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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I can help on this part: How to post a load order for Oblivion. - Edit - The first seven panels on the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide will help with the bashed patch.
  2. The fact that neither WB nor OAF were able to fix the 'broken' save makes me suspect it's not A-Bomb related. If you still have the pre-fixed version of the 'stuck' save you could try loading it on a clean session (game restarted from the desktop) to see if it persists. I'd also look carefully through your load list looking for anything that may affect magic effects. My first experience with the A-Bomb was with it in a very advanced state. Animations were stuck almost to the point of being frozen. The game was also very nearly unplayable by then, where my character was also nearly frozen waiting for the animations to play.
  3. If AinmhiRace-RensBeautyPackFull.esp is in your Oblivion\Data folder whether it's activated or not the game will still see it (which is why it shows in your Data Files listing for example). I believe the Master Files Required only need to be in Oblivion\Data so that the game can find what it needs, but are not required to be active. Now if you one day decided to delete AinmhiRace-RensBeautyPackFull.esp from your Oblivion\Data folder you would be in trouble with a missing master.
  4. My very semi informed opinion regarding Oblivion and gamepads is that the support isn't the greatest. When you're swimming upstream you aren't on the softer easier path.
  5. Try coc-ing back to WeyeExterior instead of Weye (but I would expect a crash). Heed Nephenee13's advice and run your load order through BOSS and then rebuild your bashed patch.
  6. What happened when you tried the 'coc center' test (i.e did you crash when coc-ing to weye for instance)?
  7. What happens if you don't fast travel? Do you still crash on cell transitions?
  8. On my old character (who currently has well over 1300 hours playtime) I used to have problems with crashing a lot. I had stopped using fast travel (primarily because of the way my last ridden horse always tagged along ... I'd stopped using horses for travel because of the hassles they present) but often crashed at cell transitions. I read that using quicksave was a problem causer (save file corruption) so I stopped using it. Another trick I picked up from reading is to never load a save without first exiting to the desktop. When I'm playing my old guy (as well as my new guy) I try to save every hour or so using the save accessed from the Esc menu or using named saves from the console command line. Every few hours I save and exit the game and then reload from the desktop and continue. I won't claim that I never crash anymore, but those times I do are usually when I've exceeded a few hours of play without exiting and reloading. The old guy's saves will generally have more crashes than my new guy (about 400 hours playtime), but it's certainly stable enough I don't feel like I need to save constantly. Another thing you could try is the 'coc center' and wait 72 hours plus a bit trick. That trick has more utility when you're trying to get past a certain part in a quest or have a particular cell that is giving you trouble, but it's worth a try. After you've waited 72 hours and then a bit more just 'coc weye' (or another location if you know the correct console code for that spot) and see if it helps. Sorry I didn't mention to make a back up of your latest save before trying OAF ... I'm so used to backing up and cleaning out my saves folder it slipped my mind.
  9. Here's a link to help with posting your load order: How to post a load order for Oblivion. Do you use quicksaves and quickload?
  10. Glad you got it sorted out. Thank you for the kudo but actually the two words before the :thumbsup: mean far more to me (along with the "It works!!!" part).
  11. Try running the Animation Fixer (or the Wyre Bash equivalent if you use WB) and see if it helps.
  12. I'm not sure what to advise in that case beyond wading through the UVII and DR mod comments looking for any reports of that problem (and possibly a solution if you're lucky).
  13. You (and your users) will need to use either one of the custom race fix mods or the Unofficial Oblivion Patch (which includes a custom race fix).
  14. Did you mark your race as playable? You may have already seen this race creation tutorial: Creating a new race. Some other race related links are: Races and Tutorial: Race Specific Start Spells.
  15. The first place I would start is the sound. The Realtek off-loads a lot to the CPU and I have seen issues that were related to Realtek and sound codecs. My source for information on tweaking Oblivion is Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide. The part specific to sound is on page 9, but I suggest reading through the whole guide and see if any suggestions pique your interest. I also suggest following the links to his general tweak guide and graphics tweak guide.
  16. My own experience using AI packages to give my NPCs a somewhat realistic 'life' focuses a bit more to the unpredictable nature of life as opposed to your slant on it. By that I mean most of my NPCs will use conditions to enhance realism (who would sit under the Chorrol Great Oak and read if it's raining for instance). I do have a patrol using four NPCs outside of White Stallion Lodge who I wanted to follow a rigid schedule (they are there to deal with the times when Mazoga brings an 'unfriendly' home with her so my residents of White Stallion can enjoy a carefree existence). The four cover a 24 hour schedule consisting of eating, sleeping, patrolling and a little R&R time. The only conditional packages are reading packages if it's raining, the patrol packages are rigid. Most of the time when I arrive in the vicinity of White Stallion they are somewhere along their patrol route, just as you would expect. Sometimes one will be missing (they patrol in pairs). I'll go looking for the missing patrol and I'm often amazed at where they are coming from when I find them (from off in the boonies north of Telepe for example, far off their patrol route). In my case I chalk it up to "Guess she needed some privacy for a pottie break" (in other words it 'adds' to the realism, even if it adds inconvenience). I could be wrong on this, but my understanding and observations say that the game doesn't really 'continue' an NPC's life when the player isn't in the same cell or adjacent cell. As you approach the cell they would be in according to their AI schedule the game calculates where they should be at that time and what they should be doing. It places them and starts their appropriate package running. Even if you don't run into my 'off in the boonies' situation that can still lead to some unexpected results depending on the type of package they're executing (i.e. they may be closer to their start point for that package even if the time should have them closer to their end point). I'm not much help when it comes to scripting vs using AI packages to control NPC behavior, as that is the next step my own modding efforts need to take but I haven't started down that trail. I think scripting should offer more control and less random variability (though I may be deluding myself). You may be interested in some of the discussion in a thread started by kingtitan: NPC Packages.
  17. I believe I have seen the problem described like your view is shifted to over your left shoulder. Are you saying you are already using the BBB DeadlyReflex6UnnecessaryViolenceII CompatibilitySkeleton?
  18. Try BBB DeadlyReflex6UnnecessaryViolenceII CompatibilitySkeleton and see if it helps.
  19. Are you talking about how to do the tutorial dungeon when you start the game with your custom race?
  20. When looking at file sizes using Windows Explorer you also need to be sure you're looking at the actual file size and not the space used on the disk. Your SSD will be different than your HHD for space used. When I'm comparing file sizes I always right click and select properties rather than relying on the figure reported in the size column (only relevant if you have 'Details' as your view selection for Explorer).
  21. In the Object window list left click and hold your newly made sword. Move the mouse down to the Render window, which if you followed Nephenee13's nicely detailed instructions will already have the Testinghall open. When you get the sword positioned approximately where you want it release your left mouse button. Press the 'F' key and it will fall to the floor of the Testinghall unless something is in the way and stops it from falling all the way. If you followed Nephenee13's advice to read the Beginner's Guide Lesson 1 you shouldn't need this advice.
  22. Sometimes you can get the game to get over it by using the console command 'coc center' (without the quotes) and then wait for 72 hours plus a bit. Then 'coc weye' (or another location if you know the correct location code) and see if it helps.
  23. Are you using Deadly Reflex 6 or Unnecessary Violence II?
  24. You may be running into a mod de-isolation issue. If DLCBattlehorn.esp was 'esmified' when the author of Battlehorn Enhanced made his mod then you will need to do the same if you want to edit his esp. Here's a CS Wiki link for more info: De-Isolation Tutorial.
  25. If you're good with using Windows Explorer and figuring out what your desktop location's equivalent of C:\<WhatverFolderYouUsed>\Oblivion is, then install OBMM to that folder. I'm not a big fan of using the desktop for anything besides shortcuts to programs installed in their own directories (and in my case on their respective drive, I have a RAID 0 for games and another drive just for non-game programs). If you have had a previous install of the game you may be running into registry leftovers messing things up too. One of the challenges troubleshooting various people's problems is all the variation in starting points leading to those problems. If you started on the west coast and I started on the east coast we could both arrive at the same point in 'Middle America' ... we just couldn't use directions intended for the other person. The more 'personalized' your game the more self sufficient you need to be.
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