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Posts posted by Nysba

  1. I just realized that the thing on my computer that is going "HURRDURR IM LAUD" is my HDD, and I've thought about getting an SSD anyways, so I'm most likely getting one.


    If I buy an SSD and put Windows on it (and maybe some game(s)) would it make my HDD more silent since the HDD would not have EVERYTHING on it, especially the Windows?

  2. Why should it be deleted/changed? It was a valid question, about Skyrim, and it obviously has a question mark at the end of it, I don't see any reason for anyone to go "OMG THERES BETA OMGOMGOMG"


    But I do think this thread has done it's job and I doubt there can be a lot of other stuff to be discussed, so you can ask for the thread to be locked.


    And you don't necessarily need to contact a moderator straight, you can just ask in this thread :P

  3. well the case doesnt have them listed so idk


    EDIT: did some research and the case does not have pre built adapter, they need to be bought, no biggie, only $6.

    I think you're confusing HDD to SSD.

    Because I did some googling myself, and found a few questions about it not having SSD bracket adapters.

  4. Do we know what engine this is? Cause Fallout 3 crashed like an SOB for me all the time....

    The first post of this thread...

    "New Engine: "Creation Engine""

    It's actually the 5th line in the whole thread.

  5. A passenger died though

    (Assuming he was the one driving the car, I read that they don't know whether or not he was actually the driver)

    E: Oh, it's in that tmz.com link

  6. I really doubt the size would matter unless you put a HUUUUGGGEEEE picture there, unless you put that spoiler inside another spoiler and a warning :P

    I mean that's pretty much what spoilers are for, right? (and the obvious, like the name suggests, "don't click here unless you want your game/movie etc. to be spoiled")


    http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/28/28.10.pngSandpie ;Dhttp://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/6/6.15.png I want to have this in a game




    http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/2/2.43.pnghttp://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/62/62.57.pngIt's naked!http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/57/57.62.pngIt's hairy!http://images.alexonsager.net/pokemon/fused/88/88.83.pngReminds me of donald duck with a dirty beard





    Also, maybe this would fit better in the forum games section?

    And is there any way to rezise these? They're kinda big

    Also, @OP, if you put a http:// in the front of that link, it turns into a real link so ppl don't have to copypaste ;)


    E: Ok, decided to put in spoilers so it won't take up the whole screen (even if it doesn't ;D )


    A tip to anyone looking for the funny combinations, if something looks weird, swapping the pokemons will still have it looking weird :P so do it

  9. lol, didn't realize I could vote for many, for whatever reason, so I'll change my votes.


    WoW and DotA (haha ub3r)

    (don't play either of them anymore, but have played)

    TF, HL and Counter strike. Although I've only played TF2 and CS 1.6 ans Source. All of the half lifes though.

  10. He asked about GPU.

    The only GPU I know of that can be unlocked/flashed to a better one is the 6950 (to the 6970).

    Google should give you loads of tutorials and guides for that. Because I assume not a lot of ppl here have done it themselves.


    N3C14R pretty much explained it, but not how to do it.

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