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Everything posted by Murielkai

  1. Just though I would mention, for those interested, that I have been patching a few jetpack mods to work with the CROSS Jetpack animation script. The patches can be found on the Jetpacks FAO page. I did manage to put together a vanilla power armor fix that is satisfactory.
  2. I am trying to figure out how to move a smoke effect for a jetpack mod but it doesn't seem to have a mesh to click on. It relies on vanilla assets and I am wondering if I need to dump the textures from the vanilla game or if I have nifskope set up wrong or something. Here is the nif below, if someone with some knowledge of nifskope could just take a few seconds to check it out and give me some advise I will be very grateful, thanks. Link removed.
  3. Ah, I think I needed to attach it to a quest for it to appear in the mgef menu.
  4. When I place the psc file there it doesn't show up in the CK in the ad scripts box of the mgef menu, how do I make it selectable?
  5. Are there any good tutorials on compiling scripts for Fallout 4? What I am trying to do is make some changes to the CROSS Jetpack script. I used the Champolian decompiler I found on the nexus site but I'm not sure how to re-compile it. Any help would be great, thanks.
  6. I am trying to adapt the vanilla power armors to use the flames from the CROSS Jetpack mod and if they use the script they work "ok" but I was thinking of making them a constant effect, if that is possible. Would I need a constant effect script to attach to the mgef/ench? Or would I need to make the change in the JetpackFX.nif itself?
  7. Hey I am working on a mod that adds the flames back to vanilla power armor and makes it compatible with CROSS Jetpack but I cannot figure out how to wear the power armor I spawned using the console... do I need a perk? When I click on it I get a messages saying I cannot wear it. Edit: Derp I got it.
  8. This is a long shot but... how do I move or even find the x/y/z coordinates in nifskope to move a mesh around a little? Does anyone have a good tutorial up their sleeve?
  9. If you are working on a texture from another persons mod should you choose to auto generate mip maps or use the ones in the layers?
  10. I am using the intel plugin and there are several options for saving, which ones should I use?
  11. Hey I am trying to toss together a standalone jetpack mod using the Nanosuit 6.2 assets and I am on the last step, pretty much, and I am stuck. I have moved all the assets to their own folders and changed the materials file to point to the new textures, changed all the file pathing that I know of, and set everything up in the creation kit by making new entries for everything with unique names and ID's, crafting recipe's, etc. When I get in game everything works fine, the jetpack flies and makes sound but there is no flame coming out. I have changed the new armor entries to point to the new JetpackFX location in the meshes folder and it still isn't working. Any help at this point would be fantastic... thanks. Edit: Nevermind, I think I got it.
  12. Nifskope was using the integrated GPU and I switched it to Nvidia. Now its working right, I should have known to check that, heh. Thanks!
  13. The laptop has an Nvidia 980M and the drivers are up to date (unless there is some I am suppose to install like a particular version of netframework or something). I was worried I didn't download the right version of nifskope or set it up right but I am not sure what version I need.
  14. When I open just about any nif in nifskope I get errors. I was just wondering if the errors are like the ones you get in the creation kit where you just ignore them?
  15. Thanks for the reply, this is what I suspected and needed to know for sure. I have PS with the Nvidia DDS plugin. I haven't read too much into making texture's, is the Nvidia plugin not capable of making specular maps? When I saved the textures with the Nvidia plugin it asked me if I wanted to create new maps or use the old ones, I selected create new but I am not sure how to create specular maps or what they are used for. I will do some more reading. Edit: Found the intel dds file here on nexus, gonna read up on it. Thanks again!
  16. 1. I made a few mods for Skyrim where I changed the texture paths in nif files and I am trying to do that again with a fallout 4 mod, namely the jetpack_f nif from Nanosuit 6.2 by Vasstek. When I open the file in nifskope I cannot find the particular texture path I am looking for (Data\textures\Vasstek\Nanosuit\Jetpack\jetpack_d). So the file I need to change is "jetpack_d" but all I am seeing is references to a file named "jetpack.bgsm". I don't even know what a .bgsm file is, lol. 2. Secondly, unlike some Skyrim mods that have only a textures and meshes folder, I noticed Fallout 4 (at least this particular mod) has a "materials" folder also. What is the materials folder for? 3) Bonus question: So if I were to try to make a standalone jetpack mod using Vasstek assets, what would I need to transfer out of Vassteks "Nanosuit" folders and into custom folders to make it work? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
  17. Not sure if there was a mod already out there that was being updated but I personally couldn't find one so I made this. I was having OCD issues with Commonwealth Cuts hairs showing through helmets and went looking for a mod that might fix it, so here it is. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/18805/?
  18. I am trying make an AE Replacer patch for a mod and make a change or two to it while doing so. I go into FO4Edit and add "Armorsmith Extended" as a master (as well as ArmorKeywords) and save it then go into the CK and make the changes but when I save in the CK the changes, or some of the changes, get deleted or rather just do not save at all. So... this has been an issue with Skyrim and Oblivion in the past where you have to "ESMify" the master file, do I need to do that here? And if so... how do I ESMify a Fallout 4 .esp?
  19. So I installed Commonwealth Cuts but it has an issue where the hairs show through the hats and helmets. I can see the beauty in not wearing a hat or helmet so the hairs added can actually be seen but at low level the extra armor from a helmet is nice, especially if you find one with a nice legendary adornment. But clipping is ugly. What I am thinking is perhaps making an invisible helmet or hat mod, if its possible. I use Concealed Armor and I see that the author did not add an option to conceal helmets/hats and I recall in Skyrim and Oblivion that hats/helmets automatically remove hairs from the head so I was wondering if that is how it is in Fallout 4 also? I am not familiar with the Fallout 4 Creation Kit yet but theoretically it shouldn't be too hard to create an invisible hat/helmet mod, right? One that would allow hairs from Commonwealth Cuts to show while at the same time offering an armor bonus and the option to install legendary adornments. I mean, would it be as simple as just removing the .nif from the helmet in the CK or would I need to create a custom .nif file with no graphic? Any insight into this or where to start would be greatly appreciated, thanks. If someone can do this and make it work with Armorsmith Extended I will buy them a pizza, heh.
  20. That's so wierd, they show up in game but not in my save folder. Edit: Wait, I see what is happening now... Modded saves have a different number system, the game is adding an "M" to the save number and it starts over at "save 1" for modded saves. So rather than my modded game saves continuing in a linear order: Save1_D81918B0_436F6F6B6965_Vault111Cryo_000139_20151115030230_1_2.fos Save2_D81918B0_436F6F6B6965_Commonwealth_000142_20151115030513_1_2 Save2_D81918B0M436F6F6B6965_Commonwealth_060741_20160924063059_47_2 <~~~~ Modded save So rather than be intelligent and organized and put the "M" at the beginning of the save (or the end) the Bethesda Devs decided to make everything confusing and jumbled up. So I declare today, September 24, 2016, national call your dev a moron day!
  21. Hey, I just noticed that saves that are modded are not showing up in my saves folder, except for auto and quick saves. Does Fallout 4 put modded saves somewhere other than the documents folder under My Games?
  22. I think things are working correctly, I mean CBBE is working and Full Dialogue is good but what I was wondering is... when I create the custom.ini and place the two lines above in it, as shown here: How to enable modding Navigate to your Fallout 4 Folder at the following location "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4" Within this folder you'll find a number of .ini files. Open (or create, if missing) Fallout4Custom.ini with your favourite text editor (we use Notepad++). Add the following lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= Save and close Fallout4Custom.ini Am I supposed to place this in it? sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\ Or is "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" all I need to add?
  23. Yeah, I updated it before modding my game again. The new patches broke all my mods from earlier this summer. Luckily I got most of the way through the game before adding any mods at all so i have good saves to go back to.
  24. Haven't been at this for long but when I started modding Fallout 4 immediately after its launch I read that I had to make this change (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/videos/87/?): You will need to add the following line to the Fallout4Prefs.ini file below the section marked [Launcher]: bEnableFileSelection=1 You will need to change the following line in Fallout4.ini: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\ Recently I read that the previous change was out dated and should no longer be used, the article says that the only change for modding Fallout 4 you need to make now is (http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation): How to enable modding Navigate to your Fallout 4 Folder at the following location "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4" Within this folder you'll find a number of .ini files. Open (or create, if missing) Fallout4Custom.ini with your favourite text editor (we use Notepad++). Add the following lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini [Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= Save and close Fallout4Custom.ini So, right now the only change I am using is the later (aside from the individual mods various instructions) and so far things seem to work right, as far as I am aware. Am I doing this correctly?
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