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Everything posted by gamefever

  1. @charwo, Actually, DNA suggests strongly that the Neanderthals were Bred out of existence. They were not killed off, or died off to competition they were literally blended out of existence into our species we have today. @ OP I think for your question the best bet is to download more "settlement shipments" If your looking for a logical reason as to how your character gets enough stuff to build up those massive towns, villages, and outposts across the wasteland. @ Moraelin Ah nice I didn't realize that the trade network worked quite like that.
  2. I've felt let down that Vault Tec, Advertisements, and well a whole lot of the basic posters for the game are not available for settlements. Vargas Pin ups are nice and all but I just cant seriously feel immersed with 20 dozen of those mounted like wallpaper everywhere, those seem like the only options for more posters/paintings at the moment. Heck I'd even prefer to mount an ad for sugar bombs but for some reason its not a choice and I sure have not found it for download anywhere.
  3. Will the items be "static" so I don't have my settler's disturbing my table arrangements?
  4. Sounds like one author or the other author might have adjusted the settings. So its like if darker nights got darker either by you know you updating that mod maybe picking a different setting or perhaps the SSEX mod author thought hey these barrels give off too much light at Vanilla Light Settings (which they kinda do at least candles also seem to be too bright...) Anyway something like that could have happened and the only thing I can think of is if you want them brighter just get a less severe darker nights or maybe pop open Fo4 edit and give editing a whirl.
  5. Vanilla Skyrim isn't too hard. Although playing on Legendary is just a bit odd 300% damage modifier...at your level with only 174 Armor Rating well most stuff should just one shot you with tempered weapons to boot. Legendary Stuff has just got to go and a proper damage overhaul to make all shots from weapons you know actually feel deadly cause what with it being an actual shooter now well doesn't make since having RPG'esq damages. I took that same guy down with guess what!?? A mini-gun with "bleed" had the Hip-Fire perks so basically most if not all the shots landed. My own Skyrim is modded out so combat well its different from what was ever intended haha.
  6. @Bad Replicant, Well yes your right. Thing is I just cant get mad about it, cause I've been around long enough playing these games to see that it was coming. Its sort of been like how they always kinda really were in way at least that's how it seems to me. Not sure if that's something I want to get worked up over when there are games that do RPG better. For me, honestly its the modding scene that makes the games really stand above the other ones that I could have played with my time and when I think about the things that they did do well and are serviceable and well makes for a great canvas to mod on. Well I just don't get mad, cause I see the possibilities of what we might do with what they did right. Cant argue that there are people that wont see just how cool the cluttered world is or just how much space is available in this world to plop down our own faction and RPG story but its not that hard to remove a districts worth of spawns and just throw in our own guys and make dialogue tree's we might like. Bethsada Games are kinda like a canvas that you create your own content for and well that makes them cool. The settlement thing I see that as nothing but an attempt to give the masses a sort of taste of what can be done with the game tools aka Creation Kit cause we could always build generic settlements in pretty much all their games, just like the ones you build with the Settlement Builder but uh we also got dialogue branches and quest creater's. ___________________ RPG wise uh ya hmm, Nope I never play Bethsada games for anything other than a dungeon crawl cause that's what they are.... Now with mods that can be altered but its not always been really popular type of mod but they do get made and well I have seen quite a few for Skyrim so who knows.
  7. I'll tell you what I did in fact read the posts here, It amounts to game is small, No its not small, That's your opinion. No it feels small cause psycology No its actually smaller No its not smaller cause the amount of play area and verticality. But no its small No its the motion in the ocean that matters not how big it is. edit Going to go test some mods guys. Try not to take the game so seriously either, its just a game it only cost what $60-90 or whatever...Not the end of the world and really when it comes down to it, these games are really dang good. Comparitively speaking think Pong. 2 colors, minutes of possible enjoyment. Games have come a long ass way guys.
  8. I'm suggesting. And my suggestion just has a very strongly attached but overall known for great places to direct your complaints and would be better received.
  9. Saying that the game doesn't stand on its own??? Saying the game wont get better with mods??? That's like a cardinal sin baby, I should know cause I'm Satan Clause on a GD game modding website. Maybe I don't have the practice to craft a fine paragraph to drive this point across but I fo dang sure know my way around the modding tools and I know for fact that there are slews of people that want to play their BSG games with my mods. So hey I got that at least. Oh and what do you know its modding site. So uh idk maybe go over to Steam and rail the game over there and be a 2bears fan. I mean hey if you don't think the game is even salvageable with mods what the heck are you doing here? Why? Why even be here, if its so broke mods cant save it well I guess your just moaning, on a website that is going to be full of modders who are fans. Sounds to me like you guys are just baiting.
  10. But hey if you wanted to have a thread on how we could make the game better maybe it'd be better received if it was all framed up better than this wreck.
  11. @ Boombro As a discussion forum, I'm also entitled to an opinion, even if you don't like it. It's my opinion that the game stands fine on its own. Its a fact that if you want your opinion on why the game is bad and could be better that it should either be placed on Bethsada's Forums or If your going to place it here on a modding forum where a guy like me is going to see it, it might be better for the authors of said thread to frame it up better, Its a modding site with mod author traffic afterall. What you guys don't think I didn't check your profiles to see what mods you shared with the community? You really think railing on me makes it a better place? What is the whole point of it Boom, Trold? I've authored over 41 mods, participated in 3 different projects, and assisted a lot of other mod authors along the way. But no no, you guys want to just complain about the game and rail on whoever disagrees with you. Your on a modding site. What are you offering here in this thread? Its simply a I don't like it or I like it thread. But since I came on and said I don't like the thread and took a turd on it well Im satan. Satan Clause cause Ive done shared more than you fellas. Really what the frick is the point man? I don't like your opinions. I don't agree with the OP. I think you'd all be better received elsewhere. Ther you goes.
  12. @trold Of course I get it and I understand that you don't, cause you did it to me too. Tell me something bud is your major concern here? Seriously the OP's points where addressed and I gave him my opinion. So its done really, you want better stomping ground to rail on Bethsada games well really you didn't come to the right place.
  13. @Trold What and not share my valuable opinion? What is this non-sense What all of a sudden I'm a bad guy my opinion isn't valid? Please, your all about shutting down people cause you don't agree with them right? Doesn't that just make you as bad as you think I am for telling people to take it else where? Yes, yes it does, but thanks for sharing buddy. Its pointless for them to bicker here about it, Bethsada Games Studios wont read their comments about it. But your right we really have to have thread number 1,000 on why the game is so bad. Not like there are not 1,000 other sites for it. Nope we gotta get in the face of people that like to mod the game about it. Not like we modders don't know about your 10,000 other threads on 1,000 websites. Do us all a flavor and complain about it on Bethsada's Games Studios official forum Or Actually provide useful informations and discussions on how to fix the game. Otherwise your just wasting space my friend because sure mod authors like me come here and what, see all of this non-sense? Really its just not fun having to wade through a million threads to speak constructively about the game and about how we might make it even more fun to play.
  14. There are a lot of great options of websites to complain at. Steam, Bethsada, Gamefaqs, AngryJoe, heck man there are probably like 100 better sites for it. No mutants allowed comes to mind. But nope, people got to complain like its for the first time. Heck even the title of this thread is not original. __________________________________ So lets get back to "my opinion" which I'm posting on a known site for Moding the Game. in Quarter one, most if not all of your complaints can be addressed by the Creation Kit. -Its a fact that it is a primary drive of Bethsada Games -Its a fact that its well known that consoles will have mods So if your not interested in how modding is a primary reason to be here, If your not here to improve on the game, Why are you here doing something that could be done better elsewhere? Also most of these complaints Can be fixed with proper hardware Can be fixed with a Creation Kit And really whats that leave us People who are complaining to an audience of mod makers, who wouldn't be here if they didn't get what Bethsada Games are about. Which means that its a bit out of place.
  15. Its a Bethsada game. I'm not disappointed at all, but I am a bit dumbfounded by people that expect something else.
  16. Getting really tired of the complaint threads of the Fallout 4 game. Seriously, There are quite a few actual "towns and quest hubs" in comparison to both Fo4 and FnV. Comparable to Skyrim even, still decent. Size of the Map all around not even close to a real let down...Not even. I also see a whole slew of complaints around graphics or performance, Well guess what, not a lot of people have as strong a computer as they thought they did. Game runs amazing on my end, got like 500 hours on Fo4...Flawless FPS and no grapics issues. I've even tripled my settlement budgets and still get 60 FPS without stutter in some of my crazy settlement builds, game is a freaking champ. I barely touched any of the graphics settings. I look around on Nexus for mods, go look for yourself most popular ones going just ruin the graphics to make it playable for low end machines what that should tell you is that people are using the wrong hardware to play the game. My machine is all high grade top end parts from freaking 2009 but top notch, some of it certified prototype parts from before their official release and I even threw in EVGA gtx970 ssc and a dedicated PhysX GPU EVGA gtx 580 2 GB version. My solid state drive means no load times none barely have time to read the little descriptions in the load screenies. With Dual Xeon CPU's that were rated low but uh hello proto's man got em off a retired fella in the industry these things eat this game. So what am I getting at, if your computer is champ you wont have graphics complaints........Most users have issue with games graphics and that intensifies everything else. Map really isn't small, its the fact that there are no winding long corridors forcing you to take odd routes to get everywhere. Just the same doesn't matter how many times people explain it the same droll will just continue to crop up over and over. You'd think these people wouldn't come over to the Nexus to infect us with their non-sense, I mean for real this site is a modding culture, and your expected to have a thing for wanting to mod your game. Now why do I say its odd, cause modding is about creativity and that whole settlement feature that's a creative outlet, if you don't understand the irony of that well I guess you cant be helped. Great changes could happen for this game with mods but not if people are too busy bashing on the game for dumb idiotic reasons. Seriously if you don't like it bust out Fo4edit, Nifskope, and the mod tools we do have and get to work. Or just leave. At best your complaints are going to burn out people that do like the game and could be the people that go to great lengths bringing you more enjoyment for the title. In the end complainers are just not saving anybody or anything and provide very little useful information. Its just tiring /rant
  17. I just realized that All the Pylons act like Conduits. So it seems that switches are just meant for some other purpose than say turning the lights on or off in a room, So lame.
  18. Ok here is the thing, Power Pylons act like a conduit. That's a bit redundant. See if I want to run a main Power Line behind a building without lighting up my whole house I have to use "Large Power Pylon" Why is this important, Well first I might want to actually use "Light Switches" And I may not like Having a whole lot of "Large Power Pylons" I'd like to have the rooms of my building have lights that function on Light Switches but no cant do it....Just why put in light switches even >< Of course if I liked the Large Pylons I suppose it would work....But I don't like them they are hard to incorporate visually into a build. So basically I switched out a bunch of conduits on a 3 Floored building for a bunch of "Power Pylons" (small version) flipped them with console commands about 12 of these right. I figured it'd be a good way to run a main power line to stuff like Water Purifiers on the other side. I also figured I'd be able to run a wire to a Switch for each room of my building to control the lights in those rooms. But nope, that's not how it works. "Power Pylons" are basically stronger "Conduits" that look like a small "Large Pylon" So basically I removed a bunch of Wiring I already had in place to install a bunch of stronger conduits that do exactly what I don't want them to do! I know no one is going to understand what it is I'm trying to say or care cause I guess actual building and creativity doesn't interest them >< Mod, Power Pylons don't act like conduits. I just really want another option to move a main power line across a settlement without interfering with light switches. Due to the fact that those switches wont work if there is another source for said light to draw power from.
  19. Fo4 edit mods are still something that you should just consider 'Alpha' early Beta at best. Due to the fact that the Geck aka Construction Kit for Fo4 is not out yet and really Fo4edit or sometimes called Xedit is bound to be way better after the main tools are released. Thing is that comparatively Fo4edit is still better than snip by leagues and well reputations and all. I still wouldn't download everything under the sun but pretty much you gotta understand that modding always carries risks even when the main kit arrives. I've restarted my Fo3/FNV/Skyrim games countless times... Total restarts why...Well after a while you just know which mod and perhaps why its the problem and if the save is pretty much borked and yup I know my way around a save cleaner and still declared quite a few save games gone for good. That being said, its all been way more fun than playing a regular video game...regular video games being stuff that cannot be extensively modded to fit my fancy. So pretty much all those popular games out there people like...Well those are not really as much fun as modifying a game can be. Its like this Bethsada had like 200 people working for 5 years on Skyrim. Skyrim fans numbering in the thaosands have put what is it 5 more years of post development into that game. There are no games that can compete with the amount of development Post Market right out of the gate.... I see a bunch of people yapping about blah waa waa, game isn't as good as "this n that" Thing is that not one triple A company could afford to make the Skyrim I play...Just wouldn't be feasible...Microsoft couldn't afford to pay it and even if it did they'd go broke. Nothing ever is as good as Modded games..
  20. Its unlikely that if you started an actual unmodded game brand spankin new without mods installed that the issue you described would happen again. Its very likely that a mod that you installed is not completely removed from your games Save File. Save Files are married to your mods mostly...Since I haven't played around much with adding/removing and checking mods in Fallout 4 Edit well cant really tell you much more than that. Thing is I have had a ton of experience making mods for Fo3, FNV, and Skyrim. So gonna say check a brand new non-modded save and scrap something. That will tell you if its a base game issue or a mod ruining your save.
  21. Legendary Weapons just feel like cheese. Back when I was playing Fallout 3 and FNV I would be searching around for interesting mods to use. I'm sure that based on endorsements of "Cheese Legendary Mods" that did essentially the same as the Fallout 4 weapons like explosive mini-guns how many mods of those are there probably hundreds of different versions but no avid modder ever took those seriously let alone would install something like that for an immersive play of TTW/Fo3/FNV modded. Whats worse is that the games balanced around those Legendary Drops. In any serious Overhaul of the game all the weapons would be more effective but wow now here's the thing I see a lot of early balance overhauls but these just don't appeal to me and I got wondering are these guys seriously balancing the game against Legendary weapons too? Those and the enemies have got to go and the weapons need way more damage, Perks have to be Re-Done. More of the damage needs to be front loaded into the weapons as well that's in addition to a flat increase of 50%-200% more base damage. Its pathetic there is no reason for players to start above a END 1... If you haven't noticed I prefer to play Fallout games as Shooters and I like them to be brutal and feel vicious... This game doesn't offer a Splinter Cell level of damage, so there is just no reason to invest in END or use power armor really. Needs 100-300% increase in Radiation, Extra Weather Options, Rad Rain... -Not happy with the Weather Overhauls so far...Weathers last too long and are very frequent Need Snow...Its freaking October in BOSTON for crying out load. Most game mechanics need tweaks honestly for the sake of difficulty. I could give two farts about RPG, unless its a rocket propelled grenade. All of that stuff of course and your RPG will come in time but I really hope the guys that appreciate a difficult shooter are still modding and will consider Fo4. OF course there are people that wont realize that the group that really likes the Fallout mod scene is more interested in "Gun Porn" than anything else, so I will likely get to see a lot more of the game play stuff I'm wantin to see.
  22. Mini-Gun emplacements that are manned... I'm aware that I can give a mini-gun to a settler but it just wont have the right look.
  23. Vanilla Skyrim didn't hold my interest enough although it was a fun game. My Modded Skyrim blows 2015 games completely out of the water and I find it unlikely that there will be games in 2016 that can compete with a modded Skyrim....This may not be your experience but I have over a decade of modding experience and have produced my own mods for several games plus I have quite a network amoung my fellow mod authors. I know that when your starting out modding that mostly your game just crashes and burns hard for what seems like forever but over time and with learning and implementation that sort of issue does get resolved. That matters. I know its hard to understand but in no way does Witcher 3 come close to what my modded games can provide. Not graphics, adult material, or gameplay mechanics....Some might say but Story...Thing is if the story isn't interesting than its so what are you left with?? Gameplay and my modded games have that in spades way beyond their shipment specifications. Fallout New Vegas....Not every single Mod Author, Player, Ect was enthralled by FNV...Heck I think its Premise, Story, and Plot are just as lame as most other stories so its kinda whats left well without mods FNV doesn't have a leg to stand on for me. I just think that if your a gamer that is stuck on Stories your going to suffer some famine here and there....How many of the movies that get released are all amazing??? How many are really just filler...There's way more movie filler than 5 Star films. Its the same way with video games and well more so. Fallout 4 seems awefully nice for Bethsada game right out of the box. The question is will it maintain the interest of established modding scene and/or capture the interest of new budding modders....Its gotta get new modders making content though....As its just easier to work on stuff like Skyrim. I fired up my Skyrim for an hour today and man just weapons, costumes, more stuff all the way around just more more more...Because mods. Some of those mods representing 2 months of hours on my part alone, and mods on there I helped shaped by working with a group. There is no way a new game is going to come out with everything the modding circles have done or made........The cost for that would just be staggering.
  24. There are other options but I haven't looked in a while but those Wrinkles are just like scars see, there is a whole nother options overlay to bugger around with.
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