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Everything posted by gamefever

  1. Fallout New Vegas is chuck full of bugs. Whats sad is that any modder worth their salt would know that.
  2. This is where people who have already had long standing mods submit them and claim there prize shortly there after.
  3. Nexus Mod Manager has been able to handle the mods since the update. Of course people have a habit of not updating their mod manager. Also it should be pinned that this issue is already fixed upon updating your manager. Its a shame we still have these threads popping up.
  4. Set your Ugrids to load to 3 This is known to prevent the CK from loading objects outside that distance.
  5. These official I cannot do the Beth Forums really need their own subforum before we regular modders have to leave.
  6. Yes, actually I was like one of the first people going on about how I would have preferred the player to be an Android from the start, before the game was even released. Other than that... I was disappointed when I met my son.... I was all like ok I'll take the tour but when I get back we're having family time. I get back....He dolls out a kill mission for a synth? Was all real confused at that point like.............Whhhhhhaaaaattttt??? Your not goin to hug your family? No you think Im some kind of killer you can just give orders to...Oh wait I understand how it is now. So, I shot him. Obviously not my kid.
  7. Sure, Wait till Loot is updated. You know back when it was Fallout 3, BOSS really wasn't as good as people made it out to be so we had to write out the load order on our mod releases so people could at least organize their Load Order in a fashion that worked. OF course this not knowing bit drove me to learn how to use Xedit so well that I made quite a few mods with just that alone. Very handy tool to find issues once you know its ins and outs.
  8. Snicker. If this was an MMO game I feel now would be the appropriate time for this saying. "Kan I haz ur stuffs." @minngarm They are new, its their first time modding.
  9. Open the creation kit and replace the tent thingy with the Brahmin tub feeder.
  10. Navmeshing is still done by hand in many cases rather than attached to the actual objects themselves. The case of the floating kitty is that there is in fact an animation marker there and you'd know that simply by opening the creation kit and having a look. Not sure why this stuff confuses people. Just takes time and tinkering really.
  11. Agreed. This line of thinking is way outta control and Im appalled that its allowed to go on here by people that do nothing for our community and have offered no mods for our use that are of any valid note worthy use and sure as heck are not even remotely cool or popular. Doubt a single one of them has had a mod that made it to the top 5 window. See a lot of guys on here claiming they got credentials but they sink way too much time into reviewing an old game when real people would be on the game that's out on the horizon and not dwelling in the past. So basically why are they even here? Cause they sure as heck are not here to make mods. In fact their behavior only serves to further kill interest in the game which is really going to hurt Nexus more than help it.
  12. Please pass the pipe man. Cause I want what your smoking Kay :D
  13. Real explorer's don't need no stinky directions! That's exactly the kinda thing you say to a woman on vacation.... When you want her out :D
  14. Well it was nice knowing you guys. *weep sob ahhhhhhhhhhh /end tears So I guess I wont have the pleasure of seeing you around for The Elder Scrolls 6? :D :D :D
  15. There was this series of Mods for Skyrim that were or rather in fact still ARE insanely popular given that rather than a description of what the mods do he just gives series of stupid meme's or whatever they are called by children. The sad part is that his mods conflict quite often and lead to crash fests frequently. So basically I have to agree that if the author cant be bothered to go to great lengths of what the mod does than well it doesn't go in my load order. In fact I have been basically very picky about my line up for Fallout 4.....Running with less than 20 mods over here.... I run about 300 mods on Skyrim....40 of which are mine or I had a part in its development.
  16. So you're blaming Bethesda because an update they made to their game broke the mods you were using and those mods caused your game to crash. Tell me again why this is Bethesda's fault? Bethesda can't possibly be expected to determine if every mod setup in existence will work with their game, just as every mod author can't be expected to test if their mod works with every other mod out there. Nah your wrong Reneer as long as there are more cry babies than actual mod authors the masses are always right...Rule of the Mob an all. But otherwise I agree with you 100% its sad how these guys think. Anyways I have not had any problems with modding Fo4. Not one bit. Guess some ppl are newbs.
  17. Because it makes failing incredibly menial, repetitive, and everything but fun. there I don't agree. I guess you are one of those guys who consider they *lose* hours of game if they die.I am not: I enjoy my game even if my character dies, because what I enjoy is the immersive factor of the insecure feeling. I never understand that "losing" thing.Those hours of play are for you, you can't lose them. It's not a job. Can you just imagine when they download a mod that demands a new game start>? Haha haha ahhh....
  18. Wait... so I should play a game mode that makes the game hard, just so I can do things that make the game too easy again? This seems counter intuitive. Anyone who invests in Endurance isn't interested in hard mode. But I am pretty sure nobody is mad about survival mode being too hard, because it isn't all that hard... If its not hard enough for you then may I suggest surfing a modding site called Nexus for actual game mods or perhaps you can cut your teeth on the Creation Kit there bud.
  19. If your still trying to play Survival Mode like regular mode your doing it wrong. Stim Pacs are not for healing your Hit Points./ Its for fixing broken limbs. You have a huge variety pack of better items to use to heal up hit points including sleep. IF your getting one shot..........What the frick build did you bring and why are you trying to be Rambo durr. There are a ton and I mean a veritable s ton of perks in different tree's you could have gone for to make yourself durable but nooo you went INT and decided not to use drugs or invest in Nerd Rage.... Jeez I've read it all over at the Fo4 Boards I bet one of guys thought your STR 1 build was perfect for survival and your just waiting for the right moment on these boards to cry about it to the world right? I gotta complain about Survival on a Modding Board cause Im lame and don't want to open a Creation Kit or git gud. Geez getting so tired of all this drival.
  20. Actually, I find building settlements to be a useful tool in Survival Mode - they provide safe haven, merchants and supplies if set up properly. I establish two kinds - Settlements and Outposts: Settlements are the fully functioning villages that are usually built in the vanilla game; they have farmers growing food ("adhesive" foods of course), crafting stations, security and merchants (of which, one is always a Doctor). Generally speaking, I'll only have one Settlement in a given region. Outposts are there only to provide a place to sleep, a place to cook, a flesh water supply and a supply cache; a small cottage with no settlers present. Outposts make up the majority of player-controlled locations in a given region. That way, you spend less time traveling back and forth between home and radiant quests, because the your "home" is your entire settlement network. What? Just WHAT!? Don't look at the Fallout 4 pictures on my profile then jeez...I make art and I'm fairly close to having picked up like everything all the mags, boobleheads, tapes, you name it. My settlements are freakin cool as shiz, I use Place Anywhere, Homemaker, and OCD....everything else is pretty much vanilla except for ENB and sweetfx combo to make the game look even better. ____________________ Another thing, too survival players. Being not able to hit ESC save everytime, everywhere is a good feature in any survival game that wants me to take its mode seriously so all I gotta say on that topic is your on a modding site if you don't understand that its optional than WTF are you here for anyway. I don't sneak kill stuff, and I don't use VATs and I don't use JET those are cheaty you may as well console command TGM.........I use first person skills bud and I really haven't met a bullet sponge I couldn't kill quickly with my flame sword or a trusty wrench I like to call the Duck. Cause you better duck or get your head bashed in. Cant believe people saying melee is weak..........Melee is freaking overpowered in this game. I cannot believe how many times I've read that "you can only do crits in VATs".....Not true and I'm not using stealth to get those crits. Want to crit with a gun use the right chems! Want to crit with Melee>? Guess what you have a Power Attack for a reason guys....Oh yes it crits heck man nothing in Survival is hard if you plan and none of the games you've mentioned or mods are hard either if you plan.... If you understand what to do and go about it your good. Here's the thing.....Survival as it is now is a good thing.... It makes each item that people didn't bother to use worth while... Sure the game should have shipped with it but that's what happens in a business they have to produce stuff to sell not sit on it for another seven years. I have more than gotten my dollar value out of this game. If you don't like it guess what the GECK Beta is out for general PC use go get it. I've got about 40 mods I've made what have you guys done? Complained.
  21. I just build the stuff that I want to use. The thing about endorsements is that the initial stuff always gets crazy sick endorsements. Also if you know what your doing with your game modding wise you'd realize that some of the most popular must have mods are actually the cause of CTD's, its sad but sure a lot of those are in top 100. Years after a games been out and people have been working on their mods that's when you finally start too see stuff that's actually good and no those don't always have a spot in the top 100 let alone top mods of 2 weeks. Next thing, I see a lot of people here going on about how Fallout 4 this and Fallout 4 that... News Flash people There hasn't been enough time. Geck isn't out of Beta even and there are people moaning GEEZ. Fallout just isn't TES so its not as popular with the mod makers as TES sorry no other way to say it man, just look at Fallout 3/NV vs Skyrim nuff said don't have say no more, don't bother arguein on this total waste of your time. Bottom line is if the Fallout 4 mod scene means a lot to you well you shouldn't put it on us mod authors to do it for you, bust out that Beta Geck yourself an do something about it. As far as mods go if your pushin thoasands of downloads and 10% endorsements its probably a good mod. Lastly When we get to November of 2017.....If mod scene hasn't produced some of these amazing mods you expected then sure put a bullet in it its dead Jim. I swear its like its your first freakin rodeo.
  22. Guys this isn't anything new, Mods get busted by updates all the time that's old News this has been a known trend since well what Morrowind. Fallout 3 had an update that was so busted that all the ESP's had to be turned into Master Files and no authors weren't around to do that for you....Had to do it ourselves with Xedit.
  23. Can beat it only making left turns with the mouse.
  24. Sorry what are achievements? Honestly cheesements are a gimmick. If you don't like the game enough to play without them well uh you need to get yourself a new hobby.
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