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Everything posted by BlazeStryker

  1. As I noted in Technical Support, Big Garlic, Garlic, and Onions all share the same four traits. This needs changing up as elephant garlic's another variety and onions are a completely different plant. (I first posted that in Tech Support due to an Alchemy glitch when a potion with four different effects gets made, but I digress) This separate tech request has to do with the perk which shuts poison effects out from potions and potion effects from poisons. I noticed the default is the product being poisonous. A menu tab to choose which you're going for while compiling your ingredients may be more... deliberate. (This quirk may be true of the vanilla perk, but I honestly don't remember...)
  2. There are mods that add variety to fruits and vegetables and some new plants have outright been added. For the most part, this is sensible and good! I am currently searching for the mods that cause a peculiar issue for me regarding the titular meal items. First, there are the resized garlics. Honestly, I've seen and worked with those things IRL, and "elephant garlic" can honestly be regarded as another variety of garlic in flavor, consistency, and (in the game) Alchemical properties. By which I suggest a couple of the secondary properties should be changed up. What's more, Onions are an entirely different plant. Again, it should have different properties. Yet, all three of the aforementioned share all their properties and they are glitched! If you try to use both types of garlic or either type and onions, all properties are revealed and you get a four-purpose potion. Said potion-making freezes up Alchemy progression although that's likely just from making a product with four effects. If the properties of Big Ol' Garlic and Onions are changed up, of course, this will never happen. Sincerely, BlazeStryker (Defender of the Vidalians) P.S. I can say this... I live in Georgia. P.P.S. This is in technical instead of mod support because of the four-effect alchemy bug. Just as a side note, since there's not a negative trait to be had in those three ingredients, even using the perk to keep poisonous effects out of potions and boosts out of poisons would do no good.
  3. Sorry, just had a Johnny Fonzie moment due to my extended Fallout 4 sabbatical. But in all seriousness, I'm trying out starts and testing my build and that Survival Mode popup's REALLY starting to grope my chest, you know what I mean?
  4. I am not at all fond of how many .bsa files are eaten up by the AE-forced installation. 71, kids! That's 71 of how many already used?
  5. With Workshop Framework, I add two more steps. 1) Put in a bunch of turrets facing inward. 2) Remove the settlement from your list so you don't even have to see the stupid thing on your Pip-boy. That first step is so what the raiders inevitably respawn they DIE. Rinse and repeat.
  6. The Bathysphere cheaped out on how the Survivor can have VATS before the Pip-boy, slipping in a "lore" loading screen blurb that says its origins are lost to time. I personally write it off as being hypnopaedia, sleep-teaching while in cryogenic hibernation.
  7. Kelsenellenelvian made a useful tool with the mod titled Ring of Dialogues, but it could stand some patching for added utility and reduced drawbacks. First, for those unaware, the ring the mod adds to the game (the "dalogue ring") adds flags onto the character as if they were wearing a Vault Suit, the Silver Shroud costume, and the Cappy Glasses. The intended effects are so people will react with the appropriate dialogue options and the wearer will also be able to see the Star Caps if they are in Nuka-World. This is not without some drawbacks, however. First off, the equip slot for the ring is your weapon slot! Forget holstering, if you select a weapon you take the ring off and vice versa. Having the equip slot be the grenade/mine slot would be much less annoying. Second, the ring really, really needs a holotape and/or MCM slot to turn options on and off. The oddity of double suit dialogues aside, so much as donning the ring starts up all the Hidden Caps quests as if you'd donned the Cappy Glasses (naturally), even if you're level one and made the thing behind the drug dealer's house at Sanctuary. That will clog up your questlog in a great big hurry.
  8. People add settlements all the time here. Many are excellent. Some are in bad places and not so easy to work with. Some are (or are ALSO) in places of bad cell overlapping. There are, of course, settlements in vanilla that are badly placed and/or stuck with overlapping cell issues. The Red Rocket outside of Sanctuary Hills would have served much better as an extension of the Sanctuary Hills settlement if at all, but it is (barely) workable if you avoid the dreaded Triangle issues with them and Abernathy Farm (not to mention nearby and object-rich Concord). No, the worst one by far in the Commonwealth is Hangman's Alley. Its build space is hideous. It has a bunch of unscappable greeb. its surrounding cells intersect with those of Diamond City, leading to nightmares in their own right (especially for Diamond City Outskirts users) and the whole thing's in the middle of Boston. Many people gfo out of their way to negate getting assigned the place by Preston. I say enough already. We need a mod to remove the workshop and make it not a settlement (maybe move to whole works to the hilltop over Vault 81 and make the clearing out be the Yao Guai there) and just wipe out the Raiders at Hangman's Alley because they're raiders. Bag the settlement option--it sucks!
  9. If ever there was an advertisement for Amazing Follower Tweaks' settlement tool function, this is it. Precombines, item limits, and the Triangle of Death aside, one of those settlement tools was the clearing away of various types of items... whether you could see them or not. That includes hidden melons and gourds behind the workshop house. (I found the tool of primary importance when expanding settlement limits included many trees added when I was trying to make the landscape less of a joke)
  10. As we know, there are hard limits in the Fallout 4 game engine. Some are extendible, others are not. The 256 plugin hard limit fell with the advent of ESL files, with the new hard limit of 512 .ba2 files. There was only so much one could script in at all for the Bethesda Game Engine without a Script Extender. Modders add to the game. They break precombines so clumpies are rendered as the individual objects they were made out of. That draws on the resources the game engine can bring to bear. A question I have considered many times as I cussed out crashes for Fallout 4 and Skyrim Whatever Edition before that is if there were a way to increase the game engine's handling of instances, items, objects. Simply put, if the poor bastard can handle more things, a whole lot of problems would stop coming up, from the infamous Triangle of Death on down.
  11. edsgeburner, I agree they really overdid Jun's pathetic appearance. This included setting overresponsiveness to try to make it impossible to fix his appearance later and he retains the sad/sick stance forever without mod assistance. Just ask Omniguous about that mess for him, Sheffield, Mama Murphy and Knight Rhys. Personally, I loathe how this game nerfed PA to the point of utter stupidity. (Never get me going on When Freedom Rings, AKA "The trifecta of dung"...) The concept could have been great but the persistence of the dev goal Least Is Best made this game from something we coul mod to our hearts' content to something we HAD to mod for contented hearts.
  12. ...and Zorkaz already slew the beast. Should have known. Thank you so much, El Ha!
  13. My absolute spite toward forced dickery (kids, forget you just read that until yyou're sixteen!) is well-known and wearily expected in the Nexus community. My saying a quest is worse than the original version of Hole In The Wall is rare, hateful terrotory. So what do I hate more? Kid. In. A. Fridge. Ghouls may have rot and maturity at the same time, they may well go feral when their chaotic metabol;ism goes wrong and warps their brains, but they do mature. They also breathe, eat, drink, and sleep. That kid in that fridge is impossible. It's stupid and lazy scriptwriting even by Bathysp[herical standards. And the Start Me Up opening just north of Quincy lets you off the highway right there at that fridge. I refuse. I won't do that quest. Not now. Not EVER. There's batch files to auto-complete quests but that isn't good enough. I want that quest GONE. I want something that can be put up and run when the game does that keeps that quest from ever starting, that kills it dead, that yanks that *))*(&^(*^ out by the root! God knows the Bathysphere won't do it, all this time and the loadscreens still auto-rotate unless you take heroic steps against it, so it's up to the modders (as usual).
  14. Yes, There's another quest correction/negation mod I wish he (or anyone) would make. I'm going to make it a new topic...
  15. Looksmenu, especially when expanded, is a glorious tool for appearances. There is a small improvement that would reap great dividends. Long menus often benefit from enablement of the Page Up and Page Down keys, and Looksmenu menus can become very long indeed with large tattoo/overlay lists, hair and/or beard mods, and especially preset lists. This becomes even more important for users of Custom Companions and Settlers as they make their new settler/companion distinct using... looksmenu. Cursor or hotkey, it's still the same utility and thus making the menus easier to navigate will save a significant amount of time.
  16. ...maybe it's time to expand on mods like 2287 Posters and billboards, creating listed sets to replace the decorative objects that aren't just static unsalvagable junk with nice and even lore-friendly (not Edgar's brother) content that may well be different in later playthroughs.
  17. That and Persistent Volume Sliders... fixed. (I also like that there's a definite slider for Pip-boy Radio and another for world space radios. Hallelujah!)
  18. This doesn't usually happen unless you are uninstalling something like VotW or Reverb and Ambience Overhaul as they add sliders to the audio settings. ... hmm, I bet something disrupted my RAO. I'll try reinstalling it.
  19. I have been consolidating mods into merged sets, none of them involving my RAO or LOST Audio tweaks. Somehow, the audio settings crash has returned despite my having regretfully removed VotW months ago.
  20. Personally, I'd have it as an either or... Instead of going slower when you run out of Core juice, you keep on trucking but burn Stamina (and with worse penalties the more damaged the PA is), but don't use Stamina if the core's got charge.
  21. I'd love the "Bob's Country Bunker" model with various skins, tuneable, but with an option to load in an audio holotape. Of course, I want to make those silly glowing televisions with nothing to broadcast tunable so they at least play music, so that's just me, I reckon.
  22. Why only one Super Mutant and no girls? ...it was cheaper. This was "It Just Barely Works" Bethy at its so-called best, the same folks that used the Oblivion Potato People model for asexual children in Skyrim. Just expect it, already. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The answer to any question starting, "Why don't they--?" is almost always, "Money." - Robert Anson Heinlein, in The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
  23. It isn't. It SHOULD be used for all manner of common objects like Notes, Publick Occurrances, and the like but, like bricks, paper is referenced in the game but not actually in the game. "There was a hole in the outer wall that was plugged by a bookcase. ONE BOOKCASE. That's it. I started the paper as an act of desperation more than anything else." - Piper Wright If asked about that, she goes on to explain that the hole was fixed with bricks and real mortar. Not that you'll see any barring mods!
  24. Well, this went off topic fast! The urge to yeet Marcy from a great heig notwithstanding, this is about things that make no sense. The lack of paper when you scrap newspapers, for instance, or hpw there are no actual bloatfly larva in the game despite Bloatflies and Syringers using them as ammunition. Dr. Penske being the one to need Fusion corse despite the De Luca siblings being in charge of reactor maintenence. Like that. (I chose those specific examples as they've yet to be modded. Preston's silliness is much reduced by Who's The General while the Thuggyverse settles the hash of the other factions. Despite the masively great Syringer Overhaul, the lack of bloatfly larva persists, I feel like I was kicked in the groin when I'm trying to get into 81 the first time, and Bethesda seems to not understand how salvage, industry, or capitalism in general work.)
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