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Status Updates posted by Striker879

  1. https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/11/18 ... while I can certainly understand Calvin's viewpoint I tend to be more of an "and" kinda' guy.
  2. Half full or half empty? Perspective is everything ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/07/26
  3. The Striker life story, in four panels ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/14 ... which is perhaps true, but it is my lifestyle.
  4. The Striker life story, in four panels ... Mathmagician ... which is perhaps true, but it is my lifestyle.
  5. The Striker life story, in four panels ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/14 ... which is perhaps true, but it is my lifestyle.
  6. The Striker life story, in four panels ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/09/14 ... which is true, but it is my lifestyle.
  7. Took me long enough to figure out how to edit this ... long enough to forget what I was going to say.
  8. Thanks for the comment ... check yer PMs.
  9. Ah but every day's a day off for us ... just another day in Paradise for you then ... good stuff.
  10. Hope you managed to 'get along' with Vicente alright.
  11. There ... now you don't need to feel so lonely.
  12. Merry Christmas to you and yours too Omeletted (and thank you for the comment). If your presents require an install I hope your hard drive space is limitless.
  13. Thanks for the comment, but maybe we'd better keep this from Xtudo ... wouldn't do for him to get jealous ... hehe. The two of you carry a huge load on the site and people like me (who know squat about things like DR and UVII, OBGE among countless others) would be lost without the guidance the two of you have provided others. Well that, plus I love how you compete to be first to answer.
  14. I'm just loving your comments in Vilja's thread. Trust me, this is laughing with you not at you. I was nearly rolling on the floor when Vilja led me to that certain place in the Market District. The number of adventuring bachelors is dwindling.
  15. Saw your thread about long range targeting and went 'Hey, there's my old friend Frank'! I've tried lobbing fireballs into downtown Bruma from Frostcrag before ... don't think anybody noticed.
  16. Hi Mark, hope you're well. I was looking for an old topic of yours to do a little thread necro (Keeping it real) but had no luck. I've recently started using NoMaaM Breathing Idles (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40462) and I am amazed by how much it adds to the game's realism. It's worth a try if you still disappear into Oblivion occasionally.
  17. Back to Oblivion. I've just started using NoMaaM Breathing Idles (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40462) and highly recommend it to all immersion/realism buffs. Even if you don't use BBB, the subtle change it makes to the game is amazing!
  18. Kick back, relax and recharge the batteries ... we all need it from time to time.
  19. My busy season is almost upon me ... looks like the nice weather is just around the corner, and that corner is no longer a mile off. I'll check in periodically between now and fall.
  20. The shader change was from going from HDR to Bloom. For some reason the Bloom shader doesn't look like it used to though ... more experimentation required.
  21. Reset my shaders (somehow changed following NVIDIA driver update and downgrade from SLI to use shader 004 from 013) and re-enabled anisotropic filtering in the NVIDIA control panel ... looks quite a bit better now.
  22. Oh it's working ... just doesn't look as pretty as in the past (so now I find out I'm an SLI addict too ... oh, the withdrawls.
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