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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The only download source for Oblivion if you want to use mods that rely on OBSE is Steam. The OBSE team worked with Steam to make OBSE work ... all other legal download sources have not worked with the OBSE team to get the game and OBSE working. Here's a quote from the OBSE site: If you can, I'd suggest getting a refund and either buy the game from Steam or perhaps locate a used disk copy for sale somewhere (disk copies of the game can be patched to version 1.2.0416).
  2. If you are trying to make a separate mod you may be running into a mod de-isolation issue. If you are editing the Sexlivion mod esp then that isn't the problem.
  3. You probably saw ITPaladin's answer on the Elsweyr mod comments stephanie ... for any others interested post #2673.
  4. Have a look through the last half dozen or so pages on the CLS mod comments page ... you'll get more help there than here (Dragon Aviator and Grumpf_be actively support the mod).
  5. Here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. Don't miss the link near the top about moving your Steam install location, and don't neglect the part about registry cleaning ... it's important. Mods can also be installed manually. With the majority of mods that's how they come packaged in their 7z files, and it's a handy skill to develop (comes in very handy when you start to troubleshoot problems down the road ... you'll understand what type of game resources belong where).
  6. The latest iteration of 'Striker's Extremely Complicated Install Method' has me creating an 'Installed' folder inside the extracted download folder, with all the required folders, subfolders and files starting at Data. For installs like NoMaaM (i.e. mix and match) I'll even have a text file that itemizes my customization. The NoMaaM one doesn't absolutely need it, as fore changes his file timestamps to make it easy to tell the BMF files apart but I also use some of his optional files from older versions. If the install will result in any overwrites I'll also make note of them (as well as a similar note in the backup folder for the overwritten file). The 'Installed' folder acts as an analogue for your game's Oblivion folder, so my install method is always right click 'Data' and paste into 'Oblivion' no matter how the mod was originally packaged. I keep the 'Installed' folder as a handy reference for uninstallation later. Nephenee13 would probably point out that what I do manually is no different than what BAIN installs do for you automatically, which is totally correct. The OMOD install method is getting pretty long in tooth and lacks essentials like warning about overwrites and keeping track of them for uninstallation time, things that BAIN takes care of. I'm just a dinosaur, hanging onto my dinosaur ways.
  7. Are you talking about the part that shows where the bed/chair entry point is (a pale blue figure of a person standing inside a wireframe)? If so that is part of the mesh and is necessary so you don't try to place the bed/chair in a spot that doesn't allow access to the entry point (or put something else on that spot, blocking entry into the bed/chair). If you are making companion/NPC friendly buildings it also comes in handy when you're pathgridding and you want to be sure either a path between two nodes passes close by or you have placed a node close to the entry.
  8. The files included with the OMOD version vs the manual install version are the same, so one doesn't offer any advantage over the other except in ease of installation. I like to pick and chose the BMF (breast movement factor) for different animations ... I'm not sure how much 'granularity' the OMOD installation script allows. My main beef with OMOD installations is that it doesn't allow any easy way of predetermining what files a new mod will overwrite (also a problem if you follow the "Extract to your game's Data folder" method of manual install). I always extract to a folder outside the game's and examine file and folder structure before installing. I believe BAIN installs will warn you about overwrites but OMOD is last man wins in the overwrite war. If you've installed any mods using OMODs since you installed NoMaaM you'd need to do a file size and date comparison with what was installed vs what is in the extracted NoMaaM manual install folders to figure out if an overwrite has occurred (not an easy task considering the number of options that NoMaaM presents). I use the older version 1.11 of Rivelle's HGEC body replacer OMOD. To change bodies you deactivate the OMOD and then reactivate. When I first was installing mods I installed the HGEC body and then later installed NoMaaM. Everything worked well until I changed bodies, and then I lost some of NoMaaM's animations. Rivelle includes some animation files with the OMOD, but back then there was no mention of this in the mod description. Re-installing NoMaaM fixed the issue. For the record, Rivelle's version 1.12 OMOD includes an option to install without the included animations ... handy if you want to use another animation. No replacer mods actually overwrite any of the vanilla files, which are protected in the game's BSA files, so removing the mod added files will revert to vanilla automatically.
  9. Whose hand to hand animations were you using? I've been using fore's NoMaaM animations (with the exception of some other walk animations assigned through special anims). I'm wondering if perhaps you have more than one source for the hand to hand and they are conflicting.
  10. Make sure you have activated archive invalidation (needed so that the game will use newer resources instead of the original resources included in the game's BSA files). The easiest way to do this is to use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). Click on Utilities and select Archive Invalidation. From the dialogue that comes up select BSA Redirection (leaving all other options at their default settings). Close OBMM (it doesn't save until you close it ... there is no 'save' option).
  11. No original thought on my part (from the Notes section of the UESP Wiki The Wayward Knight): My contribution is to go back and talk to Farwil rather than just closing the gate without talking to them ... less likely to screw up the quest stages in my opinion.
  12. The trick to keeping Farwil alive is don't let him talk to you until you've killed all the enemies in that plane of Oblivion. You need to do a bit of lava jumping to get around the gate so that you can get to the the Chaos Stronghold tower. After you've killed anyone that could scratch Farwil (or who he could follow into the lava ... he is after all determined to kill them no matter the cost) you go back, get across the lava again, talk to him and enjoy a pleasant stroll to the Sigil Sanguis of the Chaos Stronghold. You could leave an enemy or two alive there if you want to give something for Farwil to boast about, but it's not required. He'll act like he saved the world no matter if he sees a single Daedra or not.
  13. Once you run OBMM to install an OMOD the esp is found in your Oblivion\Data folder, same as a mod installed manually. That OMOD doesn't require anything further unless you deactivate the OMOD and then reactivate it. Doing so would result in the old uncleaned esp replacing the cleaned one (which if I understand correctly is what you're trying to avoid). You have two options. One, you could backup the cleaned esp to a different folder, deactivate the OMOD, reactivate the OMOD (resulting in the uncleaned esp in Oblivion\Data) and then replace the uncleaned esp with the cleaned one you backed up. Option two is using OBMM you extract the original OMOD to a folder, replace the extracted esp with your cleaned version from your Oblivion/Data folder and create a new OMOD that incorporates your cleaned esp. Then replace the OMOD file that OBMM is using with the new one. Next time you deactivate/reactivate it will use your new cleaned esp. Option two is the elegant solution, but takes a bit more work. Option one will work, but is a quick and dirty fix that would need to be repeated any time you went through an deactivate/reactivate cycle. Note, if you never deactivate and reactivate the original OMOD that currently is installed in OBMM you don't need to do anything.
  14. Considering that thousands if not millions of people successfully use the DLC Horse Armor I find it hard to believe that it's broken. You are likely suffering from a mod conflict. Post a load order.
  15. I avoided HDR for the same reason and then a member shared his Oblivion.ini settings. They didn't completely eliminate the problem, but it did make a big difference. Unfortunately I'm not at home (babysitting my brother's dog for him while he's out of country) so I don't have access to my gaming machine (and thus my Oblivion.ini). I'll be back home on May 10 ... if I can't find the post where he gave me his ini settings beforehand, you'll get a PM and I'll post them here when I get home. I agree about Vilja. She's been my old guy's companion for quite a while now. My new guy could go meet her and get her to join up but he managed to get introduced to the Dark Brotherhood while doing the Hackdirt quest (a bit of collateral damage did the trick ... my old guy hasn't done the DB and probably won't). I do find it a bit lonely while playing the new guy, likely the reason the old guy gets as much play time as he still does. Something to keep in mind when taking companions (including Vilja) into Oblivion gates ... make sure they are right beside you and not fighting any enemies before you grab the sigil stone. Kill everything in the Sigil Sanguis then grab the stone. If Vilja gets left behind and you use her summon spell she'll lose anything she had in her inventory except her starting inventory. Once she learns some better spells and can keep you healed she's an invaluable ally. I can't remember the last time my old guy used a healing spell on himself (his job is to use convalescence spells on her and Wolfgang). Sounds to me like you'll be master of speechcraft before any other other skills.
  16. Just to eliminate any differences between your old setup and this one, do you have a backup copy of your old Oblivion.ini that you could try (after making a backup of your current Oblivion.ini of course)? The only other thing that comes to mind immediately is install location (only an issue if you are running Vista or Windows 7). If your old disk install was to C:\Games\Oblivion but your Steam install is C:\Program Files\Steam\Oblivion (or whatever the Steam related folders are named ... non-Steam guy here) UAC could be adding some extra processing (even if UAC is disabled it's still there in the background, you've just tied it's hands behind it's back). On the subject of Steam ... does it allow you to play the game in 'off-line' mode? I'm wondering if Steam is constantly running and chewing up CPU cycles while doing whatever Steam does in the background (something that will be more noticeable on a less powerful machine).
  17. The UESP Wiki on the two of them offers no help. I know in my own game they have issues. In my old guy's saves Saliith just sits on his bench all day ever since I received the free skill perk by watching Branwen and him spar. Branwen still gets up and spars alone. Outside of the dialogue you're getting I don't think they have anything else to say. The other thing I've noticed (and this also holds true for CM Partners practicing and the Cloud Ruler sparring pair)) is that if you stand anywhere in front of them, even quite a distance away they'll stop sparring and just stand there, ready to resume.
  18. Hmm ... I don't think that is at the root of your problem then. I suggest reading through all of his guide and see if anything Koroush suggests helps find what setting is messing you up. - Edit - You should probably give us a mod load order for your machine as well.
  19. Here's what Koroush Ghazi says in his Oblivion Tweak Guide: I wonder if you have somehow got your uGridsToLoad set below the default 5. If it is set to 5 already make sure to take note of what he says in the 'Importantly' note at the end of the quote.
  20. Is this the one you're looking for?
  21. Even longer answer (aka probably way more info than you ever wanted): TES Alliance CS Basics: Lesson #3.
  22. Here's a link to the CS Wiki World page. Have a look through the links from Landscape. There's not a lot of 'meat' to most of the tutorials ... Terrain Texturing will get you started on your roads. There are limitations to how many textures can be available to chose from in a quad (maybe 16?? might not be the right number though ... - Edit - 9 is the right number) and I think you need to be careful replacing one to get the one you want - Edit - be sure to read through post #4, especially the end of Part 01: Landscape Quads. I remember reading through an excellent tutorial once (perhaps on TES Alliance but I can't seem to track it down again. If I run into it I'll be sure to link. - Edit - Found it ... TES Alliance CS Basics: Lesson #3, be sure to scroll down to post #4.
  23. Not sure if this link will help or not Anoxeron, but here's Wrye Bash Patch Option Reference.
  24. While you're in game in the world space you could toggle debug text on (tdt) after issuing the SetDebugText and either option 31 or 33 (sdt 31 or sdt 33). I know it gives you coordinate location ... not sure if that will include cell info.
  25. LOL ... and I thought I was a master at coming up with fun 'mini-games' ... nice one! :thumbsup:
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