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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. OK Bag of Holding it is then. Another simple install ... download to a folder and extract. You will find three files, a readme and the two we want, Bag of Holding.esp and Bag of Holding.bsa ... again just copy those two files and then paste into the Oblivion\Data folder. Activate Bag of Hold.esp in OBMM and run BOSS. LOL ... I just had a look at the readme Hints section ... pretty funny.
  2. Sorry I missed this one yesterday Wolf ... MOO uses a lot of custom assets (meshes for creatures, retextured armor etc.) and it keeps all of that in Maskars's Oblivion Overhaul - Meshes.bsa, Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul - Textures.bsa etc. The game needs to load those assets, so that could be what you are seeing. If you are unable to live with it we could try somethings, but it may not help (extracting the BSAs and then re-archiving them without compression ... though for all I know they could be uncompressed already ... we would ask Maskar first). - Edit - Other thing it could be is the scripts running ... MOO does all of it's magic via scripts while the game is running.
  3. Did you get the Bag of Holding installed yet?
  4. A little "cheat" I use early-ish in the game is one of Emma's houses (the same modder as Companion Vilja) ... Leyawiin Lake House. It cost a bit but it is usually my second purchase after buying one of Emma's other mods ... Packdonkeys ver 2. When I have enough gold I buy one packdonkey, which helps me get enough loot back to merchants so I can get the gold for Leyawiin Lake House. Leyawiin Lake House comes with an enchanting altar, and I'm more likely to be in the Leyawiin neighborhood that all the way out in the boonies at Frostcrag (plus for Frostcrag you need the money for the magetllow candles before you can enchant there ... six of one eight or so of the other as it's a bit more expensive than the candles).
  5. If you want to try the full version of that trick then you open the console using the tilde (~) key (found below the Esc key on standard keyboards) and at the console prompt you type: coc center and then hit Enter. You will be transported to an open plain outside of the game world. Using the Wait menu you wait for the full three days (72 hours) plus a bit. To return to Tamriel open the console again and type: coc KvatchChapelofAkatosh and again hit Enter. You'll be transported back to Kvatch, just outside the chapel I believe.
  6. I've been trying to keep my sentences short so they fit on one line but sometimes I fall back to my old ways. I have some more work to do on the dingy while the weather is nice. I'll be back in an hour or two. Have fun learning the ins and outs of Enhanced Enchanting!
  7. And Paga WINS (sorry ... I don't have all that fancy big yellow letters stuff, just an old fart here)!!! Old farts are a gas! And you're not here or I could smell you, but like a comedian you can come up with some freshened thoughts, like you're a breath of fresh air, (as some say it; you're a gas :laugh: or what a gas :laugh: ) sometimes. :thumbsup: Have you read any of the quotes from Art Linkletter's old posts. Or from his book EDITED, "Old age is Not for Sissies" : Choices for Senior Americans. I like the question he rearranged the words for, for asking people who are old. Spoiler... :teehee: spoiler... :laugh: LOL ... And I'd need to answer ... "In the knees and hips mostly, just the left side. Oh and the thumbs too I guess, getting a bit of the good old arthritis there I suppose". I'm sure Art would be upping my ante and then some!
  8. Weapon Improvement Project has a bit different install options. It has an optional folder in the extracted download that we should remove first, plus some Docs folders that are not needed either. Extract it to a folder and extract, and we will return to the creating a folder to install from (I'd name this one WIP_Manual_Install or similar) and then create a Data folder inside that (so WIP_Manual_Install\Data). Copy the Meshes folder and Textures folder to the new Data folder. Next copy the file Weapon Improvement Project.esp and paste it into the WIP_Manual_Install\Data folder. Now the optional folder has some replacement shields for the Chorrol, Kvatch and Skingrad town guards. Have a look at them in the extracted download's Optional_Files\Docs\W.I.P\Screenshots folder and decide if you want them too. If you do then copy and paste the Meshes and Textures folder from the Optional_Files folder and paste into your WIP_Manual_Install\Data folder (simple replacer for the shields so no ESP). As usual copy the WIP_Manual_Install\Data folder and paste in the game's Oblivion folder (remember ... for pasting folders always paste into one level higher) and yes to the merge and overwrite prompts. Activate Weapon Improvement Project.esp in OBMM and sort with BOSS. Have a look in-game and see what you think.
  9. Busy with lunch prep (grilled cheese and tomato soup day ... whoohoo!!) ... maybe get some Weapon Improvement after that do you think?
  10. And Paga WINS (sorry ... I don't have all that fancy big yellow letters stuff, just an old fart here)!!!
  11. LOL ... yes but in this case it would be the opposite ... pain plus less skin!! Unless you take the "long view" I guess ... pain and then slowly grow new skin (so I guess that's a "gain"). I watch my grandkids do stuff that I will never try (inline skating, weird bike tricks etc). I'm good with watching and bringing the box of bandaids when needed. Actually I'm pretty good at watching. - Edit - Get outside and have some fun. Make hay while the sun is still shining!! The game will be there for the rainy days.
  12. Hmm ... not seeing any other ideas thrown out here. Sometimes the game just gets it's undies in a knot. Go back outside the Kvatch city gate and using the wait menu wait for three days plus a bit (so 72 hours and then a bit more for good luck). After that go back and see if it still crashes.
  13. LOL ... they'd never know who I was .... all covered in bandages!!
  14. Ah ... a young person's game ... don't think I'd have enough skin on my knees and elbows for that ... hehe.
  15. Do you have cold enough for outdoor ice yet, or do you mean go skating in an arena?
  16. I don't know much about OOO. I see a red box for OOOSI-EyeDisabler.esp but it's showing as merged into the bashed patch and disabled so I'm assuming it has Merge Filtering. Not sure what the gold/yellow text on OOOSIArcheryPatch.esp is telling us. Looks like KatsAwful is looking things over too and may have some ideas. - Edit - And QQuix ... I'll wait before I start clutching at straws.
  17. LOL ... so you like to live dangerous too I see!! OK from all I can see Enchantment Mastery doesn't help you with editing EnchantmentMastery.ini but everything I see in it is straightforward and well explained. I suggest we install it and then when you are using it we can tweak EnchantmentMastery.ini if something doesn't suit your tastes. Download Enchantment Mastery to a folder and extract to that same folder. It is just two files and one folder named omod conversion data. EnchantmentMastery.esp and EnchantmentMastery.ini are the files we need so copy both and then paste into the game's Oblivion\Data folder. Open OBMM and put a tick on EnchantmentMastery.esp and then run BOSS. I'd say give Enchantment Mastery a good test before we add Sorcerys Toll so that you get a good feel for what comes from Enchantment Mastery in terms of game play before we add the second mod. - Edit - Wow I just looked at our 7 day weather forecast ... it shows at least a chance of rain each day in the coming week. I'm hoping they change their tune when we get to next week.
  18. I find that Magicka Based doesn't balance things out as well as what I think Enchantment Mastery will, but I haven't done that experiment myself yet. I also like the idea with Enchantment Mastery that if you try to over-enchant an item it may fail or even get destroyed. Another mod I use is Unequip Broken Armor which has a similar function ... there is a chance that when a piece of armor is broken it gets completely destroyed. It really makes those minotaurs more deadly with their butt head attack (which has a chance to break your armor). It also means you get into a habit of keeping your armor fixed up. Maybe I'm a bit weird, but I tend to prefer having some frustration in my game (though I do say a bad word or two when my good armor gets broken and destroyed). That is probably why I'm drawn towards Enchantment Mastery and Sorcerys Toll.
  19. I'm with Niph on this Paga. Look at it this way ... out of all the people He could have picked, God (or substitute according to your personal belief) picked YOU to be you!! I don't know of many who haven't found their feathers ruffled on occasion. Don't fret, we're big boys (and/or girls) ... we'll get over it.
  20. More information than that will be required ... post your complete load order.
  21. Yes it does allow enchantment stacking, as well as some other changes to how the magic system plays out. I use Magicka-based enchantment limits but I now see I have downloaded both Enchantment Mastery and Sorcerys Toll in the past. I now I recall that I had intended to try them for my next character (whenever that happens). My guy started out on the path of the Spell Sword but he is pretty well just pure mage now (who carries an assortment of blades for backup). At low levels mages are cannon fodder for bandits, marauders etc, plus I'm always needing to train up the skills needed for Strength and Endurance (I use vanilla leveling). The other one that caught my eye for a possible next step is Weapon Improvement Project.
  22. Good morning Wolf, hope your lunch is tasty. I've just taken a look in your mod wish list and I see Enchantment Mastery. Do you play mage characters?
  23. OK ... I'm needing to drag myself through the shower right now anyway so we'll catch up tomorrow. Sweet dreams, and if you have any bandits chasing you don't forget to dream in some SM Combat Hide!!
  24. I've had a close enough look at UL and BC to see how complex it is going to be. Another thing I'm certain of is that Wrye Bash will be required, at least after the installation of those two plus all of the compatibility patches. Big job ... we will both need quite a bit of free time before we start.
  25. Don't worry, as you get practiced with working SM Combat Hide into your play style it will get more automatic. I guess what helps me too is I know where all the enemies will be ... they spawn in exactly the same places as the last 100 times I've been to a spot. One of the mods I'm working on (well on and off) tries to do something about that. I don't use Better Cities myself, but I did take a look at the mod page, install instructions etc. I see patches for the Unique Landscape mods (and they are mentioned in the Better Cities mod description) but I didn't see anything about which should be installed first. I'll have a look at the UL page and see if there's any info there (I've never installed that group of mods either).
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