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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No ... and you are happy with the settings (it sounds on the mod page like you can select different options while installing)?
  2. What ... did you install the Less Overpowered already?
  3. It comes as a premade OMOD and says it has a script to walk you through the options. I suggest you make a new Oblivion\Data folder backup before we install Less Overpowered Nighteye to make it simple to go back to what you have now.
  4. OK ... do you still want the Less Overpowered Nighteye?
  5. OK ... so the test tells us that it is not a skeleton.nif issue. That brings us to mods and/or mod conflict. Troubleshooting is as much about finding what is not the problem as it is finding out what is the problem. Mod list will be required for further troubleshooting.
  6. OK ... open Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini and in Notepad's Edit -> Find menu put dungeon_fog and then Find Next. That will bring you to the line saying ... set MOO.ini_dungeon_fog to 1 change that to set MOO.ini_dungeon_fog to 0 If you want even darker you can find ... set MOO.ini_dungeon_light to 2 just above the fog setting and change it to set MOO.ini_dungeon_light to 0 Save Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini and then check those same dungeons to see the difference. With both set to zero it should be the same as with Let There Be Darkness. - Edit - Could be, depending on what you selected when installing MOO that you will already have set MOO.ini_dungeon_light to 0 ... if it's not zero then change it to test.
  7. Alright ... I was getting a bit worried! Now looking into your Let There Be Darkness and Less Overpowered Nighteye mods I'd like you to look at the options that come with Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul first. MOO can do the same as Let There Be Darkness (remove all the dungeon light) but it also allows you to add back in a small amount of light. The default settings for MOO are not as dark as it can be. Have you tried going into any dungeons since we installed MOO? - Edit - I need to go see if the boating store is open yet. I suggest you go into a bunch of dungeons to get a feel for how MOO is set up at default. Go in Ayleid dungeons and caves and forts ... not all dungeons of one type are the same level of darkness in the vanilla game and so you will find some darker than others. When I get back I'll show you how to adjust MOO to try it's darker options.
  8. EngineBugFixes is a collection of fixes to the game that aren't fixed by any other mod. It is an OBSE plugin and like MOO can be customised using it's INI file. Let's get Midas installed and tested and then see about EBF. For Midas download the top listed download MIDAS MAGIC SPELLS OF AURUM 0995 to a folder. Next create another folder inside that folder named Version_0995_Patch_A and download the second listed download (MIDAS MAGIC SPELLS OF AURUM 0995 Patch A) to that new folder. Extract both downloads to their own folder. In the original download folder copy MidasSpells.bsa and paste it into the game's Oblivion\Data folder. Next copy the MidasSpells.esp found in the Version_0995_Patch_A that you created and then paste it to the game's Oblivion\Data folder. Activate MidasSpells.esp in OBMM and sort with BOSS. In the game go to the Arcane University and look to the right after you first enter the courtyard and you should see a shop. I didn't see any Better City patches for Midas so hopefully it doesn't conflict. If you need to give yourself enough gold to buy a spell or two to test the use the console and ... player.additem f 5000 or more if you need more (f is the gold and 5000 is how much).
  9. Ah yes ... I have thought about EngineBugFixes a couple of times, but we were always in the middle of something. Would you rather do that now or Midas?
  10. Well for the third Thursday in a row they are closed in the afternoon until 3:30pm (I am sensing a pattern ... I need to ask them if I'm right). I did look over the Midas mod yesterday ... seemed straight forward to install ... only one little twist to steer around. Would you like to try that next?
  11. OK good. I'm off to the boating store to give away some more money. I'll touch base with you when I return. This may be a good time to copy the remaining mods you want from the list to a post here so we can easily see how much is left to do.
  12. No need to rush into it Paga, but we will all get our turn at the Permanent Vacation. What I'm unclear on is ... do we get to book in advance, or is it more like going on a Last Minute Club or standby list?
  13. OK, now for Training Uncap ... Download it to a folder and extract. Copy TML_TrainingUncap.esp from the extracted download and paste into the game's Oblivion\Data folder. Activate TML_TrainingUncap.esp in OBMM and run BOSS. Go to Rohssan and open the console and ... player.additem f 5000 This will give you enough gold to buy a bunch of training from Rohssan (you should only be able to train five times ... if this mod works you can train up to 100 times).
  14. No that's not what I was meaning. I meant that Lightweight Potions give you more flexibility than MOO, so that is the one to keep. We have turned off that part of MOO so now the two can work side by side without conflict. That is the nice thing about MOO ... you can use what you like and turn off what you don't.
  15. Training Uncap looks like a simple install. Can't say much about it ... only two comments, neither giving any info on how it works, not much of a mod description. It will be simple to uninstall if it doesn't work/suit your purpose. Want to give it a go while I finish my coffee?
  16. The alternative would be to drop Lightweight and just use MOO ... but you can't adjust the weight in MOO like you can in Lightweight, so I figured that would be the way to go. I have another trip to the boating store after I finish up with lunch, and then I should be in for the rest of the day (was nice early but we have rain and thunderstorms rolling through now ... should have gone to the boat store right after groceries instead of waiting).
  17. Hey Wolf ... I have a theory about what is happening with your Lightweight Potions but I haven't had a chance to investigate it yet. Don't drop it in the trash just yet, there may be hope. - Edit - That was actually easier to figure out than I thought it would be. My theory was correct and it is Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul that is overriding the changes from Lightweight Potions. MOO needs to load low in the load order due to a situation that doesn't really affect your load order, but that means it is lower than Lightweight Potions.esp as sorted by BOSS, and so the MOO changes get used and not the ones from Lightweight Potions. The fix is an easy edit to Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini ... open it in Notepad and from Notepad's Edit menu up top select Find. Put potion in the Find What box and then click the Find Next button. That will bring you to the section named Potion Settings. At the bottom of that section (it is a very short section so you'll see it right away) look for: set MOO.ini_potions_weight to 1 and change to set MOO.ini_potions_weight to 0 and save Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.ini and that will stop MOO from overriding the changes from Lightweight Potions.
  18. Hey now, I took a shower today..... at least, I *think* it was today...... maybe it was yesterday...... Hhhhmmmm...... :D LOL ... just wait until the weather gets well and fully colderer. Once I can see my breath I tend to avoid the shower. Nice while you're in there, but you do need to come out at some point. Whadaya think ... do I keep the thermosat low enough? Apparently. :smile: I keep mine around 67 or so during heating season. Propane ain't cheap, and I ain't rich. :smile: However.... I have a VERY larger hot water heater..... (also propane, unfortunately) so I can take VERY long hot showers, without danger of running out. :smile: After coming in from the cold, it sure feels good. :D Go with a tankless water heater and you'll never go back to a tanked one. Yes you need to wait a few seconds longer for the hot water to arrive at the faucet/shower head but if you left your hot water running constantly you wouldn't run out of hot water until your propane tank is empty. Now looking at the other end of the telescope you will find that your propane usage goes down under normal circumstances. Currently you are keeping the entire contents of your water heater's tank at the temperature preset whether you ever turn on a hot water tap or not. With a tankless water heater you will use zero propane when you have zero water flow (actually you use zero fuel until you hit the minimum flow for the water flow sensor). All of the makes and models I researched before getting mine came in both propane and natural gas (it's just an orifice difference in the fuel flow system ... propane has a higher specific heat than natural gas so the orifice is much smaller). - Edit - There we go Hey ... yet another thread thoroughly hijacked. What a team!! I'm pretty close to you for temp set point (maybe a tad lower ... I'd need to break out the calculator for the conversion to C). Are you a sweater guy or a sweatshirt type like me?
  19. I can try the MAx comp skeleton however when I use it with Lovers mods.... Sometimes private areas get stretchy lol. And yes the LAPF skeleton is from Lovers Resources on Loverslab... So I assume from that you can infer what its for lol I was quite sure what that skeleton was for, which is why I suggested Coronerra's as a testing device, not a replacement. If Coronerra's does indeed allow your character to sit and stand as normal (as well as shift point of focus while seated) then you can be quite certain that your problem stems from something in the LAPF skeleton and your load order. An important part of troubleshooting is figuring out the root cause.
  20. It is strange that it doesn't work ... maybe I'll think of something while you get your rest. Sleep well Wolf.
  21. OK confirm that Lightweight Potions.esp is ticked in OBMM ... the INI file is supposed to work either in Oblivion\Data or in Oblivion\Data\ini folder path. The other thing to try is change the first two player.additem console commands to: player.additem 2229b 1 and player.additem 33665 1 and still use the player.additem 105e3 1 to add the mortar & pestle. Maybe with venison and boar meat we'll have better luck (still two heavy ingredients).
  22. OK ... try moving Lightweight Potions.ini from the Data folder to the Oblivion\Data\ini folder and change the INI edit back to set PotionWeight.weight_threshold to 1.0 (I was wrong ... that isn't for player made potions).
  23. Helen Redding 1941 - 2020 ... RIP
  24. Ok as a temporary test open Oblivion\Data\Lightweight Potions.ini and change the line: set PotionWeight.weight_threshold to 1.0 to set PotionWeight.weight_threshold to 5.0 Save the INI and then do the same test.
  25. Awesome!! On to Lightweight Potions then. This is another mod that comes with an INI file to customise it to your liking. The defaults should be good (it makes the potions that you make weight 0.2 or less ... some potions can weigh 0.1 depending on the ingredients). Download to a folder and extract as usual. Copy Lightweight Potions.esp and Lightweight Potions.ini and paste in the Oblivion\Data folder. Activate Lightweight Potions.esp in OBMM and sort with BOSS. Go in the game and open the console and type: player.additem 33669 1 and hit Enter. Next it's player.additem 33666 1 and again hit Enter Finally ... player.additem 105e3 1 and Enter. Open your inventory and equip the Mortar & pestle. In the ingredients add the cheese wheel (3 lbs) and the carrot (0.2 lbs) and create the potion. Now in vanilla that potion should be over the 0.2 weight. If the mod is working it should only weigh 0.2 lbs.
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