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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Better Cities adds a new district to the Imperial City named the Aristocratic District and expands the size of the Arena District. When you are outside of the Imperial City do you want to see the new walls for the Aristocratic District and the changed walls for the expanded Arena District or just see the Imperial City the way it looks in vanilla?
  2. OK, next step ... In folder 02 Better Imperial City Full copy the file Better Imperial City.esp and paste it into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  3. The Imperial City can use all of the new districts from Better Cities or just some of the districts from Better Cities. Do you want all of the Better Cities new districts or just some of them?
  4. OK, next step ... In the folder 01 Better Cities Full copy the file Better Cities Full.esp and paste into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  5. OK ... do you want the Open Cities Reborn version or the closed cities version? With the open cities version you will not get a loading screen when entering a city, but that option is more likely to have some compatibility issues. With the closed cities option it is like the vanilla game where you enter the city and have a loading screen. So open or closed?
  6. Do you want all of the cities from Better Cities or just some of the cities?
  7. Good, next step is ... In the extracted download you will see a folder named 00 Core, and inside 00 Core you will find four folders (Docs, Meshes, OBSE and video) and five files (Better Cities - Meshes.bsa, Better Cities - Sounds EV.bsa, Better Cities - Textures.bsa, Better Cities .esp and Better Cities Resources.esm). Copy the five files and paste in the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder. Next copy the Meshes, OBSE and video folders and paste those three into the Data folder.
  8. Good ... I didn't want us making a mess in the OBMM folder. Next step ... Create a new folder named Better_Cities_Manual_Install, and then inside that folder create a folder named Data (so now we will have Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data).
  9. In any case we are doing better in English than we could ever do in Norwegian ... trust me!! And so we begin ... Download Better Cities to a folder named Better_Cities and extract it to that same folder. You may already have Better Cities downloaded ... if so just extract the download to that same folder but not if it is the Oblivion\obmm\mods folder. If that is where you have it downloaded to we will move it first.
  10. OK from what I'm told in the BC comments we do not need to use Wrye Bash for a bashed patch to get this to work. When you are ready Wolf we can begin. - Edit - Looks like we have KatsAwful along looking over my shoulder, hopefully keeping me from stumbling and skinning a knee.
  11. OK, when I get my answer back on the question in the Better Cities comments we will get moving towards Better Cities (kind of like ... we're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz ... if you ever watched the old, old movie ... even older than me!!). You know something I thought of last night ... you are also working in your second language I would guess. You are impressing the heck out of me with how well you are doing! If I had to use Norwegian to help you I would still be trying to say "Good morning Wolf" (and you'd be scratching your head going "What the heck is he trying to say??).
  12. Good morning Wolf (afternoon for you). I just got a reply to a question I posted in the Better Cities comments, and now I'm waiting on a followup question. Now that I've had a chance to sleep on my thinking while researching Better Cities last night I'd like to get your opinion on some things before we set off on today's adventure. Do you find it easier to follow my step by step manual install method, or is the way of installing like with MOO using OBMM and selecting options OK with you too? Is one better for you than the other is what I'm asking.
  13. There we go, now you'll be able to loot to your heart's content. - Edit - That BC is one BIG download ... this will take a while. - Edit 2 - A bit more than half way through the download and at the end of page one of 756 of the mod comments. Might just read comments until the download is done! - Edit 3 - I think I have an idea of why your experiment ran into trouble ... Better Cities is not compatible with OBMM, it needs the newer version of OBMM named TES Mod Manager (TMM).
  14. I thought maybe you'd want that one. Give me tonight to read some of the mod comments and look at the download. We'll install Better Cities tomorrow OK? The Bag of Holding will need to be installed before that command will work. Remember, if you want to have an omelette for breakfast you will need to break some eggs. If the dingy was in better shape I'd start rowing now and maybe join you.
  15. The part about Better Cities that was holding me back was mostly that you also want Unique Landscapes. The two of those together are a complicated install. Which would you want more ... Better Cities or Unique Landscapes?
  16. LOL ... trying to go from zero to sixty in less than a second!! Wolf if I was hesitating about Better Cities an alarm bell should have been sounding for you. No worries though, you're getting the hang of keeping backups and you know how to undo mistakes. Always remember this ... mistakes are our greatest resource. I always say that I don't learn anything of value by doing things right. Now from what I read about the Bag of Holding says it is in the final section of Vilverin ... but you have just been through Vilverin recently, right? Could be that you will need to wait for the cell to reset (so more than three days without going back into Vilverin). Or you could get it using the console command: StartQuest BoHGive Do you have it installed again?
  17. It will be obsolete before I first turn it on ... I started getting parts for it nearly 10 years ago. It will only be a little bit faster than my current machine for CPU, but I will use all SSDs and there will be more RAM and a better video card. There ... see, I'm talking myself right into spending more money!! - Edit - So is your Bag of Holding working? - Edit 2 - Time to hit the showers. Sanding dust from epoxy and fiberglass are not good for the skin!
  18. The only thing that could be done is uninstall either Maskars or Qarls. Or if it's not too bad live with it.
  19. I'm on a hard drive for the game myself and get micro-stutters when new areas load. Some things can not be avoided. Some day I'll get around to finishing building my next machine ... who knows, maybe this winter eh?
  20. Maskar got back to me regarding the Maskar's BSAs and they are already uncompressed BSAs. There will be little or no gain by going to loose files.
  21. Oh ... I thought you already took off the training wheels yourself. No problem.
  22. Do you like how I've dialed back my verbosisity ... when you are at a loss for a big word ... just make one up!!! (or misspell one ... just as good). - Edit - Off to make supper. If you have your Bag of Holding at least I don't need to worry about you getting over encumbered at stuck in one spot while I'm gone ... oops, there's another one ... but the game uses that one so do I get a gimme??
  23. OK I've asked Maskar. I see that Maskar is currently off-line so we'll need to hurry up and wait on that. Do you now have a Bag of Holding of your very own?
  24. LOL ... me ... use big words ... nah, couldn't happen!! I noticed Maskar was looking at the thread earlier. I'll ask if it would help to do my big word stuff or not. :laugh:
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