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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. LOL ... now you either have very pointy problems or you are into BOUNCING (i.e. big time bouncing). Now that I've looked for it I see it was on the CS Wiki: AI Package page, hidden in plain sight. Here's a quote (emphasis added): Without having the CS to confirm, I believe what they are talking about is the 'In Cell' that is on the right side of the 'Location' tab (the side that also has the 'Near Editor/Current Location' options). So what I do is stick with 'Near Editor/Current Location' on the right side of the panel and freely use the 'Cell' and 'Near Reference' that are on the left side of that 'Location' tab. I looked at a lot of Bethesda AI Packages and followed their lead for which side to use for what type of packages (and fiddled around trying things on my own too, you learn more from mistakes than from doing things right after all). Often an easily overlooked handful of words on a wiki page can make a big difference (for example I'm sure that somewhere on a wiki page there is mention of the persistent reference thing ... probably just says "Must be persistent object" ... four words that can easily get lost in an explanation of a related subject).
  2. There are issues with the standard CS and Windows 7 with face editing. Have a look at post #4888, post #4890, post #4891 and post #4903 on the Companion Vilja thread for some background and a solution to the problem.
  3. Sorry, I guess I'm confused on why you're confused. The intention with linking to Nitefox98's initial post is that you can use it as 1) a guide on what mods to try if you don't know which ones to pick yourself 2) a guide on what order to start adding mods (hence the caveat to make sure Steam and the game are installed outside of Program Files before you get started adding mods, getting the UOP, OBSE and OBGE installed after you have started playing the game and exited the sewers etc.). I would read through his edited initial post a couple of times and then start a list for myself with my step by step plan, using his as a template. There may be things that Nitefox98 wanted to have that you don't for example, so get your personalized plan down on paper before you start. Then work through your plan and test between steps. Don't try to do too much before testing ... that way when something isn't working out you know what steps to undo. Modding isn't a 20 minute pile a bunch of mods into 'Data' and then play type of thing. It's a journey that doesn't need a final destination to still be enjoyable.
  4. Ya, if memory serves the girls that go to the chapel and worship ('Use Item At' targeted on the altar, zero duration) then have a zero duration travel to where they're going to have breakfast or dinner. Those ones also never suffer from a warp like the sit to read girls. And you are correct that you can't 'Select Reference from Render Window' to a non-persistent object, which was how I eventually divined the solution at the time ... by comparing the chairs looking for differences. Having a travel package to an xMarker (duration zero) and then another to his chair is what I'd try before throwing in the towel. It's similar to what I finally landed on for the sit and read girls, but I lived with their warping for a while before I went digging into it again. When you're working on a problem on your own you sometimes have to give things a little 'soak time' before you can look at the problem with a fresh set of eyes. I recall reading in the CS Wiki about the differences between 'Near Reference' and 'Location'. I think they were advising against using near reference, but so many of the vanilla packages were using it and I just used them as a template. Can't say I've seen any problems from using it providing you're selecting the correct cell. I do use both methods though.
  5. I don't use any HUD Status Bars mod myself, but if I recall correctly it's not the easiest to get installed and running right. There are options you can set, either in an 'ini' file or 'xml' file if I'm remembering correctly. Read the readme and make sure you have it installed correctly and that you understand what settings are the default ones, and which you may want to try changing. You can also try posting a question on the mod comments page. Depending on which particular HUD mod you installed the author should be supporting it, and will have a much better understanding of the more common problems and solutions.
  6. I don't have SI installed on my gaming machine, and I'm away from home for two weeks, so I'll be of limited utility as far as research goes (unless the info is somewhere like the UESP Wiki or CS Wiki ... laptop doesn't have the game or CS installed). I can't recall anyone in the vanilla game (plus Battlehorn and Thieves Den DLCs) who writes. I know I had to do quite a bit of head scratching and searching to come up with someone who sits and reads when I was working out that one. If you do have a prospect from SI, that will make your mod SI reliant, unless the animation is also available in the non-SI game (a common problem with the sweeping animation from SI for instance). If all you can recall seeing is a stand and write animation you could try a similar package arrangement as I made with the sit and drink to try and get a sitting version working. If it's there in the BSA but not used in the game it will work ... if not, well you've tried. So you're saying that having the 'Use Item At' version of the lever (let's say do once at 22:00 hrs) and a travel package targeted at their chair immediately below the use item package and also set for 22:00 hrs, still results in them spamming the lever? I had forgotten to mention that the chair (and likely the lever) needed to be persistent objects ... that wasn't an easy one for me to figure out either. At the time I'd have one girl who'd sit in her chair (a vanilla chair from the game that was already set to persistent) and another who wouldn't sit in the chair right beside the first (who's chair wasn't set to persistent). Even though I may be limited as far as research goes (or seeing what I've done in the past), feel free to bounce stuff off me. Sometimes just thinking about a problem so you can type up a question helps you see things from a different angle.
  7. When it happens do you notice a lot of hard drive activity? What I'm wondering is if maybe some background processes (virus scanner, chat client etc.) is interfering.
  8. The Light GUTS body is one of the less common ones for armor and clothes. There have been a couple of releases lately, though the only one I seem to be able to find off hand now is Forbidden Armor. The Light GUTS is close to the manga F-cup body ... if in fact your talking about the HGEC GUTS I think it's closer to DMRA for bust size (it's not one I use much in the BBB Designer Body Spell). I think you'll probably find even less selection for the HGEC GUTS proper (there are lots of armor and clothes available for either DMRA or HGEC H-cup, fewer as soon as you move away from either of those). I myself don't get too worked up about female armor as I play a male character all the time, and so I only use female armor to equip CM Partners or Vilja, and the occasional NPC (who I console kill and then equip with what I want and then 'resurrect 1' them ... simpler than dealing with reference IDs that can change when load order changes, and then you need to figure out the new one). If the body shape change that happens when you equip different armors is an issue you'll need to do some research on what available armors you'd like and then settle on a body size that's close. Information like cup size is quite often hard to come by (except for some reason with ones like DMRA, which is quite obvious just to look at, and yet it will be prominently displayed in the mod name ... go figure). I use a variety of sizes in clothing replacers so that the vanilla women in the game have a little variety to body shape. - Edit - Just so you know, when I talk about using the Designer spell on a female NPC it's usually one I've killed and plan on resurrecting naked or more recently since I've started using the mod NPCs Yield ones that I've defeated (they've yielded) and I'm leaving them naked. Any NPCs that I'm leaving clothed or armored I don't use the spell on, as what you see will be determined by their clothing/armor.
  9. I've never used a 'Find' package so I can't say. Will your NPC use the lever if it's the target of a 'Use Item At' package? I can't recall which vanilla NPC I used as a template of sorts for my sit and read (and later sit and drink) packages, but I don't 'invent' much on my own, just adapt examples to my purpose. I'm wracking my brain trying to recall a vanilla NPC that uses a lever but coming up blank. I seem to recall a dungeon with a drawbridge ... maybe a Mages guild quest, but I don't remember if an NPC uses a lever to lower the bridge or maybe it remains up until the player lowers it. If I can figure it out I'll look into it (though after tonight I won't have access to my gaming machine for two weeks ... picked up a gig dog sitting for my brother while he's out of the country ... I'll be limited to my non-gaming laptop). And while I do appreciate kudos they aren't what drives me ... seeing you get to the root of your problems or find the solution to a scenario are more payment than I could ever ask for. - Edit - Did some searching through the vanilla quests. I believe the drawbridge I'm thinking of is the one in zone 3 (Fangs of the Serpent) in Fort Pale Pass on the Lifting the Vale quest. Reading through the UESP Wiki walkthrough leads me to think that no NPCs can activate the drawbridge as they don't have an activator available on their side when it's raised.
  10. Yes, if they're leveled creatures you won't see them until you are the right level. I also don't place NPCs in the same cell as my save, although I can't really say for certain if it makes a difference (just a vague impression of something I read somewhere, likely a CS Wiki tutorial).
  11. Were you wanting the clothes and/or body from the video or were you referring to graphics as in the way the background world looks? I took it you were after the later, but after watching the video commented on the body used.
  12. Unfortunately a limitation with the game is it can only have one body for males and one for females at a time. There are mods that get around this by making different bodies into 'clothes' that are worn (I use BBB Designer body spell by electrro but there are more recent ones available that offer more body variations (e.g. SetBody 2ch-Edition TSpec) but I don't have any experience using them, so can't vouch for them. Unless you get one that includes resized clothing (I think I saw something like that) the different bodies would only be apparent on nude NPCs. Now if you just wanted to change the body that you're currently using you can simply disable the mod in OBMM and then re-enable it. That will run the OMOD script again and you can make a different selection. You can also just copy and paste the appropriate files to the proper location from another body mod, or if you have the manual install version of your current HGEC mod (there is also the option of extracting the files from the OMOD), so you see there's an almost bewildering array of options. The trick is using other bodies that are compatible with the parts you're replacing. Sometimes waist or wrist/ankle seams don't line up. The other consideration leads to your "So if I understand it correctly any body will work with any armor". Textures are assigned to the mesh, so you need to stay within compatible bodies, in your case HGEC compatible. If you stray outside of the type you are using you can get some pretty obvious anomalies. The same applies to the clothes and armor you chose. If they aren't HGEC compatible you'll see weirdness with the textures. There are different 'families' that can be used together (e.g. HGEC and Exnem) as often one is just a derived later version of the other. Takes research and experimentation to find where the limits are (and questions). I personally use HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12, except I'm still using version 1.11. The only significant change between version 1.11 and 1.12 is an option was added to the OMOD installation script that allowed you to install without the included animations. Because the animations included with HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 are simple replacers for the vanilla animations (which need to have the exact same file name and folder structure as the assets they're replacing from the vanilla game's BSA files) what would happen is if you installed another replacer after you'd installed HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12 (I use fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer) and then changed your body type the OMOD script would overwrite NoMaaM's animations. It's an easy thing to fix, just re-install NoMaaM, but if you're like me and you've mixed and matched different BMF (breast movement factors ... not sure if fore has that trademarked, but he should) for different animations then you'd need to recreate your big plan. I'm pretty good at documenting things I customize, but there's always something I did that I went "Oh, I'll remember that no problem" and then of course I don't remember. Getting comfortable with the folder structure the game uses is a good start. I'm lucky in that after I got HGEC Body with BBB v1dot11 and CM Partners Basic installed using OBMM and OMODs I learned how to manually install mods. It's added a lot more joy to the game for me, as I love tinkering.
  13. Sir??? Makes me look behind me to see if there's somebody standing behind me and you're talking to them (don't worry ma'am would have been worse). :biggrin: - Edit - Gotta love the manga body.
  14. Have a look at the thread Noob up and running. Nitefox98 does a good job of documenting his journey.
  15. I tend to think the fact your game disk is an old original version shouldn't be the issue, providing it can be read without errors when you install the game. Beyond the disk check when you start the game it isn't involved in your on-going gameplay. My current setup is from an original version disk patched to version 1.2.0416. I patched before I found out that you can't install SI after patching (because it requires a different patch to get to version 1.2.0416) so I've had to pass on mods that require SI. I always say one of these days I'll re-install the game along with SI and then get it patched up, but 'one of these days' is a day like tomorrow ... it never gets here. If you have IDed which current mods cause the problem you're at least a bit ahead of the curve.
  16. We're going to need details on what the 'few mods' are, unless Darnified UI and Hirez Armors - Iron is the complete list. I don't recall ever seeing an issue like you're reporting, but I haven't researched the Darnified UI extensively (just guessing there, but it's where I'd start if those are the only mods you added).
  17. Not sure what to say about the lost heads coming back, but if they're back that's good news not bad news. Do you recall anything you may have done before you lost them and/or between when you lost then and when you got them back?
  18. I hear you on the HDD prices. I have most of the major pieces for my next machine (motherboard, CPU, memory & video cards). The big expense items I have left to get are hard drives (I need five, four for two RAID 0's and a single for non game programs and swap file). I asked at my favourite computer store about when they thought that prices might start coming back down ... they said maybe 6 months. Maybe next winter I'll be playing on a new machine.
  19. The 'bashed patch' is a mod that Wrye Bash creates that is specific to the mods you have loaded in your game. It helps resolve conflicts between mods (if mod A and mod B are trying to change the same thing it allows you to pick which mod 'wins' and thus what the game will use). Some of those conflicts can be resolved by letting BOSS sort your load order but some conflicts can't be resolved by load order alone. Say you want the body from mod A and the hair from mod B, but mod A includes hair that you don't want and mod B includes a body that you don't want. If you put mod B lower in the load order you'll get the hair you want but also the body you don't want. If you put mod A lower in the load order you'll get the body you want but not the hair. Wrye Bash and the bashed patch will allow you to have mod A's body at the same time as mod B's hair. It does that by taking the things you want from each and putting them in the bashed patch and then disables the esps for mod A and mod B ... and this is only one small example of what it's capable of. It would be difficult for someone else to do your load order for you, as they would need to download and install all the same mods as you have, but none of their own mods that you don't have. If you have some specific things you're having trouble with try posting a question on the Wyre Bash Pictorial Guide page and perhaps alt3rn1ty will be able to help. It may be that the bashed patch I see in your current load order is the empty one that Wrye Bash puts in your load order when you first install it, and it's 'moved' to the middle of your load order as you've added more mods since then (in which case it's not hurting anything as it's just an empty esp file, but it's also not helping like it could until you run Wrye Bash and build a bashed patch).
  20. Another tip on the hardware front is get a decent UPS (uninterruptible power supply), not so that you can keep the computer on during power outages but for the superior surge protection they offer (if you don't buy the cheapest you can find). I use APC UPSes on all my machines.
  21. I don't have any experience with any of the overhauls myself. One of my criteria for any mod is I look in the mod comments to see what types of problems people have been having with it, determine if I understand the problems and solutions offered, but most importantly whether or not the mod author is still actively supporting the mod. In Oblivion War Cry's favour it looks like eddy kaschinski is actively supporting the mod (last posted on Feb 27 2012). You could try asking there. As you get experience with the Construction Set it is possible to use the assets from a mod in your own personal mod (you couldn't release that mod to the public without getting permission from the original mod authors, but what you have on your own machine is your business). So if you liked the sword from mod A and the shield from mod B but not any of the other stuff in either mod you'd make your own mod C that included just the sword and shield. It's not difficult, so you don't need to be an expert ... it's actually a good step up in the learning curve once you have the basics down pat. I can tell you've been busy doing your own research into some of your problems (which invariably leads to other things to find out about). Good stuff. :thumbsup: On the subject of overwriting saves, I never overwrite ... always save in a new slot from the Esc menu or a new sequential number on my named saves (e.g. my new guy is up to 'CustomClass483.ess'). When I start to get a lot of saves in the saves folder I move most to a backup folder (I have multiple hard drives on my machine, so I move them to a backup folder on a different drive). You can tell it's time to move some when the game starts getting slower and slower opening the save menu (it has to read all those saves). I'm not sure if I've given you the link to the TES4Edit Cleaning Guide, so there it is. While I do appreciate kudos, what really makes helping worthwhile is people like you keitarou15. I enjoy watching a new Oblivion player get up to speed and blossom (plus it's good that other people let me 'borrow' their problems ... that way I don't need to break my game just for something to keep my mind occupied).
  22. TES4Edit is more a tool to use for specific tasks, like cleaning up 'dirty edits' in mods (what they are is something that the modder touched but didn't change when they were creating their mod, among other things). The game will run without cleaning any mods (my own game has never had any mods cleaned using TES4Edit), but cleaning mods can also help getting lots of mods working more smoothly together. Be aware that there are some mods that won't work correctly after you've cleaned them though (they need those 'dirty edits' to work correctly). Your BOSS log will identify those, providing they've been registered with the BOSS team. I'm not sure about whether or not it's advisable to clean the DLCs (official Oblivion plugins) ... perhaps someone who knows will chime in. Same goes for the unofficial patches ... I'm not sure if they should be cleaned, and the game will run without them (I don't use them for example). The main benefit from using the UOP is all the quest bugs that are fixed. If you don't mind reading the UESP Wiki walkthroughs for the quests most of those bugs can be avoided without the UOP. If you're thinking of creating your own mods the official Construction Set is what you're after (for a start at least).
  23. We're going to get you out of those sewers before April!! The way the game works is whatever your character or an NPC is wearing 'becomes' the part of the body that it is covering. If you selected Light GUTS for your body (a very nice choice by the way) and then you downloaded and installed say a glass armor replacer that comes in A-cup (HGEC compatible) what will happen is any female NPCs you come across wearing glass armor will appear to have A-cup breasts. If they happen to be a bandit, chances are you and her will get to fighting, and hopefully you manage to beat her. Now when you loot her body you'll see that she somehow had those nice F-cup breasts stuffed into that glass armor (no wonder she couldn't fight ... probably lucky to be able to breathe). Upper and lower body work the same way, clothes and armor included. That's why some people use a complete package body replacer like EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion that includes replacers for all the vanilla clothes and armor to match your selected body. I like to use the fact that clothed and armored bodies can be different sizes to my advantage to get some variety into the game (I use more variety in sizes in clothes than armor, but I do have a couple of replacers in play there as well). Depends on what you're looking for, and how much effort you're willing to put into achieving your goals. My own game is still a work in progress after a few years of tweaking and trying different things (and will probably still be a WIP a few more years down the road). On the animations front we'll get you hooked up with the best in the business when you're ready (NoMaaM by fore). As animations like those you've installed and NoMaaM are replacers whichever you install last is what the game will use (which also means you're free to mix and match to a large extent as well ... something else I can waste a bunch of time on). Sleep fast, the weekend is coming.
  24. Have a look at the first seven pictures on the picture tab for the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide. That's the bashed patch section.
  25. I'm not sure how confident you are about using Wrye Bash and making your bashed patch. On this Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide page go to the pictures tab (has the number 67 on it) and look over the top seven pictures (starting beside where it says 'Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide'). That is the instructions for making a bashed patch. See if there is anything there that you may have gotten mixed up on.
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