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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Better Cities is well known to put strain on the system. The mod adds a lot of stuff to the game. The Imperial City Waterfront District has a patch that will cut down how much new stuff is there, and may help some if you find you need it.
  2. Actually it's lunchtime now (I got wrpapped up the the inventory idle replacement question in the Mod Talk forum). How are you finding game performance with Better Cities?
  3. Open Blockhead.ini (found in your game's Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins folder) and confirm you have the following: [AnimationOverride] OverridePerNPC=1 OverridePerRace=1 Further down you will see: [inventoryIdleOverride] Enabled=0 Change to Enabled=1 Below that is: HandToHandIdle= HandToHandTorchIdle= OneHandIdle= OneHandTorchIdle= TwoHandIdle= StaffIdle= BowIdle= Each of these corresponds to each of the Inventory menu weapon idles. For this tutorial download Combat Stance Reanimation to a folder and extract it to that same folder. Open the Variations\SpecialAnims\OneHand\00 MAIN folder and copy the file OneHandIdle_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007.kf and then paste it into your game's Oblivion\Data\Meshes\Characters\_male folder. Rename the file to OneHandIdle_Inventory.kf (see Note for more info concerning file names). In Blockhead.ini change the line OneHandIdle= to OneHandIdle=OneHandIdle_Inventory.kf and save the file. Start the game and equip a one-handed weapon, open your inventory screen and you should now see your character is using a different one-hand idle than before. Note: During testing for this (and on other occassions for PerNPC animation overrides using Blockhead) I have uncovered some quirks to the way the game responds to the Blockhead overrides. In this Inventory Overrides case when I tried renaming the override file to Inventory_OneHandIdle.kf the NPC who was in front of me in that save (who is carrying a one handed weapon sheathed) assumed the pose of the idle only without a weapon in hand. Once I changed the file name to OneHandIdle_Inventory.kf he stopped using the weird idle pose. I also found that it didn't matter if I put the underscore in the file name (so OneHandIdleInventory would work as well providing that matches what you have in Blockhead.ini) ... I just find the underscore in the file name improves readability. Then when trying a dual wield idle from Combat Stance as a OneHandTorchIdle override I renamed the file to OneHandTorchIdle_Inventory.kf but made a mistake and put OneHandTorchIdle=OneHandTorchIdle.kf in Blockhead.ini but the game displayed the dual wield idle instead of the vanilla OneHandTorchIdle.kf that you would think would display due to the mistake (so Blockhead somehow guessed what I meant??). Bottom line ... experimentation will be required. I have never run across an animation replacer that includes exactly what you are seeking (the same animation that NPCs use when they have a one handed weapon in their inventory but not equipped). Perhaps it can be found in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa if you look in there with BSA unpacker. If you do find one just follow the renaming I've outlined.
  4. And following seas (though I've never found them a comfortable ride).
  5. Sorry ... I'm not much of a jokester in the traditional sense (though I'm certain that there have been plenty who considered me a joke ... I just consider the source and continue being me ... but then again, who else could I be??).
  6. Rita (the Mom) and I had a great time with that for a long time afterwards. Somebody would come into the control room who didn't know anything about it and once they got within earshot I'd whisper loud enoud that they'd hear ... Me - "So Rita, did you think about what I suggested ... that I try to knock up your daughter again?" Rita (with no attempt a quietness) - "Oh yes would you .. she goes on and on about the last time, she'd be over the moon if you would." The visitor wouldn't know whether to stay, leave, or call the cops.
  7. It's about the only British-ism I know beyond "going like clappers" (not even close to swearing as far as I know). I did work with a British lady at one time. One morning she asked me if I'd like to knock up her daughter. I said "Sure, but how old is she?". Turns out she was high school age, but I knocked her up anyway (after all it was her Mom that asked me to ... as explained to the daughter after she answered the phone).
  8. But fine for what ...a warning I wouldn't like but could survive. To appear in the Dr's new topic would be an anathema worse than death ... I only just got the spiffy new Premium designation.
  9. So are you implying that if I were to post a pic with an NPC standing hampton it would be OK?
  10. No need to be sorry Wolf ... you earned some sleep after going through all the Striker torture tests I put you through today. Sleep well!
  11. Maskars shows that cloud when a creature has a disease. The reason I asked about the Waterfront District is it is one that is known to cause problems. There is a file we can install that will help if you do find the Waterfront causes you trouble. With the Bravil crash ... did you fast travel to get to Bravil? - Edit - The creature disease cloud can be turned off in Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini if you want. They will still have a disease that you can catch but they won't have the cloud so you won't know until it's too late and you are sick. - Edit 2 - Poor Wolf ... I'm trying to turn you into a vampire or bat or something. Get some sleep and leave the further testing of Better Cities until tomorrow. - Edit 3 - I keep forgetting about the 6 hour time difference ... sleep Wolf ... sleep!!
  12. Was the Imperial City crash when you went to go to the Waterfront District?
  13. Let's not talk about tinnitus Paga ... now all I hear is my hum!! Problem is I didn't even need to get old for it. Noisy workplace in my early twenties did the trick. Been listening to that same tune ever since.
  14. I am the one making mistakes today ... some days you win some, some days not so much. To install Better Cities now we will copy the Data folder from Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data and then paste it into the game's Oblivion folder. Next in OBMM activate the following ESPs: Better Cities .esp Better Cities Full.esp Better Imperial City.esp Better Cities - IC Imperial Isle.esp If it shows in the OBMM left panel also put a tick mark in Better Cities Resources.esm I can't remember if OBMM shows the ESM files or not. The ESP file Better Cities - House Price Patch.esp will not get a tick mark yet. That one will wait until we get Enhanced Economy working. Run BOSS and let me know if it reports any problems in it's report window. When you test in the game use a save that is not in any city. If you have one over in the Vilverin ruin that would be perfect. Take a run over to the Imperial City from there and see if it's working.
  15. When I was talking about the Data folder backup I meant we don't need to do another one.
  16. Yes ... I was meaning the one in the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder (so Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data\bettercitiesresources ... it will have the folder icon and no file extension and no spaces in the file name). It won't break anything but that is the wrong spot. The correct spot is Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data\meshes\bettercitiesresources (again all folders, no file extensions). The file named Better Cities Resources.esm needs to stay in the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder (so Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data\Better Cities Resources.esm).
  17. Just the one I would write as we go along. Do you already have Blockhead installed and working (if you use Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 then you do)?
  18. OK we will use the previous Data folder backup if it is required ... OK now enough negative thoughts Striker, think positive!! I have just found another Striker error we need to fix first ... In your game's Oblivion\Data folder find the folder named bettercitiesresources and delete it. Next in the Better Cities extracted download find the 43 Roberts Male folder and copy the folder named meshes and paste into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  19. No that is not the case at all Wolf. Yes I am a bit perplexed about why EE is not working but sometimes it's best to let something sit for a while and then all of a sudden the light will light up and I'll go "That's what it is ... of course". While we are waiting for Striker's light to come on we will see about the Better Cities. Before we install there was one file I missed that we will need. In the folder 40 Bravil Vanilla copy the file Better Cities - Bravil Vanilla.bsa and paste it into the Better_Cities_Manual_Install\Data folder.
  20. OK lets set EE aside for now and come back to it later. Open OBMM and turn off the tick in both Enhanced Economy.esp and Enhanced Economy - House prices.esp (we can leave the files all in place they shouldn't hurt anything).
  21. Go to a merchant you have never gone to yet in that save and try there (maybe one of the Three Brothers guys if you have never been there yet).
  22. Look in your Oblivion\Data\OBSE\Plugins folder and make sure we have MenuQue.dll and a folder named MenuQue.
  23. OK ... check in OBMM and make certain that Enhanced Economy.esp has a tick (and you may as well tick the House price one while you are there and run BOSS).
  24. OK if she refused you more than five times then something's not right. Did you try more than five times? - Edit - Yes I hardly ever sell stuff at her or Rasheda in Chorrol or Agnete in Skingrad.
  25. Well she is an expert haggler so it should have failed. Did you move the slider all the way to the right?
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