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Everything posted by marharth

  1. marharth

    The TSA

    I would like to point out that you don't even need a weapon to hijack a plane. If you can enough people on the same flight it wouldn't be that hard to control everyone.
  2. marharth

    The TSA

    Guess I was just tying to play devils advocate.
  3. marharth

    The TSA

    You are not asking for it directly, but it is the job of the TSA to tighten security if people perceive a large threat. It would probably get a lot better if everyone quit freaking out over something that happened over 10 years ago. Al Qaeda is not a real threat anymore, and if people realized that the TSA wouldn't be doing half the stuff they are doing now.
  4. I can list reasons, but there are plenty of videos that explain why the ending of ME3 was bad objectively. ME3 didn't wrap up the ending of the series, which makes it a bad game in my opinion. The entire game revolved around a magic space gun, which for some reason was never mentioned until now, even though the mars station was the very first alien research station. Some moments in the game were cool, but the game as a whole wasn't that great when compared to the previous titles.
  5. Does anyone actually like Pakistan at this point? Osama's compound was a mile or so away from a military base. It is obvious that Pakistan knew of his location. But of course the nuclear threat is Iran...
  6. marharth

    The TSA

    Its aftermath of people losing their minds over terrorists. People complain about terrorists, and how they want to stay safe, but then people complain about how the TSA is invading privacy. You can't have both. So either calm down and quit being afraid that terrorists are everywhere, or be ready to give up your rights and privacy.
  7. :facepalm: DRM software was invented because of piracy. Piracy wasn't invented because of DRM software. Cause > effect. If anyone is to blame for restrictive DRM software it's the pirates. Blame doesn't matter here. What matters is what DRM is causing. DRM causes more piracy. There would be a lot less piracy if DRM did not exist. Piracy would still be around of course, but it wouldn't be as big of a issue as it is now. If companies want people to buy their games they should be a bit more consumer friendly and not force you to be online to play the game, or force you to do an online checkup. Restrictive DRM is the fault of companies. If they actually wanted to stop piracy they would be nicer to consumers. Some people are just dicks, but I think most people pirate games because they don't want to deal with the crap that gets thrown at them.
  8. As I have said before, piracy is largely a service issue. If you have insane DRM like Diablo 3 or some of the crap Ubisoft throws at you, then people are going to be pirating your game way more.
  9. It sounds interesting, but can you post a video or some kind of information on the game mechanics?
  10. Schools are required by federal law to set standards now. Not sure if that also applies to art classes, but I highly doubt that you will be able to get a good art teacher in the majority of art classes. Not to mention that drawing or painting isn't the only creative thing you could do. Some people dislike "art" in that sense, but can be extremely creative in other ways.
  11. Why are people so obsessed with getting art into schools? That won't help creativity. The art classes that would be taught would force you to meet a certain set standard and your work would be the same as everyone in the class. It wouldn't change a thing, it would just be a completely useless impractical class.
  12. Its capcom. Does anyone actually expect for them to make a PC version?
  13. I have decided to join the toast. I don't see how anyone can think the Imperials or Stormcloaks are good. The imperials openly execute people without trial and no longer have the bloodline in power that made the empire good. The stormcloaks are led by someone who ratted out the empire to the thalmor and slaughtered a entire city for political reasons. The empire is clearly the better choice between the two since it is the most powerful and has the best chance at fighting the elves, but everyone should be voting toast.
  14. If you have DRM your game gets pirated more. It is counter productive and is without question a bigger issue then just piracy.
  15. The issue isn't really lack of funding, it is that the funding is getting thrown away for a bunch of useless crap. Government regulation isn't a issue either, it is that the methods of regulation are incorrect.
  16. Probably because they didn't want to bother animating a snake.
  17. People are likely going to completely dismiss this topic, but this is something I have thought about for a while. What gives human life more value then the life of a dog? Is it just because of our genetics? Is the value of life based on intelligence? So pretty much to answer your question, you need to know how to give a value to life. I also find it weird when people say they "own" a pet. It doesn't really bug me much though.
  18. Then the game will suck. The reason the story is good is because of the conflict between the assassins and templars. I don't want a story about a American freedom fighter in a game called ASSASSINS creed.
  19. Assassins are supposed to fight for the assassins, not for a rebel cause or a single country. Also modern day America is controlled by templars in the AC series. So America is a entirely templar controlled country. That could of changed after the revolution, but it is a bit strange to say that everyone on the American side is a assassin, or everyone on the American side is supporting the assassins. If it turns out being you fighting for the Americans and nothing else, that's another huge failure to the end of a series this year.
  20. I might just be missing something, but is there a single screenshot or video of Conner killing American soldiers and not just redcoats? It seems like the game is just going to be you fighting as part of the revolution, which is pretty lame.
  21. I like that it is hard to follow the lore, and you have to read in game books and stuff to actually know the story. It improves immersion. Also the dragonborn is not supposed to be the high king, the dragonborn is supposed to be emperor.
  22. If I went ahead and googled it all, I could tell you the exact names of every single person part of the "Illuminati." The world is obviously ruled by a group of people, but it isn't some kind of secret group, it is just large corporations.
  23. Dragons crash land if they are badly wounded in the air. They pretty much slide along the ground and dig up a bunch of dirt.
  24. I understand what you mean. I just don't think it is even fair to call the "new group" the Illuminati, if it is so drastically changed.
  25. And this is how you find out which people you should engage in discussions with - they reveal themselves as not worth the time without them even realizing it. Hence the reason I looked the subject up on Google first, then challenged you to go do the same. I had already assumed you wouldn't bother, and I was right. Plausible deniability, or perhaps deliberate misinformation. If they're really the shadowy conspiracy group people say they are, you can't discount the possibility. I looked it up back on page two, reread my posts. If you actually did look up what you said on Google you would discover you were wrong about human sacrifice, slave torture, and Egyptian society being evil. Since you can't be bothered to actually post evidence (because you don't have any) I will post what I have. We don't even know for sure what purpose slavery had in Egypt, and if they even had slaves by our definition. We certainly do not know if they tortured slaves. http://www.digitalegypt.ucl.ac.uk/social/index.html As said previously, there may be evidence of human sacrifice but there is not enough known to claim for certain human sacrifice took place. The best evidence that we have for that is sketchy drawings. No written record or any solid evidence. http://www.ancient-egypt.org/index.html As for the women having equal rights to men http://fathom.lib.uchicago.edu/1/777777190170/ As for the Illuminati not being evil, how about Tomas Jefferson calling the founder a "enthusiastic philanthropist?" http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/mtj:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28tj090050%29%29 So yea, doesn't seem like you did look the subject up on Google. What was that about "finding out which people you should engage in conversation with?"
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