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Posts posted by Nysba

  1. Hey guys, not sure if anyone's already posted it, but you CAN play as a vampire, and it's very similar to Oblivion's system.




    This sentence "and it's very similar to Oblivion's system" destroyed my hope...is it going to be that sucky again ? :unsure:


    Not enough info yet .. All we know is that sun burns and drinking blood replenishes you... hopefully the perks are better

    Actually the sun might not even burn. He didn't say anything about that, did he? I might have missed it, but I doubt it.

    Hopefully it will just weaken you enough to be weaker than what you would be non-vampire. But when not in sun, you would obviously be stronger. And the more vampire you are, the weaker/stronger you get.

  2. They're good if you like to not lose all the screws you unscrew inside every little cavity in your case and hardware, like mobo.


    Unless you're using some weird screwdriver with an electromagnet, then you're safe. (assuming you're asking whether the magnetism will break your components or not)

  3. I pretty much spam quicksave and I reload after about everything bad. Bad as in the psychic guards start chasing me.

    But now that the cities have different bounties it might not be as bad.

    And I assume they did some improvements to the guards overall as well

  4. I think its been confirmed somewhere now, that bodies float on water and can be swept away by the current!


    Sorry if this is old news, and I'll try and find the source.

    Yes, SAUCE!!!

    Haven't heard of anything like this. :dance: for rivers full of dead animals (and the occasional guard)

  5. I really do like the way they've done the fire. Slightly off topic but am I the only person who makes a point of walking behind rather than in front of someone filming? if that was me making the video then 90% of it would be those people getting kicked and sworn at.

    In the first video description:

    "To avoid the security minders I set up a long ways away and had to use the zoom at max to get these shots. Excuse the heads and passers-by."



    "I found a closer location to covertly take shots of this great looking game. Even though I was in a different booth entirely, by the end of the clip a security guy saw me and made a beeline my way. I vacated the scene of the crime."


    I assume the people walking in front of the camera were unaware or didn't give a crap since they're not allowed to film anyways :P


    About how the fire looks, YESSSS!!!

    I'm definitely making a mage character...

    With lightning in one hand and fire in the other. Depending on how frost looks, I forgot...

  6. Im not sure I am understanding this right, but it sounds like what you want to do is get the most bang for your friends buck, and have it all play nice together?


    In that case I can vouch for the 1100T myself as I have it installed now.. The thing is total beast.. Honestly I don't really know why you would want to buy an intel when you get this for cheaper and get more performance then most i5's at standard clocks. Mine is at standard clock and I have no problems in any games to date. I am using a simple gigabyte mobo. Which btw IMO they are the best. They have all the essential features, they are very reliable, and they play very nicely with AMD components.

    Yeah, no reason to get something like the i5 2400 or 2500 over the 1100t... except that they're both better than the 1100T, especially in gaming which doesn't take much advantage (if at all) from 6 cores. Even when doing something that DOES take advantage of multiple cores (video/music editing etc.etc.) the 2500(k) usually beats the 1100T

    And since your friend already has the Nvidia GTX 560, it's even more recommendable to go with the Intel, if Nvidia GPU/AMD CPU combinations have problems.

    And the Intel CPUs are actually cheaper than the 1100T, at least for me, so it would be an obvious choice. I assume they're priced fairly similarly elsewhere too...

    Though I'd still recommend the 2500k over the 2400 since the 2400 can't be overclocked. But not everyone wants to do that.

  7. you said you played in third person view, did you perhaps use a bow while doing so? if so how was it like (crosshair and stuff)

    This reminded me of another question I had, did you do any tweaking to the 3rd person view? They said it's adjustable, not sure what they meant by that, exactly...

    And yeah, I'd like to know about the 3rd person view a little more as well :)

  8. It depends on how the directory structure of the game is set up, but yes you can probably just move the Skyrim stuff if you want. Don't see why you wouldn't want all your games on the SSD for the performance increase though.


    I'm putting my Windows on the SSD, obviously.

    Don't want Steam taking up all the space.

    CoD Black ops, 8,4 GB.

    CoD MW2, 4

    Portal 2, 10.

    Total War: Shogun 2, 18, for whatever weird reason.

    5GB for TF2 and CS:S and Half Lifes.


    The main reason I would want Skyrim, and Skyrim only, on the SSD is loading times. Breaks immersion pretty effectively. Not such a problem with other Steam games like Team Fortress 2. And I assume this is the case for most people.


    Also, Kudos'd for the junction thing :P

  9. Actually, I do have one gripe about it: I can't put it on my probable future SSD! Unless they do something to make it possible to separate the folders. Which is kinda far-fetched imo


    I could just uninstall all other games alltogether but I wouldn't want to do that.


    Arm yourself with knowledge. I did this when I got a second hard drive: Move the steamapps directory to the new drive and put a junction to the new location in the Steam folder on the older drive. It'll all work flawlessly.

    I remember reading about this for... something, don't remember.

    Thanks for reminding me though ;D


    Also, to anyone else who might have the same "issue", here: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=664376

    And for me as well :P Thank you, google

  10. Actually, I do have one gripe about it: I can't put it on my probable future SSD! Unless they do something to make it possible to separate the folders. Which is kinda far-fetched imo


    I could just uninstall all other games alltogether but I wouldn't want to do that.

  11. I don't really give a(n) [insert word of your choice here]


    As long as I can buy it from the store as well, and I surely can, it's not a problem for me.


    And that they won't release some very tiny updates and fixes that break all the mods every 2 days (I don't even know if bug fixes do that or not). Maybe it'll be like that in the start, but I'll probably first play through the game without mods anyway

  12. Think this should run it:

    Intel Core i7-2600k (not overcloked)

    8GB DDR3

    AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB

    1.5 TB

    Intel P67 chipset

    Windows 7 Home Premium


    You will NOT need 8gb of RAM.


    If you're upgrading for this game, please keep in mind going over 6 gigs of DDR3 RAM is pointless. You won't use that extra RAM in the game.

    and going 6GB on that rig would be even more pointless since the LGA 1155 (Intel Core i7-2600k) uses Dual channel technology and therefore it's better to go with 2x4gb instead of 3x2 like you're suggesting. (I've never seen a 3gb stick of RAM being sold ANYWHERE, so I'll assume they don't exist or are very hard to get, and not worth it)


    But yes, that rig will probably run Skyrim just fine on Max settings.

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