I would bring that up.