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About 0z2y

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  1. Please, no. I already find the double "Premium" mention under the avatar as it is right now a bit much (hopefully, that will be replaced with a rank or something when the new forum sets in), that I think having someting saying "Lifetime" just because you happen to get it before the option was removed it's like @dizietemblesssma said best above: Like I briefly mentioned, to add something to show or reward how long you're a member of the site/forum, a rank on your profile based on how long you're a member would be better than having a badge just because you bought a lifetime premium membership. And yes, that was a good deal.
  2. right top corner, the envelope icon. is that what you're looking for?
  3. Not really digging the new clothes and feel of the forum yet... there's a lot to get used to after a long time using the old version. The Friends missing is not something I like, but if at least its replacement wasn't called Followers that already a ton of places use or used and moved away after some users complaints about how cringe it was and how it felt too close to Stalkers... but I digress as that wasn't the reason why I decided to post here. The main reason for this post of mine is to ask if you guys can please fix the link to the last posted message on mobile? It works fine on desktop but on mobile, it directs me to the first post. Not an issue if a thread as only a few posts but imagine when it's a thread with a few dozens pages like the first one on this section... Thank you.
  4. Doesn't this way work? On the Search where it says Mods, there's a dropdown with more options, including Users. That's how I search it, although if a user has his account deleted or something, probably wont show up.
  5. Does your computer automatically change time for DST? Yes, Windows 11 updated the time automatically since there was a recent patch KB5023778 released late March that addressed this issue (This update affects the Arab Republic of Egypt. The update supports the government’s daylight saving time change order for 2023). I understand there might be a problem since this is the first time in years our government resorted to DST ever since it was disabled back in 2016. Even all my various Samsung devices didn't update the time automatically and I had to update them manually! Gotta love technology, eh? :D Probably is a one-off problem.... No clue how often the site polls your computer, to verify what time zone, or whether you are on DST or not..... Give it a couple months, see what happens. :D Why? You can go to your download history later (I think the minimum is 15 minutes), and decide what you want to endorse (or not): https://www.nexusmods.com/users/myaccount?tab=download+history EDIT: Can't edit to quote the right post (or I too dumb to find that out), but I was meaning to quote:
  6. Just my 2 cents here, but if you made your mod from scratch, you shouldn't call it a copy but a version of said mod. And that being the case, you should be able to explain and refute the removing of your version with the Nexus' Moderator. Like showler said, if you created your version of a mod without any assets or anything from other mod, its author can't say anything since you didn't use any of his mod into yours. Looking into a mod's coding to see how it works to learn and make our own version without using any of its assets, it's not the same as posting the same mod that its author has hidden/removed for its own reasons.
  7. I saw that, also in Firefox, but it was a cached -- not live -- version of the site. Once it loaded a live version, it showed normal as usual. You can see what I mean by checking the google cached version: https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.nexusmods.com/
  8. If you don't like the icons on that mod, there is this one that change them: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/5581 In case you don't want to spend points on the spells for that mod, there is this cheat mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/347 But to your question/request, other than that one, I only know about this one: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/301 but this is more of a brute force than spells. Anyway, that's all I know about it... Maybe someone can craft a mod similar to the one you mention. :smile: Oh, btw, if you decide to go with that mod, check the updated version that is compatible with most DLCs too: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/3638
  9. I wonder if someone like the OP who isn't a mod author can commission a mod so that in time can earn enough DP to buy the Lifetime Membership... I know some sites that allow members to post commissioned stuff as long as they credit the author. In the 2D and 3D art, there are even some pro artists doing commissions with licenced characters. I wonder what is the Nexus Mods view on that... is it considered as making money with mods if you commissioned something to share it for free after?
  10. I think you should ask in that game sub-forum: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/292-dragon-age-origins
  11. Another sugestion is to use google search to find the mod you want and take advantage of their cache service by clicking that little down-arrow next to link. Mind you that you probably will have to look for the right link (files, description, etc..) and that google not always saves this cached pages for a long time... So... Yeah, saving a text file with the important instructions is the best way.
  12. The second modder is using something that they do not own and only have permission to use. Punishment? I think not. I don't see him punishing the other author. He simply don't want any of his work/assets in Nexus anymore - which they did by the banned note. He even says that he has no issue with the permission granted before if the mods using his stuff are moved out of Nexus. Not taking sides here, just my 2 cents.
  13. Most Mod Authors aren't against the Collections. But Nexus did changed their TOS. And here is what most Mod Authors are against: It's has been their right to remove their work whenever they want, either to update to a newer version or because the had assets that they no longer have the right to use amongst other situations. Bottom line, Mod Authors should retain the right to delete their work and that is being taken away from them.
  14. 0z2y

    Nice work....

    Well I am curious what mods are gone now that several games no longer have their own sub nexus site for. In any case I thought it would be interesting to see what the daily numbers using archive.org from the past two weeks +, and it's shocking. Despite the growth of new mods added daily (as can be seen with the ever increasing trend of mod authors growing), there is definitely a dip in user files within the past week, though some marginal growth again recently. 6/20/21 317,279 files for 1,323 games from 128,268 authors6/21/21 317,448 files for 1,327 games from 128,328 authors (+169 files, +4 games, +60 authors)6/22/21 317,488 files for 1,327 games from 128,357 authors (+40 files, +0 games, +29 authors)6/23/21 317,714 files for 1,333 games from 128,441 authors (+226 files, +6 games, +90 authors)6/25/21 317,872 files for 1,333 games from 128,497 authors (+158 files, +0 games, +56 authors)6/27/21 318,109 files for 1,334 games from 128,665 authors (+237 files, +1 game, +168 authors)6/28/21 318,275 files for 1,334 games from 128,736 authors (+166 files, +0 games, +71 authors)6/30/21 318,458 files for 1,334 games from 128,800 authors (+183 files, +0 games, +64 authors)7/1/21 318,415 files for 1,335 games from 128,861 authors (-43 files, +1 game, +61 authors)7/2/21 317,573 files for 1,335 games from 128,926 authors (-842 files, +0 games, +65 authors)7/3/21 317,385 files for 1,335 games from 128,980 authors (-188 files, +0 games, +54 authors)7/4/21 317,347 files for 1,335 games from 129,020 authors (-38 files, +0 games, +40 authors)7/5/21 317,310 files for 1,335 games from 129,046 authors (-37 files, +0 games, +26 authors)7/6/21 317,178 files for 1,335 games from 129,085 authors (-132 files, +0 games, +39 authors; This is the biggest visible decrease in files from 6/30/21, edit: before increasing again)7/7/21 317,223 files for 1,337 games from 129,202 authors (+45 files, +2 games, +117 authors)7/8/21 317,314 files for 1,332 games from 129,253 authors (+91 files, -5 games, +51 authors; which can change since the day is not over yet, edit: in my timezone which is EST)Edit: Added how many files, games, and authors were either added or removed from day to day. 7/2/21 saw the biggest decrease in files overall, with nearly 1k files removed, which happened to be the day after the news post went up. From what I understand, first it's the mods that are gone/deleted and then due to no mods for that game, they remove it too a couple days later. That's what happened to some of the games I used to follow. Mod authors removed their mods, then a few days later the game section was gone too. But it's interesting to see all data as you gathered there. @Zanderat that image shows the total number of games a few hours ago at Nexus. You can check that number on the front page.
  15. 0z2y

    Nice work....

    We are starting to see the effects of the purge... And it doesn't look pretty. :( I can't stop myself from feeling sad to what is happening, although many Mod Authors warned about it. No Mods, No Games, No "Collections"... Something that could be avoided with a will to talk with the MA and reaching out to their concerns and demands. I believe for many, a simple delete button and the assurance that their mods were in fact deleted would suffice to make them happy... Alas, we will never know now.
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