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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Ya I noticed my crash on exit percent chance went up after I started using the UOP too. It fixes/changes a lot of stuff, so it qualifies in the "overhaul" category for mod size and the extent it affects the base game. We can get those adjusted in Oblivion.ini although if you aren't able to use the max settings it may take some tinkering to get values your machine can handle. First give me a list of the things you are needing to adjust in the game settings menu and whether or not you're moving the slider to the far right (max) or about where in between. I'll adjust mine to about the same and then get the INI settings for each.
  2. I have a non-gaming laptop that uses Realtek audio. Here's the link to their HD Audio drivers page ( http://www.realtek.com.tw/Downloads/downloadsCheck.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=14&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false ). You'll need to tick Accept and then Next to bring you to the page with their latest drivers listed. Pick the server closet to your location next to the Windows version you are using. If you want to check out the details on which hardware a driver supports etc. you can download the Readme from the links (hard to spot in amongst all the Windows versions). Used to be that you had to uninstall the old driver before installing the new but they changed that a while back and now the installer for the new driver takes care of the uninstall of the old.
  3. Are you getting the crash on exit a lot (it is after all one of the "features" of modded Oblivion) ? One of the things that doesn't happen when you get the exit crash is Oblivion.ini isn't updated. Try this ... start the game and make your changes to settings without doing anything else. Save in a new slot using the Esc menu and make sure that all hard drive activity has stopped before you return to the game. Now immediately exit and hopefully you don't crash on exit. See if your changes stick then.
  4. Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. You'll see it recommends using the disk to uninstall, not uninstall from the Start button menu. Take a look through all the steps it recommends and maybe you'll see something you either haven't done or did differently.
  5. How are you trying to install DirectX 9c ... using the web installer or the runtime redistributable ? Installing DirectX 9c will only enable old games and utilities to access it's features ... you will still also have your current version of DirectX for modern games etc.
  6. Then I'd suggest trying to roll back the driver update and see if that fixes the problem. Either that or go to the Realtek site and manually download the correct driver from there and install that one. In the case that I had the driver MS installed didn't work at all (was drivers for a front panel display I think). I imagine they just have an automated web crawler downloading the stuff from where ever and no actual quality control in the loop. I manually update drivers when I believe they're needed since then (and that was years ago).
  7. Do you have Windows set up to automatically update drivers? I've had occasions where that didn't go well (wasn't sound drivers in my case though).
  8. When you start your game the version number is displayed in the lower left corner of the main menu screen. Does yours say 1.2.0416 ?
  9. Hey Blade ... I'm back. As I mentioned, the Carry All You Want mod is quite unusual for what you will normally find downloading mods. The mod author didn't bother using a compression utility like 7-Zip or WinRAR to compress the file. When you download, click on "download manually" and in the Windows Save As dialogue box chose a location to save to (sounds like you're doing most of this using your desktop so far, so save it there). When the download is complete right mouse click on the file named "Carry all you want-5118.esp" on your desktop and select Copy from the right click menu. Next using Windows Explorer navigate until you can see your game's Data folder. Right mouse click on the Data folder and select Paste from the right click menu. Now start OBMM and in the left hand pane find Carry all you want-5118.esp and click on the box to activate it (will put a check mark in the box). Carry All You Want is now installed.
  10. I know it sounds a pain, but have you tried checking with a new game? I have one save that I was using for beta testing a mod that was causing NPCs to continuously try to walk through the walls of the city of Cheydinhal. Wasn't a mod problem ... something had that save's knickers in a knot, but whatever it was wasn't apparent anywhere else. What I'm saying is you may be trying to fix something that isn't even broke.
  11. Are they close or right on a pathgrid node where you've placed them in the CS? Emma went through a similar problem with a dead NPC in her Maple Cottage mod. In that case she finally just gave him a single health point and let the bandits kill him once the player entered Dzonot Cave. Different people would find the original dead guy way below the cave mesh and stuff like that. Beyond being the guy who reads lots of stuff and keeps it in some text files I'm afraid I can't be of much more help.
  12. Sorry guys ... I was doing some beta testing and reporting and I guess I've missed all the action. Mods like that one you linked are pretty rare. Usually even mods that are only an ESP file will come in a ZIP RAR or 7z archive that you'll download to a folder, extract and then install. For mods like that Carry All mod you can still use OBMM to activate the mod if you want to keep things all "under one roof". The left hand side of the OBMM window is all of the ESP files from all of your installed mods ... the checked ones are active and unchecked ones disabled (inactive but the ESP is still in your Oblivion\Data folder). The OMODs you've installed are the only things that will appear in the right hand pane, with the colours showing if the OMOD is activated (blue box beside the name) or just ready to be activated (green box, providing OBMM doesn't detect any conflicts).
  13. Give me a link to one of the mods so I can check it out. There has been an issue lately of Windows hijacking file extensions for downloads (so far all I've heard of is OMODs being hijacked). - Edit - Also are you using 7-Zip?
  14. Another little tidbit for you ... looking at another thread today and it seems likely that OOO is the source of your unfinished armor as well (look at what DarJee says in the part near the end just before the "Update" part).
  15. I don't use OBMM for much anymore, just extracting files I need from BSAs is about it, so I could be off a bit on these instructions. Download the mod you want to use and save it to a temporary folder. Start OBMM and select Add Archive from the dialogue box. Navigate to where you downloaded the mod and select the ZIP, RAR or 7z file you downloaded and then click Create OMOD. If you download a mod that comes as an OMOD file already you can just copy that OMOD file to the folder Oblivion\obmm\mods and it will appear in the right hand side of the OBMM window when you start it. Anything I know about using OBMM comes from reading the info accessed from the Help button. Granted it's not always easy to find and/or figure out, but it's a good place to start.
  16. Well sort of Ike ... my instructions were more directed to either the Start button or Windows Explorer method of starting OBMM. You can also edit your desktop shortcut so that it automatically asks you for your administrator password. Right mouse click on the desktop icon and select Properties from the right click menu. In the Properties dialogue click on the Advanced button. This will bring up a selection box where you can tick Run With Different Credentials and then click OK and then Apply in the Properties dialogue. Each time you run OBMM from your desktop shortcut it will now bring up that same Run As dialogue box where you can select administrator and put in your password. I'm not super familiar with all of the changes that were made to the permissions system in Windows when they introduced UAC. Back in the WinXP days you could just change your normal login account to be an administrator and it would fix all those permissions woes. You could try that in Win 7 and see if it helps, but doing so will slightly increase your day to day vulnerability to all that bad stuff lurking on the internet. If you have a good anti-virus suite installed and don't regularly visit sites offering something for nothing (such a thing does not exist in this universe ... everything has some sort of pricetag) the risk increase should be slight. Back in the XP days to login using the hidden administrator account you'd Ctrl + Alt + Del at your user selection/login screen and then select the Administrator account from a dropdown selection box. Then you'd use the User Accounts in the Control Panel to switch your everyday account to an administrator account. Microsoft may have made things more difficult ... I can't recall for certain but I think I read something about they changed how you can access that hidden account. If you're not comfortable messing around and figuring things out it may be best to either just edit the desktop shortcut or call in the pros to switch your login account.
  17. A suggestion for an OOO replacement is Maskars Oblivion Overhaul. It is completely configurable using it's included INI files. Good thing Discovery1 dropped in to lend a hand ... I've added that to my own toolkit. Thanks Discovery. :thumbsup:
  18. Can't say for certain it has anything to do with your level related inconsistencies but this is what I have in my Position Dead Bodies.txt file (a tip from The_Vyper) posted in this thread:
  19. All I know about OOO is what I've read on here, but pretty sure one of it's main "features" is it adds a bunch of NPCs. Not sure if it adds them in dungeons or wilderness. You do need to start somewhere ... why not there?
  20. Towards the end of your mod list I see a number of mods listed that also have "copy" version (e.g. All Natural-18305-1-35a - Copy.7z and All Natural-18305-1-35a.7z). What's up with that?
  21. There's a couple of ways you can narrow down the list of suspects. You could disable half of your mods and see if the problem disappears. If it does it's in that half ... if not it's in the other half. You just keep disabling the half that still contains the problem mod until you're down to a handful, then disable one at a time until you've found it. You could also disable one at a time looking for the offending mod, starting with those you suspect to be most likely. Work one problem at a time (i.e. don't worry about your unfinished armor while looking for your dungeon problem). You're learning valuable modding lessons, so it's time spent well (and the lesson is, it takes time to add one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between mods, and it takes time to troubleshoot a tangled mess ... which takes less time depends on how experienced you are at modding and how much time you spent on research ahead of time).
  22. If you add a bunch of mods but don't really understand what each adds to the game you'll find "unexpected" things. I lean more to the conservative side, study the mod descriptions and mod comments for quite a while before adding most mods to my game (the exception being replacer mods or mods that just add some little bauble to the game like a sword or nice shiny armor etc).
  23. Your health at any given level depends on whether or not you have been increasing your endurance skills and spending your level up bonus on endurance. I don't use any of the mods that I suspect may be adding NPCs to dungeons that I see in your list, but isn't that precisely why most people install OOO?? What do you mean by "Unfinished armor"? The armor is named "Unfinished armor" or the armor has a big yellow exclamation point saying "WTF I'm a missing mesh"?
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