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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No ... the selection of new armor/clothes will be limited to stuff that was created back when the game was first released (or at least pre-HGEC release). Not much has been created for the vanilla body in the last half dozen years. If you're not a clothes horse then vanilla is fine (and yes you can still use Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 ... just fewer steps involved during installation).
  2. Have a look at this post (easier than re-creating the same info again here).
  3. Then OBSE isn't working. If OBSE is working you'll have a save ending in .obse (e.g. MySave07.ess and MySave07.obse). Ike never covered that to use OBSE you'll need to start the game using obse_loader.exe instead of the vanilla game launcher (OblivionLauncher.exe). You can either edit your desktop shortcut to start the game using OBSE or create a new shortcut. To create a new shortcut just right click on obse_loader.exe and select Send to --> Desktop (Create a new shortcut) ... I'm on Windows XP so the exact wording may vary a bit in the Win 7 right click menu. To edit your current shortcut right click it and select Properties. In the Properties dialogue select the Shortcut tab (should already be selected) and in the Target field change the OblivionLoader.exe part to obse_loader.exe (leaving the quote marks that were already there in place). Click Apply and then OK (again that's a WinXP step by step ... Win 7 may have different wording but the concept will be the same).
  4. Saves are found in the Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder. The UOP is recommended but not mandatory.
  5. For faces the current state of the art is Oblivion Character Overhaul v2. It covers both male and female faces. For male bodies the only choice is RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52. It offers a selection of different body options. Female bodies is a different kettle of fish entirely. The most widely used is HGEC, thus it also has the widest range of cloth and armors created for it. The most complete and up to date version of HGEC (and there are many of versions of HGEC) is EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. Another female body is Roberts Female Body v13. You won't find the wide selection of clothes and armor for it that HGEC has, but it is still popular enough to garner some attention. Just recently bodies and heads in Tamriel got another upgrade with the Seamless series of mods released by Junkacc11 and Movomo. The Seamless Equipment page has links to the other resources.
  6. Are you using Blockhead? If so it's a known issue that may be corrected when Blockhead is next updated. The solution is simple in the mean time. It only occurs when you load a save that your character had a bow equipped. All you need to do is unequip and then re-equip your bow and all will be fine (until next time you load a save with the bow equipped that is).
  7. Can't say for certain which body that is (if that's what you were looking for ... or were you wanting the ENB/sunrays/whatever??) but the best place to find nearly any body that is available is in SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition.
  8. So your Data folder will be buried somewhere under SteamApps or something like that (I'm a non-Steam type of guy). Look for something like SteamApps\Oblivion\Data or SteamApps\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data starting from where ever you installed Steam (more than likely a sub-folder of C:\Program Files (x86) if you just let it install with the default location and you are using a fairly recent computer and Windows version).
  9. Before you start adding mods you should confirm the vanilla game starts correctly. Even a vanilla game will have a Data folder when properly installed. What version of the game do you have (e.g. disk, Steam, GameStop etc). - Edit - Doing well Ike, just seem to be torn into eleven different directions with things to do and making next to no progress no matter which way I try to go.
  10. An extremely non-standard mod to start learning how to install mods, but in a way the simplest of possible mods to install. The download isn't even a compressed file ... no need to extract it or do anything except copy it to your Data folder. Step by step. First download manually to a folder you create using the Windows Save As dialogue (take note of where you are creating the folder). Next in Windows Explorer open that folder and you'll find a single file named "More Arrows Recovered-2169.esp" (if you don't see the file extension ".esp" it's OK ... you just have "Hide file extensions for known file types" selected in your Windows Explorer view options). Once you've located the file right mouse click on it and select Copy from the right click menu. Now navigate in Windows Explorer until you have your game's Data folder showing and right click it and select Paste from the right click menu. Then using either the vanilla game Data Files or your mod manager activate the ESP (you should see More Arrows Recovered-2169.esp listed). That's it.
  11. What happens if you click on the words "download manually"?
  12. Basic Primary Needs plus Enhanced Economy make it tougher to start the game (especially if you use an alternate start mod so your character doesn't hit the world with a dungeon full of loot in his/her pockets). Basic Physical Activities plus Realistic Fatigue will make your level 1 character feel like a level 1 character in fights. The combination has changed my play style to a more considered approach. Gold is hard to come by, and just keeping your character fed is a challenge in the beginning (and with BPN you need to keep fed and rested). I use Packdonkeys to help offset the carrying limitations imposed by the BPA + RF combo (but it takes quite a while to amass the gold for your first packdonkey). You pretty well need HUD Status Bars to help stay on top of your character's liabilities.
  13. As both races use exactly the same texture files they will be very similar looking. A note about what not to do while creating your character's face. If you even think about touching the tone slider you will be plagued by the dreaded neckseam. Best advice is first hit the reset face button and then use the complexion slider but not the tone slider. It doesn't help that the lighting in the prison cell isn't representative of what you'll see once in the great outdoors. Personally I created my character's face in the Construction Set and then used Wrye Bash to transfer it to my guy, but I still have a neckseam. Wanted a unique Dark Elf and got one that doesn't look that much different from many others I run into in the game.
  14. They each have different racial abilities and stats. A lot of Nuska's faces look very similar to one another, but I always found that to be the case with the vanilla faces as well. Takes a lot of work on the sliders to create a unique face, whether in character creation or the Construction Set.
  15. Bretons, Wood Elves, Nords and Altmer all use the same body textures ... Imperial. Actually even Redguards use Imperial textures.
  16. Yes she is Ike. I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to crack open the alpha and give it a test spin ... been raining distractions around here lately (that Seam Mender release chewed today up and spit it out with not much to show for it ... I've had a roller coaster day). Reading Lylium's RP story got my mind wandering. I don't usually have a big backstory I try to play out. I often have the backstory in my head, it just doesn't get translated into footsteps and sword thrusts. Read Lylium's and I have mine for when the alpha transfers from H drive to G drive. Might need to do a CS work if I'm to get any pics to support the story though.
  17. If you decide to go Roberts Male there is Khajiit Male Body for Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2. Nothing for the HGEC females but depending on the order you install the male and female replacers you may not need any fixing.
  18. Right out of the box OCO v2 will work fine with the vanilla bodies. If you aren't into playing dressup then the vanilla clothes will work just fine with the vanilla flavour of OCO v2. If you are more like many here you'll eventually need to look at a body replacer as there aren't very many new clothes or armor released for the vanilla body, especially nothing recent. For females HGEC is the most widely supported, but Ike will steer you towards Roberts Female. For males there really is only one choice ... Roberts Male.
  19. Look in your saves folder and see if you have two saves named the same (MySave07.ess and MySave07.obse). If not OBSE isn't working.
  20. There is ZKEC Female Body ... but the underwear isn't really what I'd call a thong.
  21. I remember my first guy lost the Jewel of Rumare when he got jumped by a bandit near the bridge just west of Fanacasecul. There I am all flustered looking for something in my inventory ... rushing like she was still able to beat on me while in the inventory menu ... doh, such noobness. Anyway I close the menu and out of the corner of my eye I spy the ring disappear down the hill, never to be seen again.
  22. No problem. Here's all the flavours available at your local "Dairy Queen".
  23. Hi Striker I was wondering about the stones and yes, I am building up a collection of them, so i will have a look at that mod at some point...thanks EDIT: Which esp file do i put into the data foldr? There is also a data folder.. do i transfer this also? On a separate point. What is the best way to send a pic of my mod lists here..wanted to make sure it looks ok to you ie order etc Also, Ike, I seem to have lost Nesure and cant find the Partners ring to call her thanks Use the SigilStoneSelector.esp ... the other ones are for if you have various other mods installed that are somewhat compatible with the Sigil Stone Selector mod. It's just an ESP so all you need to do is download to a folder, extract using 7-Zip and then navigate in Windows Explorer until SigilStoneSelector.esp is showing. Right mouse click on it and select Copy from the right click menu. Then navigate in Windows Explorer to your game's Oblivion\Data folder. Right click on the Data folder and select Paste. Activate SigilStoneSelector.esp in whichever mod manager you are using (or using the vanilla launcher Data Files ... just remember to not start the game from there ... OBSE remember). The sigil stones you've already collected can't be changed, but the next time you grab a stone to close a gate you'll be presented with some menus to select which stone you want. No more Turn Undead/Detect Life stones ... woohoo!
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