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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. More info required ... it's generally better to start your own thread and describe your problem even if it resembles one that a previous poster had. No two Oblivion installations are exactly the same, and by starting your own thread you'll also be able to document the different troubleshooting steps you've taken. That said, the reason I prefer to rename Oblivion.ini over deleting it is so that recovering from a 'failed experiment' is as simple as deleting the failed Oblivion.ini and renaming your renamed copy back to 'Oblivion.ini'.
  2. OK I'm not 100% accurate on SSDs and WinXP. You can use them on XP but the OS isn't natively able to perform TRIM commands (to free up space from deleted files ... 3rd party utilities can be used), doesn't properly align partition boundaries automatically (but it can be done manually) or automatically disable the defrag command on SSDs. According to the Wikipedia wiki on SSDs Vista does a bit better than XP but Win 7 is the way to go if you are bent on using SSDs.
  3. If you decide to go the re-install route here's a link to Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link near the top about moving your Steam install (probably not an issue for you as you've had the game + mods working before) and also don't skip the part about registry cleaning ... it's important.
  4. I'm not sure about creating BSAs of non-BSA mod files (i.e. may help or may hinder ... I can't say for sure). Something I've noticed in my own game is that doing a periodic cleanup of my save files helps load time tremendously. I'm a packrat, so I don't delete them, just move them to a folder outside of the game's save folder (a separate drive in my case). When I notice that opening menus and loading the game starts to get sluggish again it's time for some more cleanup. SSDs are coming down in price, but to use them I'd need to move on to Windows 7. Unfortunately I have three unused copies of Win XP Pro still kicking around and the spendthrift in me would clamour about spending money on Win 7 when I have three copies of an OS in stock. Hence the sigh.
  5. When you rebuild the Oblivion.ini you often need to go back into the video menu and reset your options (especially when you have modern video hardware that the game doesn't recognize). You mention that you have one save that will load. If so try opening the console (use the tilde (~) key found on standard keyboards right below the Esc key) and then type 'coc center' (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees visible in the distance. Using the wait menu wait three full days and then a bit more (72 hours + a bit). Then open the console again and 'coc weye' (or another loocation if you know the correct location code). Make a new save (don't overwrite and don't quicksave) and then exit the game. See if that new save helps.
  6. Interesting question, one I wish I had a definitive answer to. My thoughts are that the slowest part of your system is your hard drive (after the DVD/Bluray drive that is). If you HDD is reading compressed data it has few bits to read (which would be faster) at the cost of now requiring data decompression by the CPU. With a fast enough CPU you should see a slight increase in speed reading the compressed bsa. Now the hot tip would be to have uncompressed data files on a SSD dedicated to games only (OS on a separate SSD). Sigh ... one can dream, can't one?
  7. If you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck at all eh? Don't worry you're not alone ... it takes one to recognize one. Do gamepads have profiles that are possibly stored on the gamepad itself (just bouncing an idea)? I play 1st person myself most all the time so I don't notice how the game movement appears. I'll be looking for what you're talking about next time I play ... probably a detail that I didn't notice any time I was in 3rd person because I went to 3rd person to check out something specific and then switched back. I have found over the years that while most FPS titles stick to a 'standard' keyboard layout for keys outside of the WASD (space bar is fairly standard for jump for example) there are always those that have their own 'take' on what should be used for what. I found Oblivion's keyboard mapping counter-intuitive at first, and was considering remapping everything to FPS standards. I'm glad I stuck it out and got used to their keyboard map. In a FPS perhaps it makes sense to use spacebar to jump as that's a common thing you do in FPS games. In Oblivion opening containers/bodies is a far more common task than jumping. Their mapping makes sense when viewed that way, so you see in the end they've won me over.
  8. On the subject of bodies and clothing/armor be aware that you need to use compatible bodies and clothes/armor. If you use the HGEC body for example but don't use a replacer mod to change all the vanilla game clothes/armor to HGEC compatible you'll see things like odd coloured hands and feet, and clothes/armor that has the arms exposed will be even more ugly. The reason is that the game displays the item worn rather than the body part it covers, so a cuirass 'becomes' the upper body including the arms if nothing is worn on the hands (an example of this is the chainmail cuirass). The important point to take away is you need to make sure any clothes or armor you install are compatible with the body you've chosen. If you want to go with HGEC (a good choice as it's a popular body offering plenty of options and there are lots of clothing and armor mods for it) I suggest you consider EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion as it comes with a replacer for stock clothing and armor. All NPCs and the player are confined by the game to using a single body so if you chose HGEC A cup then all female NPCs and the player (if playing a female character) will be HGEC A cup. Because the clothes/armor 'become' the body part they cover you can get some variety by using different sized clothes or armor. I have a variety of sizes of stock clothing replacers to give a bit of variety to the game, but every girl wearing the same shirt will have the same size. Saying that all NPCs and the player are limited to a single body isn't entirely true however. You can have all females HGEC and use MaleBodyReplacerV52 (aka Roberts male body) to give the guys and a male player character their own body. Again, any clothing/armor mods will need to be compatible.
  9. Another alternative is to use Multiple Oblivion Manager - MOM to manage different mod loads for different users. User A could have nude NPCs and user B has vanilla or HGEC with underwear.
  10. Looks like kaymre has already answered the keyboard run question. I personally use the capslock to toggle run on and off. One thing to note is that it works as a true toggle, meaning that if a save has run set with capslock on and I exit the game and then restart from the desktop with caplock off that save will now be using capslock off for run and capslock on for walk. A simple way to get it back to the 'right' way is to toggle capslock while a loading screen is displayed (such as you get when you go through a door into a new area the first time in that game session). Or you can just ignore it and it will still work fine, toggling to the opposite state when you hit capslock. My reason for the explanation is I wonder if that may be related to what you were experiencing. As I've said a number of times before on other threads, it's really me who should be thanking you for allowing me to 'borrow' your problem. Back when I worked a big part of my job (and a part I enjoyed) was troubleshooting and problem solving. You are one of many who help keep that big gray lump on my shoulders from turning to mush (and I don't think you've ever been short with me, just those who need to add their two cents without reviewing the rest of the thread and your reaction just mirrors my own silently expressed one).
  11. The reason I asked about the possibility of calibrating is your description of the drifting reminded me of a joystick that needed calibration to have a proper 'center'. I hear you on the motivation issue ... generally I've moved on by this point if I haven't found a solution so you're more 'stick to it' than me.
  12. Emma's mods all come as an esp file and a bsa file. Both need to be in your Oblivion\Data folder. To start the quest you need to talk to the female members of the Skingrad Mages Guild. If this doesn't help I suggest you post your question in the mod comments for Red Rose Manor, as Emma may not check here.
  13. Just so we're talking about the same thing here is a link to Oblivion Mod Manager. I suggest you download the 'obmm 1_1_12 full installer' version. That will give you a zip file 'obmm_1_1_12_full_installer-2097.zip' which will extract to the file 'obmm_setup.exe'. Run the exe and it will put the proper folders and files in place. If you use Oblivion Mod Manager to install a mod then you can use it to activate the mod. If you manually install a mod you can either use OBMM to activate the manually installed mod or you can use the Oblivion game launcher option 'Data Files' to activate the manually installed mod. Either way will work but if you do activate manually installed mods using the game launcher Data Files you will wind up with a bunch of mods that don't show as activated in OBMM (but they do show as properly activated in Data Files and work properly ... just pointing out a potentially confusing situation).
  14. A couple of points to look into. For the game to use new animations you'll need to have archive invalidation turned on. The simplest way is to use Oblivion Mod Manager's 'Utilities' button, select 'Archive Invalidation' from the list and then click on the radio button for 'BSA Redirection' (without changing any of the other settings from their default). Close OBMM ... it doesn't have a save feature but the changes are saved when you close the program. I use and recommend NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer. It comes with the option to install it from an OMOD which includes the installation script walking you through the various options for BMF (Breast Movement Factor), breathing idles etc. The thing to keep in mind when installing replacer mods (mods that replace vanilla Oblivion assets) is that installation order is important. Any files that a replacer mod installs need to be named exactly the same as the vanilla game and located in exactly the correct folder structure. That means that whichever replacer mod you install last will overwrite any same named files from any replacer mod you installed beforehand. You can use this to your advantage if you know what files a replacer mod includes by planning out your installation order so that what is in place at the end is what you want. You can also go in later using Windows Explorer and individually replace files with ones you want from other replacers as long as you follow the rules for file names and placement. I'd suggest installing NoMaaM first and then your sexy walks. NoMaaM includes some alternate walks and runs but leave experimenting with that until you're more confident in how all this works.
  15. Not sure if you've seen this thread Stemin.
  16. Another possibility is you haven't properly mastered the CM Partners esm file to your esp. Did you follow the tutorial included with CM Partners Basic?
  17. Like Raffer has said GPUs run hotter than CPUs. If you do decide to try something like either EVGA Precision or MSI Afterburner (you don't need to be using an EVGA or MSI video card for them to work) they are fairly easy to setup. You use a graph to set up the fanspeed profile and you can drag the temperature points around afterwards to fine tune. The only downside is they need to run from an administrator account. On my Win XP machine I have set the startup of MSI Afterburner to prompt for the administrator password as I generally run in a Poweruser account.
  18. Are you using Universal Skeleton Nif (I suggest the Controlable Skeleton version)?
  19. I don't have any experience editing race info in the CS but I would think that you'll need to have a clear understanding of which races rely on which other races before you start deleting races (e.g. if races B and C depended on race A you couldn't delete race A and keep races B and C). Perhaps someone who is more race savvy can chime in.
  20. Are you using any GPU fan speed control utilities? I use MSI Afterburner for GPU fan speed control and it works flawlessly unless I switch users rather than log off and then log on my other account. Then it turns off the automatic fan speed control and it will remain turned off until I re-enable it. EVGA Precision is another similar utility.
  21. I believe what LFact was wondering is how many hours of play in total do you have on that character. The A-Bomb glitch affects animations on saves that have a lot of hours. You can use either Wrye Bash to fix it or Animation Fixer.
  22. Does a gamepad have a calibrate option like a joystick or wheel?
  23. I'm by no means a Deadly Reflex expert, but I don't recall DR5 being mentioned in regards to a camera bug. I'm also no expert on UI mods, but again I'm not recalling anything regarding DarNified and a camera bug. Perhaps someone with more experience with DarNified can help.
  24. Are you using Deadly Reflex 6 or Unnecessary Violence II?
  25. First, any installation should start with reading the readme/mod description install instructions (and I know that sometimes they can leave a lot to be desired). Any mods that I have experience with that include a BSA file all have the BSA in the Oblivion\Data folder the same as the vanilla game and DLCs. Outside of comparing your downloaded file size with the file size listed on the download page I can't be of much help there. You could try downloading the mod again to a different folder and comparing file sizes between the two extracted downloads. If there aren't a bunch of complaints in the mod comments about missing meshes the problem is probably something on your end.
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